Chapter Twenty Six

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I sat alone in the darkness as I waited for something to happen. The blindfold had finally been removed, but it was virtually pitch black in the room.

I looked up as the door opened and another girl was thrown roughly into the room.

As soon as the door was closed she crawled into a corner and began to sob.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded.

"What do they want from us?" I said.

"To sell us." she replied quietly.

"Sell us for what?" I asked.

She looked at me and raised her eyebrow. I felt my stomach churn. I turned away from her and threw up.

I felt sick at the thought of a stranger buying me to use for his pleasure. I needed to try and escape somehow. I looked around the room and saw that there was a small window about ten feet away. It would be impossible to climb up there. I knew that I wouldn't be able to use the door as there were people standing guard outside. I groaned in frustration.

I jumped as the door opened and a man entered.

"Wear this." he said as he flung a dress at me.

"What for?" I frowned.

"Make you more desirable." he said. I couldn't help but notice a strong local accent.

"Put it on or you'll get hurt." he said menacingly.

I picked up the dress and quickly put it on. I glared at him as he didn't even look away. I looked down at myself and saw that it was really short.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he grabbed my wrist and began to pull me along.

"We've found a buyer for you." he announced.

I gasped as his words sunk in. I tried to dig my heels in but he was to strong for me. I tried to scream but my mouth was so dry, no sound would come out.

"Please don't!" I pleaded.

He ignored me and continued dragging me along.

I continued to resist but with no success. After a long car journey he dragged me into a room and closed the door. I could see someone sitting on a chair in the room. I guessed from the build that it was a man but I couldn't see his face. He had a scarf covering the bottom part of his face and his hood up. I gasped as the reality of what was happening finally hit me. Once I was sold to this guy I would be taken god knows where. If I was taken out of the country, the boys would never find me.

I watched as the guy silently handed over the money to my captor, who still had a firm hold on my arm.

"It's not enough." my captor said.

"It's what you asked for." the guy said, also speaking with a local accent.

"Well she's very beautiful so I want more." my captor demanded.

I silently prayed that he wouldn't hand over the money so that I could return to the dark room and be safe, at least for now.

He sighed and pulled more notes from his pocket. As soon as he handed over the money my captor roughly flung me towards my new owner.

"She's all yours." he said.

"Get your hands off me." I hissed as he tried to take my hand.

He ignored me, put his arm tightly around my waist and pulled me along.

I tried to squirm free but in my heart I knew that it was pointless. Even if I could get free I had nowhere to go. I had no idea where I was.

I glanced over my shoulder as I heard a girl screaming in the distance.

He kept walking, not allowing me to stop. I couldn't understand why he was in such a rush.

Eventually we made it outside and I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight. I could see that we were in the middle of nowhere. We walked and walked for what felt like hours, before eventually I spotted a village in the distance.

"Thank god for that." he said as he quickly pulled down his hood and removed the scarf.

"Max!" I breathed when I saw him.

"Hey you." he chuckled as I threw myself into his arms.

"Oh my god." I cried.

"Someone else wants to see you." he said gesturing behind me.

I turned and saw Jay standing there. He looked at me for a moment before quickly pulling me into his arms.

"Thank god you're safe." he whispered softly.

I held him tightly, to afraid to let go. As I stood quietly in his arms my thoughts wandered to the other girls still trapped. I hated to think what could be happening to them right now.

"What about the others?" I whispered.

"The police are looking for them but we don't know where they are being kept, we only know where they sell them." Max said sadly.

I let go of Jay and fell to the floor as my knees buckled. That girl was so young. I began to sob uncomfortably as I finally let out all the emotions. I heard Jay kneel beside me and felt him wrap his arms around me.

"It's okay you're safe now." he whispered over and over as I sat and sobbed.

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