A Warm Feeling

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Bennett reads poem. Some words, Hard, To understand.

"You and the Mare Jivari, so close and yet so far"

But words are nice. Make me feel nice.

"One, at the edge of the world"

For poem with no meaning, like Bennett said. Poem good.

"The other in the center of my heart."

How is other in center of heart?

"Wolfhook and dandelion"

Wolfhook, my idea. Dandelion, Bennett's.

"My windblume offering to you"

I feeling, warm, feeling.


poem, makes me happy.

Bennett looks, red. Nervous.

'He think poem sound bad? But poem was good.'

"Uh, how was the poem razor?"

"Poem good, very good!"

Bennett face goes wide. He smiles.

"Thank you Razor."

[Bennett X Razor] Wolfhooked☆Where stories live. Discover now