Chapter 28

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Avery's POV

The day felt like it drug by so slow. Niall and I talked off and on, but nothing too serious.

I'm excited to go see Harry after school. Louis talked to Zayn and we agreed to follow him to his house after school to surprise him. Zayn thought it would be a great idea, and assured us that this morning Harry seemed to be doing much better. Zayn believes he is finally past the hard part, and will now start recovering faster. I hope he is right.

The big hand on the clock seems to be mocking me as I stare at it during the last 10 minutes of gym. Liam is shooting hoops in front of me while I sit on the bleachers. There's so much on my mind right now that involves Harry, I just didn't feel like playing.

The last time I saw him, he was telling me to basically get out his house, and I would be lying if I said that didn't hurt. I kind of understand why he said it, I would feel the same way if a boy I liked was going out with another girl, I just can't figure out why is it me out of all the girls he can choose from.

Does Harry like me? It makes sense in my head, but in reality someone as handsome as Harry wouldn't look twice at a girl like me. Maybe my situation makes me an exception for him. Maybe knowing there's something going on pulls him in? I don't know, and I am grateful when the bell rings finally, making my thoughts about Harry liking me get replaced with excitement of going and visiting him.

I practically run out, praying I wouldn't get stopped by Niall. I don't have anything against him or anything, I just really want to focus on Harry right now. I really miss him.

Louis was waiting by the door along with Zayn when I came out of the gym. Louis gave me a hug, asking how my day was, the usual, and then we made our way to the parking lot.

I climb in and we pull out behind Zayn, that's when my nerves start to kick in. Louis must have noticed because I felt him pat my leg and mumble "It'll be okay."

"Louis, what if he doesn't want me there, what if he tells me to leave again?" I ask. The thought didn't cross my mind until now. The possibility of being humiliated and hurt floats around in my head, making my stomach flip with just the thought.

"Avery, Harry isn't going to tell you to leave. He did that because he was hurt that you were going out with Niall. I bet he regretted it as soon as you left." Louis says confidently, but I am not quite sure I believe him. I stay quiet, not really knowing what to say, and not trusting my voice.

After a good five minutes of silence we finally pull up to Zayn's house. I climb out, a mixture of nervousness and excitement running through my veins. Louis puts his windows up. It's supposed to rain this afternoon according to the talk around school. Neither one of us watched the weather this morning.

Zayn walks up the porch and opens the door, me and Louis followed. I sigh in relief when I walk through the door. The temperature has dropped quite a bit during the drive over here, probably due to the rain moving in.

"Harry?" Zayn calls as he puts his car keys on the hook bye the door.

"Humph?" I almost want to laugh at the bored grunt coming from the living room.

Louis and I follow Zayn through the kitchen to the living room, where Harry sits there in a pair of plaid pajama pants, shirtless, with a TV remote in his hand. His hair is pushed back off his forehead in a messy swoop, and his green eyes are stuck on the TV.

I heard a mocking whistle come from behind me, following a teasing chuckle from Louis.

Harry's eyes shoot over, and I feel my breath hitch when they lock on me. He looks a bit shocked to see us here, I can tell he was not expecting company, but he doesn't look mad or tense like I was afraid of. Instead, he looks a bit taken back, but happy.

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