Chapter 25

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"You're not going to school tomorrow Harry, end of discussion." Zayn says with the stupid mask across his stupid face as he finishes spray painting his artwork.

"I'm fine; I can go to school, damn!" I yell at him then wince and hold my side letting out a painful groan. Zayn puts the can down and rips off the mask covering his mouth and nose from the fumes.

"Your ass can barely get in the damn tub by yourself, you're not going to school... since when do you want to go anyways?" He shoots back, getting annoyed.

"I don't want to go!" I yell and it's not till I hear those words come out my mouth that I realize I'm not making any sense.

"It's Avery isn't it?" Zayn accuses as he puts up his paint and sets the picture up to finish drying.

"No?" I say, but I find it comes out as more of a question. Zayn starts laughing which pisses me off more, but I can't yell due to the pain it shoots up my side.

"You got it bad man, I'm sure she will be just fine, I'll go pick her up tomorrow so she won't have to ride the bus yeah?"

"It's not the bus I am worried about, it's Luke and Niall." I admit. Just the names make me want to hit something.

"I'll look after her ok, but you can't go Harry your hurt, and I can't baby sit you, and hold your hand like I am having to do now."

I sigh in defeat, I absolutely hate this, I feel weak, and vulnerable.

"Fine." I grumble, not wanting to give in, but too exhausted to argue with his stubborn ass.

"Come on let me get you a bath and I'll order pizza for dinner?"

"You're not giving me a damn sponge bath Malik." I tease.

"Trust me Styles, I wasn't planning on it, that luxury was a onetime thing."

I laugh a little, wincing at the small bit of pain and allow Zayn to help me off the couch. He takes me to the bathroom and helps with my shirt and wraps my cast in a plastic bag.

"I really hope you can take it from here. Leave the door cracked and holler if you need something ok. Be careful." He says.

"Okay Mom." I say with a teasing grin.

"Shut up and don't use all the hot water." Zayn warns as he walks out the door.

I smile slightly at him, my life isn't that bad. I defiantly like it better here than my old "home."

Avery's POV

"See you tomorrow Avery!" Louis yells as I walk up the steps to hell. I turn around and wave Louis bye. I would give anything to stay with him, but I know that the longer I stay, the worst it will be when I get home.

I walk in very cautiously, nerves eat me alive when I make my way inside. Jack's car was outside, but it doesn't seem like he is home. I make my way into the kitchen and find a note on the counter.

Gone with the guys, be back tomorrow afternoon, when I get back the house better be cleaned top to bottom, spotless, If it's not you will be in big trouble.

I sigh at the note. This house is filthy, it'll be hard to clean all this in time before he comes back. I think about just not doing it, and take whatever punishment he gives, but my back still hasn't completely healed, and I wince at the thought of him reopening the wound.

I go and put all my stuff in my room. I decide to send Harry a text to see how he was feeling.

Hey Harry it's Avery, how are you feeling?

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