Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

What the fuck was I thinking?! Why did I just tell Avery that, of all people the one person that needs positivity in her life? Instead of giving that to her, I informed her of my sad sack story of my mum. Her face fell tremendously, and to be completely honest it was the worst feeling I'v felt in a long time. If I could kick myself in the ass, I would have.

I have never told anyone that, or at least people that didn't know what happened. Zayn knew because of family, Liam knew because Zayn told him, and now Avery knew because I was a dumbass. I was expecting her to ask me the same question she asked before about my faintly discolored skin, and I was of course going to lie. But she completely took me off guard with her question. Who notices things like a damn necklace?

The bell finally rings, signaling the end of second block, finally. I don't know what went on in that class today. I was too busy thinking about how I just took away that very rare smile and gave Avery something to worry and sulk about for me.

I am annoyed, mostly with myself. I feel like everyone is fucking staring at me, and quite a few are. Imagine that right?

"What the fuck are you staring at!?" I yell at them. They jump slightly and turn back around to their lockers. I really need to find Liam, before I make something or someone my punching bag.

I find him coming out the restroom. "Hey Harry, you okay?" He asks me with furrowed brows.

"I just told Avery about mum, she asked about my necklace." I reply slowly.

"So?" He says nonchalantly, like it wasn't a big deal. "So?! Now she's just going to feel bad and sulk about everything even more than she already does!" I half shout at him.

"Harry just chill out okay, it will be fine, maybe it's a good thing she knows." He says, again like its nothing. These people are completely blind.

"Yeah sure you're right." I say as I walk off and head to Math. Liam is such a dumbass.

I get to class as the last bell rings. Mrs. Nelly, no Nancy, or whatever the hell her name is gives me a glare as I walk in the doors. I roll my eyes and stroll through the aisle. Avery looks up at me and I try and give her a reassuring smile that came out probably like I was in pain. Maybe I was mentally, I really couldn't tell.

Avery's POV

I was half expecting Harry to skip when he never came through the door, that is, until he came nearly a second before the last bell rang. He looked stressed out. His eyes were furrowed and his lips in a tight line. His cheeks were tinted pink and his fist that wasn't holding his binder was clenched. He gave me a small smile as he passed that was obviously fake.

I feel bad for asking what I did. But part of me is very grateful I did. He actually answered one of my questions without fuss. I felt like it was progress that was desired from this boy sitting behind me, baby steps in the right direction. I was grateful.

After we got our assignments and stared working, Niall asked me for help, so like always I slid next to him. I hear a huff behind me but just choose to ignore it. He might have let me in on one of his many secrets, but that doesn't take back the fact he used that tone and language against me. It doesn't take back all the times he has went off because I ask him a simple question, and if damn sure doesn't take back the fact he interrogates me about every little thing then he storms off when I ask him something simple.

I feel a kick on the back of my desk, over and over again. It was really starting to annoy me. I knew exactly which five year old it was. It kept on and on till I finally turned around. Harry has that annoying smirk on his lips that told me he knew he succeeded in aggravating me.

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