Game of chase

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Idea:Naruto is being married off to create stronger ties with Suna.
Genderbend. Fem NarutoxHarem
Some other female characters also switched. all Jinchuriki are male except for Naruto. Naruto is also 20 years old.

She stood in shock. The Lilith figure of Naruto Uzumaki was speechless. How could they do this to her. To marry her off, to someone she barely knew.
"Now Naruto, you will be a good husband to Temari..." suddenly the sunshine blonde burst into uncontrollably laughter. An annoyed look appeared on the first female Hokages face.
"What exactly is so funny?" She grit her teeth trying not to send a punch toward the gaki.
Naruto seemed to get some semblance of control. As she unzipped her oversized jacket. A fishnet shirt showed tightly wrapped bandages around her chest. A mischievous grin made its way across her face.
"You see old hag, I am a girl." She sent out a cackle. Seventeen years she had hid this secret. Not even the Teme, or Sakura knew. Then due to the unique nature of her henges she was able fool everyone. The only one who knew was the old man, who came up with the idea. He had changed all her records to protect her. Their game was up it seemed though. She was surprised it had gone on this long.
As not only the Hokage, but Shizune, the elders and the shinobi council looked at her shocked. She dropped the slight henge she kept over her body. Blonde hair grew out to her mid back. Her curves were slightly more noticeable, blue eyes took on a purple sheen, her slightly rounded face became sharper.
"I think introductions are in order. My name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. Daughter of the Forth Hokage Minato Namikaze, and Granddaughter of the second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. Daughter to the last princess of Uzushigaru, Kushina Uzumaki. Which means that under the Uzumaki-Senju agreement, I as the Last Uzumaki in Konoha, can not be used in a political marriage." She smirked. "It also means I have an automatic seat on the civilian, and shinobi council." She could already see the greedy look on the elders faces. "Before you go trying to force me into the CRA, Sarutobi-sensei really lived up to his name. He already completed the paperwork as well as adding clauses. I have full control over when I marry and who I marry." She laughed at the stumped looks on the elders faces.
"Tell you what, let's play a little game, you beat me in a game and I will participate in the political marriage between us and Suna. There however will be conditions. It will be a simple game of chase. You can use any number of people. Number 1, whoever you get to chase me has until sundown. Number 2 if you win then whoever the person is I must marry, can not be more then 10 years older then me." The two elders smirked. Tsunade however looked amused.
"Anbu." Several masked elite ninja came from the shadows. "Inform all available ninja. That as training exercise, I want everyone to try and Capture Naruto." The Anbu shared uneasy looks. They had been trying to catch the for years. The squad captain looked at the slightly different looking Naruto.
"What happens if we fail." Eagles eyes never left the girl.
Tsunade seemed to think. "D-ranks and gaurd duty for a month. With extra speed training with Gai."
'That wasn't too bad.' They all thought. "By D-ranks I mean the Tora mission."
The Anbu suddenly got in ready position. Eagle however waved his hand. "I wouldn't bother, that's a shadow clone. The real one left long ago." All eyes looked to the Shadow clone. It gave a little wave before popping.
"Gather all off-duty Shinobi. This takes top priority. Tell everyone to meet at the academy." With the order everyone disappeared.

It didn't take long for the off duty shinobi to gather. The rookie eleven, eh ten, as well as their former senseis, with numerous amounts of chunin and Jounin. Eagle stood at the front on the room.
"Alright everyone, we have a mission. The Hokage and Naruto have sturck a wager. Our job is to catch Naruto before sunset. If we can't succeed then Lady Tsunade will have us all in mandatory training as well as d-ranks and guard duty for a month each." Was He spoke as he pulled down a map of Konoha on the chalkboard. "Anyone have any questions?"
"Do we have to participate?" Shikamaru asked lazily from his seat by the window.
Eagle was about to respond when laughter stopped him. He looked around the room trying to find the source. He finally found it, when he looked up. Sitting with her legs hanging from one of the rafters was Naruto.
"Now, now, Shika-kun. Think of this as a game. On one side theirs myself and the other is all of you." She gestured around the room.

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