Chapter 5

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The whole time that I have been sitting here at this lunch table, I have been quietly listening. I am sitting in between Niall and his friend Liam. I have not said much, but I have been using my time just observing the actions around me. Which is not very much. I have noticed that Niall and Liam's table is not as popular as I was expecting. It is basically just Niall and Liam talking to each other. It actually turns out that Niall's "friends" at the lunch table do not really take part in conversations. They basically sit over there, eat, then go to the library. I did feel surprisingly comfortable at this lunch table. It is definitely better than sitting alone. Niall's friend, Liam, is a very nice guy; he seems like a very caring person, he was so welcoming.

As I finished my carton of juice, I heard something from Liam that caught my attention.

"Do you remember Zayn talking about his cousin?" Liam asked Niall.

"The one who thinks he's all big and bad?"

"Yeah, him."

I glanced at Niall as he let out a sigh and nodded his head yes.

"He's an ass." Niall replies.

"Yeah I know, he can be, Zayn said he had to leave early. He said that he is coming to move in with him." Liam says. He didn't seem to be bothered by this as much as Niall.

"You have got to be kidding me." Niall says with an annoyed sigh.

"Yep." Liam answered, popping the 'p.'

"I don't get why he would be moving in with Zayn. That one time he visited, he got on my nerves."

"I don't know man; something probably came up for him to just move here."

I am very curious about Zayn's cousin. Is it the same cousin he was texting in art? If so, what reason could there be for him moving in with Zayn?

My thoughts are soon interrupted by the bell. I go throw my trash away, then make my way to the gym for gym class. I hate gym class. I'm not a very athletic person, and I hate how hot it gets in there. I always wear sweats, not shorts like everyone else. People think I am weird, but I have chosen not to care anymore. Another reason why I dislike gym class is because the biggest jerk is there.


He is so full of himself, it's sickening. He picks on me all the time, mostly about my clothes. I silently pray that he trips and falls on the hard gym floor.

"Why do you always wear them ugly sweats, they are hideous." I roll my eyes at Luke's annoying voice. I try to ignore him but he steps in front of me, making me cower back a few steps.

"Hey, I'm talking to you Amy!"

"It's Avery." I answer very quietly.

"Does it look like a care?" Luke says in a harsh tone.

Luke takes a step to me as I back up until I feel my back hit the wall. My heart is racing and I'm thinking of every possible scenario. Is he going to hit me? He wouldn't hit me here... would he? Just before Luke reached me Coach Johnson blew the whistle, indicating it was time for warm-ups.

"Better be glad I have to go now." Luke says in a deep voice. His eyes are narrowed and his voice intimidates me greatly.

I watch as he walks on through the double doors to the gym. I stay by the wall right outside the locker rooms, still shaken up by the encounter. I stay there against the wall for the longest time. This isn't the only time this has happened, but it still scares me each time it does.

After a few minutes I see Liam walking towards me. I forgot he was in my gym class, and I automatically feel a little better seeing him.

"What are you doing out here?" Liam asks as he makes his way to the water fountain.

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