Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Another day of school. One hundred and eighty days couldn't go by any slower. Every day I dread having to wake up and get on that ugly yellow bus. I can't afford gas so I'm stuck having to ride with all the ignorant students at Melbum High. I hate it here, everyone is rude and I do not fit in.

My name is Avery Williams. I'm not popular, never had a boyfriend, and honestly I don't want, nor need one. Every boy I've ever been around has been a jerk, except for my best friend Louis Tomlinson. He has been there for me since my first year of high school. And is still my best friend my junior year. He is very funny and always makes me feel happy when I'm sad. He has messy brown hair and nice blue eyes that remind me of the sky on a sunny summer day. He doesn't judge me for what I wear and doesn't question me if I never take my jacket off or if I wear a long sleeve shirt on a pretty day, even though I would never tell him the real reason, I would never put him in that situation. I don't want to lose him as a friend, so I will never tell him what my life consist of almost every single day.

I sit alone at lunch, of course Louis has first lunch hand I have second. I do not want to sit at a table full of people that don't like me. I understand that I'm "weird" or a "freak show." I always wear a long sleeve shirt or a jacket everywhere I go. I only wear shorts around the house, you will never see me wearing them in public. I have brown wavy hair that falls about mid length down my back. I don't care too much of it. I'm not the type of girl who spends an hour on her hair in the mornings, I mean, what's the point, I have no one to impress anyways. I normally just brush it out and put it up or throw in a headband real quick.

I keep a diary hidden under my small bed in between the bed frame and mattress. I keep the key in my pocket at all times, and at night I will hide it in the very back of my nightstand drawer that has my old lamp my mother bought me before she left me. Left me, not us, me, myself, and I, not my father, I will never put I, me, or Avery in the same sentence as dad, father, or Jack.

I would like to think that my diary is the only thing that keeps me from going completely insane. I write in it every night. My whole life story lies between the thin pages, and is secured only by a small lock. My diary is the most important and private thing to me. All my thoughts are either carefully written or scribbled down in a disturbing, upsetting way. Some pages are a little stiffer with the ink from my pen slightly smudged from drops of water. Tears.

Some days are bearable, and some days I only get by because of my best friend, Louis. Then there are the days where I break and I find myself wanting to find a deep hole to curl up in and drown in my own pathetic tears.


What do you think?  

It will be a bit rocky in the beginning, but im hoping that will level out as we go further into the story! 

Also if you liked this chapter, please hit the like button!  it helps so much trust me! 

love you guys! 


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