Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

She says she's fine. How can she say such a thing when I know she is in pain? Why does she try and ignore the fact that her knee clearly isn't right, and needs medical attention?

"Avery, you need to go to the hospital." I say, standing up and rubbing my hands down my face, stressed out. I had a bad feeling, but I was hoping it would be just me being paranoid again.

"NO!... I mean... no... Harry I'm fine." She tries to tell me, but I know better.

I feel frustration start to seep its way into my head, but I do my best to shove it back. The last thing I need to do is get mad and have an outburst. That will definitely not end well, and I need to be helping her, not making things worst. It's just hard when you are watching someone you care about suffer, and they are trying to push away help.

"Avery your knee is swollen, you could have dislocated it or something. Zayn and I are taking you to the hospital." I tell her, not asking anymore, just straight up telling her that this is what is going to happen. I know I am taking a risk of her rebelling, but I also understand that if I don't flat out tell her what is going to happen, she won't listen and get the help she clearly needs.

"You don't need to miss school Harry." She says quietly.

I roll my eyes, scoffing at her. "Fuck school. Right now your way more important." Shouldn't she have realized that by now? 

No Harry, all you have done in the past is fuck everything up.

 I shake the thoughts out of my mind, even if I know they are true. I don't need to be thinking about my mistakes right now. I stick my head out the window where Zayn is pacing back and forth, clearly annoyed.

"Zayn!" I call. I watch as his eyes shoot up to the window to meet mine. His arms fly up in fury as he starts to yell at me.

"Harry! Get the fu-"

"She's hurt! Pull the truck up closer to the door!" I interrupt him, not in the mood for his shit. I knew something wasn't right. I could feel it when we were stuck behind that bus, I just wish it wasn't this.

His face went from pissed to concerned within seconds. He didn't ask questions, he just jogged around to the front to pull the truck up closer. I let out a silent sigh of relief, glad he didn't ask questions, and praying that he wouldn't until we were alone, without Avery to hear. 

When I turn around, my heart breaks even more. Fresh tears are streaming down Avery's face. I don't know if it's from the pain, embarassment, or the fact that she's just so overwhelmed. I step over to her quickly, cupping her face in my hands. I wipe the stray tears away from her face as she hiccups, the tears continuing to fall as she tries to catch her breath.

"Shhh... It's going to be okay darlin." I whisper. I'm not very good at calming people down, never cared enough to try. Hell I can't even calm myself down, so I have no clue how to help someone else, but I will try for her. 

I find myself doing a lot for her that I have never done for anyone else.

I pull her gently to me, engulfing her in a hug, hoping it works. I feel her hug me back, which makes me feel slightly better. When I lean back up, my shirt is damp from her tears, but she looks a little better.

When I hear frantic banging on the door downstairs, I wipe her face with the pads of my thumbs again before kissing her cheek. "It's going to be okay Avery, I promise." I whisper, standing up straight.

She looks so defeated, scared, embarrassed, and I don't understand why. "I haven't ever been to s hospital." She says, her voice shaking with what I assume is nerves.

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