Chapter Fourteen

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I gasped in shock as I realised that I had said it aloud.

"What?" he breathed.

"Nothing." I said, as my cheeks reddened. He watched me closely as I turned away from him. I jumped slightly as he grabbed my hand, to stop me from walking away from him.

"I heard what you said." he said gently.

"I was only messing around." I lied quickly.

"I love you too." he grinned.

"You do?!" I exclaimed as my heart began to soar.

"Yeah of course, you are like my sister." he said kindly.

My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. For a brief moment I thought that he felt the same way, that maybe there was a future for us as a couple. But I knew that he could never love me in the same way that I loved him. I was disappointed but at the same time angry with myself, angry that I had dared to hope that he felt more for me.

"We'd better go inside." I said quietly.

I was determined not to cry, I slowly walked inside as he followed closely behind.

I wandered towards the sound of voices, that seemed to be coming from the kitchen. I couldn't understand why but for some reason I felt more confident now that Jay was here.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a sea of faces as they turned to look at me. I caught Max's eye and he smiled at me.

"Anna, I wondered where you got to!" Nathan exclaimed.

I smiled at him, not really sure of what to say. I just wanted to run to my room, and gather my thoughts after what had happened between Jay and me.

"I'll introduce you to everyone." Nathan grinned.

"This is Siva and his girlfriend Nareesha, Tom and his girlfriend Kelsey, you already met Max so that's everyone." Nathan grinned as he pointed out everyone.

They all smiled at me and returned to what they were doing.

"How's your head?" Max asked as he wandered over to me.

"Fine thanks." I said quietly.

"What happened to your head?" Jay asked quickly.

"I hit it on the car." I replied as I felt him place his hand on my shoulder.

"You left out the part where you blacked out." Max chuckled.

I glared at Max as he said that. I wasn't going to tell Jay about that. The last thing I wanted was him making a fuss, especially after what had just happened between us.

"What?!" Jay exclaimed.

"I passed out for a few seconds, but it's no big deal, I'm fine now." I told him.

"I think I'm going to get an early night." I added.

"We were going to have a party tonight to christen the house, don't you want to stick around for that?" Max asked.

"I'd rather just go to bed." I whispered.

I turned on my heel and with a final glance at Jay I wandered into the hall. It was only when I reached the foot of the stairs that I realised I didn't even know which bedroom was mine.

"Where's my room?" I called to Max.

"First one on the left." he called back.

I sighed and made my way upstairs and into the room. It was a nice room, but it wasn't home. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and pretend that I was back in the flat. I quickly changed, climbed into bed and flicked off the lights.

I lay awake in the dark listening to the sound of voices downstairs. I was so happy that Jay and Nathan had got into the band. I knew that it could change their lives forever. I just wished that things didn't have to change.

I looked up as I saw my bedroom door open and Jay's silhouette in the doorway.

"Hey, I just wanted to check on you, are you sure your head feels okay?" he asked gently as he squatted in front of me.

"I'm fine." I whispered.

"Hey, what's these tears for?" he asked gently.

I hadn't even realised that I was crying until he pointed it out.

"I'm just homesick I guess." I said quietly.

He looked at me for a moment, before he quickly took his shoes off.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaimed.

"Budge up." he grinned.

I did as he asked and watched closely as he climbed into the bed next to me. He quickly wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards him. I smiled up at him and rested my head on his chest. I sighed as I inhaled his familiar scent.

"I'm here okay, and I'm not going anywhere." he whispered softly.

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