New Home

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"Razor! Razor!" girl shouts, but razor tired.

I open eyes. klee is by bed, pushing my side.

I grumble. I don't want to wake.

"Razor, Razor!" she now on bed, pulling blanket.

"Lisa needs you to wake up. she says your doing your lessons again today."

"Yes, I should." I get up. Still very sleepy.

Because I now live with the kinghts, I must learn more.

I dress and leave room.

"Why hello cutie, ready for your reading lessons?" Lisa ask me as i enter room. many books.

It been eight days, since living with knights. It is okay.

I not seen Bennett at all.

I still not know if he okay, or with that... girl.

I dont like thinking of  girl, or why she been with Bennett.

"Razor, do you think you could read me this little bit here?"

"Oh, I... cant."

"Now a cutie like you shouldn't give up so easily." Lisa tease, She hold book in hand, same as book on desk.

Said it was one of books she likes.


I try to read.

"Friendship Dedemands sacrifice."

I struggle with words. Hard to understand.

"No friendships comes without..."

(The Boar Princess)
(Vol. 5)

I stop, unable to read more.


I can not read more. I am done."

"Good job." Lisa praises me.

"The way you say words, could use some work; but you are doing well." Lisa continues "its quite impressive how much you've grown in the little time you've been here."

"Thank you. I glad I am better." I thank Lisa. She scary at times, but nice too.

"Say Razor, how about we take a break outside today? You've been all cooped up for the past couple of days."

Lisa put down her book.

"We can bring some friends long too."

Other knights. They are friends.

Offer not sound bad. Mabey I see Bennett.

"Yes. Sound good." I say.

[Bennett X Razor] Wolfhooked☆Where stories live. Discover now