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"Razor!" Klee shout. She play in corner of room, drawing.

"Look at my drawing! Its of me, you, and Bennett!" She jump over to me, and gives me picture.

'Bennett, I miss Bennett'

It been week since last time saw Bennett.

I know now. He, dont like me anymore.

Not my friend.

I have not left Favonius building since those days ago.

I look at me. I am next to Bennett. My hair is long, very long.

I have seen man from snowy mountain, visit. He was from Dragonspine. His hair, was like mine but short.

'Should I have short'

I look at Klee's hair too. It also short.

"Klee, can I ask something?"

Klee's eyes widen, bright.

"Of course! What is it Razor?"

Looking back at picture. I Look at Bennett. His hair is to. Short.

"I want to cut hair. Too long."

Klee looks at my hair. Big smile on face. She jumps back to her bag in corner by her colors.

"If you want to cut your hair then I can help!"

She dig in bag and walks back with arms full.

"I have lots of things we can try!"

Klee has lots of Jumpy Dumpties in arms.

"N-no. Something less, burny."

I dont want hair all gone.

"Okie, then what do you want Razor? We can get Miss. Lisa to help us!"

I think to Dragonspine man, he do not come often. His hair, nice. Lot like mine.

"Hair like Dragonspine man. His hair nice."

"Hair like brother Albedo! I can do that!" Klee jump up and down. Very happy.

She runs out room, but comes back with scissors.

"Leave it to me!"

Klee makes me sit and close my eyes. She cuts hair.


"Not yet."



"Don't move yet Razor."



"Hehe, some here would do."


"Right here."


"Done!" Klee claps hands

Head, feel light.

Klee let's me open eyes.

I see my hair is at shoulders. Pile of hair on ground. Parts split off, short, some still little long, but mostly good.

"Klee, Razor, its time for you two to come out for dinner, We will be having most of the Knights-"

Jean enters room, and stops. Klee holding some parts she had cut from hair.

"Master Jean! Razor wanted to cut his hair so I helped him, see!"

Jean puts a hand on her face, takes big sigh.

"I see that Klee, but you could of informed me or another knight about this."

"Well it was a surprise, hehe."

Jean pulls me out of room, telling Klee to go meet Kaeya for dinner.

[Bennett X Razor] Wolfhooked☆Where stories live. Discover now