My Luck...

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I cant be normal like the others around me. Just to be lucky and equally unlucky.

I bother the people around me, and once they cant deal with my luck anymore, they leave.

Like my adventure team.

And Some... pity me.

Like Katherine, from the Adventures Guild, she is the only reason I'm still considered to have a team because of my bad luck.

I mean, it's not all bad. I still have amazing people in my life, like: Traveler, Fischl, Barbara, Venti, and...



But what if...


One day...

"Hey, Bennett."

They all leave me too...

they dont-


"Huh?" I look up at Fischl, her hand, which she had been waving in front of me, blocking my line of sight.

"Bennett, are you alright? You zoned out there. The drinks were a complete accident."

I sudently become fully aware of my surroundings.

I see a waiter, seemingly new to the job, being scolded by Sara in the distance. I look up towards Fischl once again, and see her hair is soaked from whatever drinks had been spilt.

"It's my fault again." I mutter under my breath, everything washing over me once again.

Fischl opens her mouth to say something, but quickly stops. Her face gives a saddened expression with a shy smile.

"How about we head back to my place?" She offers "We'll need a change of clothes anyways."

"Yeah, sure." I give a weak reply.

Fischl lightly pulls me up from the table as I begin to weakly stand.

We walk out of the entrance of Good Hunter. Fischl grabs my arm leading me towards her home, my eyes verted towards the ground.

On the way, I trip over my feet and nearly run into everyone and everything on the way.

"Bennett, look up, I know you're feeling down, but looking down isn't going to help you-"

Fischl's sentence is cut off by a cheerful call of my name.



I look up quickly, to find Klee running our way, waving one hand and pulling Razor along in the other.

"Bennett! Me and Razor were just looking for you... why are you soaked?"

"Bennett?" Razor asks, looking at me with concern, but soon switches his gaze to Fischl. His eyes narrows, and he almost seems...angry?

I step infront of Fischl, putting on a smile and run my hand through my still soaked hair. "H-hey Razor, you and Klee were looking for me?" I begin to run through my sentences quickly, thinking of what had happened today "Haha, well I'm um sorry; Fischl and I were just going to hangout a bit for today."

"A pleasure to meet you Razor." Fischl says as she steps out from behind me, clearing her throat for her usual introduction.

"I am Fischl, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, I was simply bring my retinue over for-"

Before she could finish, I quickly grab her arm and begin to pull her along, running away from both Klee and Razor.

"Wha!? Bennett!"

I look back while turning a corner, for a glance I see both Razor and Klee.

Klee waving bye, and Razor, looking hurt.

'I'm sorry Razor, but I dont think I can be with you for right now.'

[Bennett X Razor] Wolfhooked☆Where stories live. Discover now