A New Friend

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"You might be questioning why we brought another little cutie to help you on your studies, right?" Miss. Lisa ask me.

I nod and look to boy with blue hair. He seems odd, not from Mond like they said. Liyue. Heard of, but never been.

He gives me smile and waves. He is nice at least.

"Well, Xingqiu happens to be quite the writer and with a little help from him, I feel like you would improve greatly." Lisa says, she smiles with hand up to cheek.

"But I am fine with study."

Lisa laughs lightly at comment.

"You can't always study Razor, you need some casual time too. Just me as your teacher won't simply be enough, casual and everyday chatting is a very important role too you know."

I take moment and think. With friends like Bennett and Klee they help me, but not always around.

"I see."

"I'm glad you do. Now, I have somethings to take care of in the library." Lisa turn to blue hair boy. "Xingqiu, I know you'll have to head to the Grand Goth Hotel soon, but stay a little while so you two cuties can talk a little more, okay?"

Blue hair boy nods. Lisa, walks off, back to library.

"A pleasure to meet you Razor." Boy says. He bows to greet.

"Nice, meet you too."

"I am Xingqiu, I do hope and look forward to talk with you more, and that I can be of great aid to your studies. I do hope to become a friend of yours along the way."

"Shi- Xi- sorry, it is hard to say name."

"Oh, it's fine. If you have any difficulty saying my name, I could help with the pronunciation or you could simply provide me with another name of your choosing."

Lots of words. Hard to understand. I give confused look to boy.

"You could simply give me an easier name to call me by, a nickname of sorts." He says again.

Name... I look at things by him. Nothing.

"Ah! Where's my book? Did I leave it back in the hotel?" He had looked around very fast. Worried.


"Huh, oh excuse me, I was just looking for a book of mine that I had brought here. Sadly, it seems I may of left it back in my room."
He sighs, sounding little sad.

"Can I call you book?" I ask "Until able to say name well."

"Well, with me being quite the bookworm, I'd say it would be a rather fitting for me to go by."

He looks at ceiling. Seems pleased by name. He looks back with smile and clears throat.

"How is this? A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, I am Book, and I look forward to help aid you in your studies."

He looks at me. I speak.

"I am Razor, nice to meet you too."

He gives small laugh.

"Thank you, Razor."

[Bennett X Razor] Wolfhooked☆Where stories live. Discover now