Newest Guest

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Jean had taken razor to a room inorder to try and "clean up" some parts of Razor's hair that klee had...missed.

It wasnt a bad job by klee, the cut could of just used, some work.

"Here you go Razor, next time inform one of us okay? We'll have to get Noelle to clean that mess you and Klee made, I hope it wont be too much of a hassle adding that into her usual line of work." Jean said while putting away the scissors she used to finish up Razor's hair.

"Now let's go head to dinner, we have a new guest waiting for us there."

Jean ties a part of Razor's hair on the side, to finish off his new look.

Soon, they leave and head towards the hall.

"Hello Jean. oh- and you seem to have a new look today Razor, how interesting." kaeya hums in his usual tone as both Jean and Razor enter the room.

This dinner isn't the usual type Razor was used to have with the Knights of Favonius.

The room had been filled with much more people than the usual. Most times, it had just been Razor and Klee, with Noelle being the one to server them; kaeya and other knights would pop in occasionally; with Kaeya sharing his made up stories of Mond, drinking a glass or two of wine, only to head off to Angels Share to drink some more.

Most of the Knights were here this time, even Albedo, who  spends a great time away in Dragonspine, had joined them, bringing along a guest from Lyiue.

Jean stood at the end of the table ready to introduce their new guest, while Klee and Razor had already begun playing with their silverware and cups.

"Today the Knights of Favonius will be welcoming a new guest to Mondstadt." Jean announces across the table "they will be staying here in Mondstadt, for business regarding Albedo and one of our most recent guests, Razor."

Jean extends her arm towards Razor and the other out to an empty seat, a boy with deep blue hair and golden eyes appears from behind, introducing himself before taking a seat.

"I am Xingqiu, I must thank you all for such a warm welcome upon visiting Mondstadt. Though this is not my first time nor my last, I am here to stay for more than my usual visits." He announces to everyone.

He looks towards Lisa, who had been sitting next to Jean.

Xingqiu nods his head, queuing Lisa for her turn to state what his new business here had been.

As Lisa stands and Xingqiu sits, she begins to state that Xingqiu would be staying  in Mondstadt not only due to a new project he would be working on with Albedo, but he would also be helping out with Razor with his  studies as well.

Razor looks at Xingqiu, curious as to why he would need someone else to help him. He already has Klee and Lisa, why we would he need another to help him?

"That's all the vague details for now." Lisa hums waving her hand to dismiss everyone's attention away from her.

As Lisa begins to sit she looks over to Razor and announces "We can talk about Xingqiu's stay regarding you, Razor, after our lovely dinner with everyone here has ended." As if she had read his mind regarding the questions on Monstadt's newest guest.

The rest of the Knights dinner went well; Noelle had been severing the Knights, Albedo and Xingqiu, discussing details on there latest project, while Razor and Klee had both finished their dinner before the rest of the knights, and was left spending most of the dinner waiting for dinner to be over a head back to their rooms.

As soon as the dinner had finished, with most the knights leaving, Lisa calls both Razor and Xingqiu to a corner of the room to speak with them.

[Bennett X Razor] Wolfhooked☆Where stories live. Discover now