Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

"Large coffee please." I tell Carol. She smiles and writes it down on the ticket and shuffles back towards the back. I need coffee. I didn't get any sleep last night.

The nightmares came back.

The nightmares make me breakdown to somthing I know I cannot control. They eat away at me, and after yesterday with Avery, they were even worst. They make me relive my past. Not exactly how things happened way back then, but they are close enough to make me have flashbacks, and remember just how I ended up the way I am. The worst part is that now, Avery is popping up in them, and because of that, I just can't handle them.

Zayn had to come wake me up last night. He said I was yelling incoherent things, and when he walked in, I was shaking and sweating all over. I don't remember anything from last night other than Zayn whispering soft things to me, then him making me go take a cold shower. He never questioned me because he knew it would only upset me more. I am so glad he understands what really happened to me. He is the only one other than Liam. I wouldn't dare let anyone else know. I will lie to anyone's face before I let them think of me as a monster, freak, or even a danger to humanity. No I won't let people think that.

I feel bad sometimes, for Zayn having to take responsibly in me.

However, Zayn knows how to handle me when I get like that. This isn't the first. Yeah, it was the first since I have moved here, but he has dealt with me before, and he isn't scared of me.

He knows how to handle my attacks.

I'm such a fuck up. Everything I try to do just crashes down in the long run. That's why I am sitting here at this small little hole-in-the-wall coffee shop waiting on Louis. Yes, Louis.

My lip is swollen and bruised and he shifted my tooth slightly. I didn't think Louis could pack a punch like he did, but I obviously underestimated him. I finish adding a little sugar and cream to my coffee when the doorbell rings, signaling someone just walked in.

Louis slides in the seat in front of me and when I look up he looks like he could cut my throat. I don't blame him, what I did, or let happen was fucked up... story of my life right?

I clear my throat when I realize he isn't going to make the first move to speak. "Hi." I say.


"Uh... thanks for coming by?"

Nothing. He is just staring at me like if he stared hard enough I would fall over dead.

"I'm sorry for what I did-"

"I don't want to hear your bullshit Harry." He finally replies coldly.

"Please... just-"

"No dammit, shut the fuck up and listen to me Styles, Avery is like my little sister and I'll be damned if I stand back and watch a prick like you hurt her over and over and over again. I don't know who the hell you think you are or what the fuck is wrong with you, but I have had it up to here." He motions his hand up to the top of his head.


"I'm not finished. If there is something wrong with you, you need to tell me because right now my impression on you is some bipolar, arrogant, fucked up asshole who doesn't care about nobody but themselves! You always lead her on, make her feel good about herself, and at one point I actually supported you, but now I don't know because you hurt her Harry. And I'll be damn if I find out your physically hurting her; I will shove my foot so far up your ass-"

"LOUIS!" Now it's my turn to interrupt him.

He stops talking and glares at me. My yelling drew some attention, but once I give them a cold glare they go back to doing whatever they were doing before.

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