More Than Just Some Poem?

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I finish my poem, soon feeling a redness growing across my face. All I did was ask him what he thought a windblume was, just so I could have something else other than dandelion. But reading it out loud, sounds a bit... like...well... embarrassing.

'Wolfhook and dandelion...'

That definitely sounds like I'm talking about us. We just met though. I mean, so far he's cool, quite, funny, and it's been nice talking to him, he seems kind of cute too. wait, cute? Agh! That's not the point!

'Now I'm just getting myself all worked up'

I shake away my thoughts, I turn my focus towards Razor. "Uh, how was the poem Razor?" I ask him, still fighting back the redness I feel on my cheeks.

"Poem good, very good!"

By the look on his face, it didnt seem Razor thought the same about the poem as I did. I give him a big smile and tell him thank you.

I fold the paper and tuck it into my bag. We both return to sitting against the stone walls trapping us in a nice silence.

After some time I begin to hear the clash of metal and voices from outside. I get up quickly, somewhat stumbling over to the gate that is facing the outside.

"Voices? Razor someone's coming! Mabey they're here to save us!"

Soon, I see Traveler and their floating companion, with Venti following behind.

"Ah! Bennett, we've come to the rescue... whoa, this has two sections!" Paimon floats up to the gate.

"Ehe... yeah, a big surprise right. Think you guys could, uh, help us out?"

"Stomach... rumbling..." I turn to Razor. "you just ate the apple from my bag."

Venti let's out an amused hum. "You two seem to have adjusted well, we could leave you here if you'd like."

"No no no no no no, not funny. Just let us out alright."

After a short search, soon ne and Razor are set free from the gates. I stretch my arm out, glad to finally be out. "Freedom at last!"

"Say, benny. How did you get stuck in there anyways?"

I explain everything and Razor apologizes, for reasons I'm not really sure of, things would of been better if I just went for help instead of doing it on my own. I ask about the letter regarding the treat about Barbara's things, turns out it was some fans way of getting a gift, and a bad way at that.

"That's terrible, what kind of person does that!?" I'm angry just imagining what could of happened and what did happen.

"S-sorry." Razor says from behind me. 'Right, he doesn't know why I was here.' I feel a small pain in my stomach, he must think I'm talking about him. "Dont be, Razor! I-I didnt mean... look there's nothing to apologize for. It was my fault in the first place."

Eventually, we get everything sorted out and I read out my poem to venti, and reading it out loud a second time didnt really make anything I had thought about the poem before, any better.

Soon we head on our way to Mondstadt, me and Razor hang out at Good Hunter for a while, then departing from there.

I'm glad everything went well in the end, even met a new friend along the way. But, I don't think that the way my poem ended up sounding, will ever leave my mind.

'Wolfhook and dandelion,
my windblume offering to you.'

[Bennett X Razor] Wolfhooked☆Where stories live. Discover now