Chapter 24

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Avery's POV

Louis told me to tell Jack I was staying at his house. I argued and told him he would listen to him before me. It isn't a complete lie. Jack knows Louis and puts on a fake mask if Louis is around. He acts like a sane parent, a normal parent, a parent that actually gives a shit about their kid, but that's all it is, nothing more than a mask.

Louis huffs and mumbles fine as he takes my phone out my hand. A few okays, yes sirs, and I wills, and he hangs up smiling at me. "Now that wasn't that hard was it?" His smug voice says matter of factly. I just roll my eyes and smile a little.

If only he knew.

"So no school tomorrow?" I ask, hoping as soon as we wake up we will get ready and head back up to the hospital.

"Not unless you want to, but I am sure you would rather go pick up jackass." He says sarcastically, but with a smile on his lips so I know he is just being Louis.

"Shut up Louis." I say and that makes him burst out a small laugh as we pull up in his yard. I am really relieved I am staying here with Louis. I feel so much safer, and it will give my back time to heal before I set myself up for another blow.

"Your mom's home for once." I exclaim, pointing to the car that is normally never in the driveway.

Louis nods and smiles opening the door. "Hey mum! I'm home; Avery is staying the night again!"

An older woman, probably in her early 40s came out with a sweet smile. "Hey sweetie, just in time for dinner, it's on the stove now." We thank her and both go up to Louis room. I toss my stuff in the corner where I normally keep everything. I have a few pieces of clothes I have left here in the past so I just help myself, opening the drawer I know they are at.

I pull out a pair of pink sweat pants and a purple sweatshirt. "I'm going to take a shower." I announce making my way to his bathroom. "Yeah, because you stink like hospital." Louis exclaims as he shakes his fringe out his eyes. "Well at least I don't smell like sweaty boy." I shoot back.

"Man Avery, if anything sweaty man." Louis exclaims and I can't help but laugh at how serious he got. "Yeah whatever Louis." I reply still laughing as I shut the door behind me.

Some people may judge if they know how me and Louis are. I stay the night at his house, sleep in the same bed, have a few clothes at his house, and he is constantly taking me places. But that's the thing I hate, it shouldn't matter who your best friends are. Male, or female, it shouldn't matter. Mine just happens to be a boy, and I wouldn't change that in the world. Louis makes me laugh, comforts me when I am upset, and listens to me. I am very lucky to have a friend like him.

I take off Harrys necklace from around my neck, smiling at the memory back at the hospital. I can't help but have a draw to him. There's a voice in the back of my mind that keeps going off as I let the warm water run down me, relaxing my tense muscles.

He is nice yes, but he is just going to hurt you... again.

I curse at the stupid voice, even though I know it is the truth. I know he will end up causing me more pain. That's just the type of person he is, but I can't stop the feeling I get when I am around him, I can't stop the fluttering of my heart, or the butterflies flying around in my stomach when he looks my way, or just simply walks past me.

I sigh a turn off the water and get out. I dry off get dressed and slip Harry's necklace back over my head. When I walk out I roll my eyes at the lazy bitch in front of me.

"Damn, is there any hot water left?" the smartass asks me from his position on the bed. Louis is sitting back against the headboard in his plaid boxers watching Full House with a plate of chicken and mac and cheese in his lap.

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