New jutsu (completed)

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Yo mentions rape quite a bit nothing is written out, I don't think anything could be a trigger but different people different reactions, so I just wanted to warn anyone in case.

It was a quiet day in Konohagakure until a certain blonde whiskered seventeen year old shinobi raced through the village to the Hokages tower. We he entered through the window.
"Ba-Chan I did it!" The young man yelled waking the woman on the desk.
She immediately tried to punch him but he dodged.
"Not today you old hag I have news. I created a new Jutsu and two new seals!" He yelled excitedly.
The older woman rubbed the rest of the sleep from her eyes as she looked at him.
"Just what did you create Naruto?" She asked hoping it wasn't another perverted Jutsu.
"I created an anti rape Jutsu! A anti rape seal and an anti pregnancy seal!" The woman dropped the pencil she was holding in shock.
She rushed at the boy and stared into his eyes looking for any deceit.
"Naruto you better not be lying to me or so help me no one will be able to save you. You will tell me how they work now."
Naruto went on to explain that the women in the brothal where he lived. Weren't being treated right and they were always so nice to him that he wanted to help them. After days of constant reading and with the help of shadow clones he had some success. The women of the night were willing to be test subjects and after a few errors he had perfected the seals and Jutsu.
The anbu in the shadows were shocked at the sheer brilliance of everything. Most of the finer points of the sealing they didn't understand but the Jutsu was pure genius. It required very little chakra and I caused genital shrinkage and impotence. It was brilliant and then the only way to cure it was with medical ninjutsu. And if the person took that to the medic nin then they would be arrested for attempted rape.
"Neko!" Tsunede yelled. Coming out of her shock the cat anbu appeared in front of the two blondes "summon the council!" A nod of the head was all the woman received before the anbu was gone. Suddenly Naruto grew nervous.
"Ba-Chan could it be possible for you to tell the council this so I don't have to be there?" He asked.
The woman frowned. She had never seen Naruto so sad before.
"Naruto if I inform the council of it I will get the credit, you will be the one to tell them. Nothing will happen I promise." Her voice was gentle trying to sooth his nerves.
It did nothing to help his nerves while the shinobi council had never frightened him the civilian council liked to make his life hell.
Soon he was standing in front of all of them. While his friends parents looked confused at the summons the civilians and elders were glaring at him with hatred.
"Hokage-sama why were we gathered and why is the brat here?" An older man who while wasn't entirely mean to Naruto he wasn't the nicest either.
"Naruto came to me earlier with what is I think to be the biggest breakthrough for Kunochi everywhere. Naruto tell them what you told me." She said beaming at the young man in front of her.
He cleared his throat and steeled his nerves before putting most of his attention on the shinobi council. "For several weeks now I have been working on creating two new seals and a new Jutsu. The Jutsu although it doesn't have an official name requires the barest minimum of chakra and is targeted towards would be rapists." He got their full attention then even Shukaku woke up. "The Jutsu is very basic and it's main functions is to cause impotence and genital shrinkage." Tsume inuzuka gave a feral grin. "The next is a seal that is also anti rape, once it's applied it is invisible unless the user channels Chakra into it, but it is activated instead by emotions or consciously it also can't be removed unless by the wearer in an intricate and custom set of hand seals. This was made as the back up to the Jutsu, Incase the potential victim can not activate the Jutsu. The next seal is an anti pregnancy seal. It is worn on the body and similar to the anti rape seal it is also invisible. This seals main function is to remove viable eggs and reduce menstual pains and the frequency of the cycle."
"How much would you like to apply the seals to the female Hyuga clan members?" Hiashi Hyuga stated startling his fellow council members.
"Hyuga-San you can be serious? Letting that demon apply these untested seals to your clan." A civilian council member stated. He was met with glares from everyone of the shinobi present and with a knunia to the throat from an anbu. The killing intent in the air could be felt weighing down the civilians.
"The seals and Jutsu have all be tested quite throughly. Several members from the red light district have benefited from the seals. In complete truth it only took me three days to make these the rest of the time had been testing." He told them trying to ease the tension. Seeing an opening a council woman took it.
"And just what was a young man such as your self doing in the red light district?" She asked thinking she had won a great victory.
"After getting kicked out of the orphanage at age four. Sandaime sama found me living on the streets. He set me up in an apartment building with a caretaker. I lived there for six months before my rent got to high and I had no money for food. The caretaker never showed up after the first month so I was left alone constantly. I was evicted because the rent got to high for me to pay. When jiji found out he was told that the building manager had to raise the rent for everyone not just me. He believed him. This situation happened four more times before my apartment in the red light district was found. The manager was a scumbag but I was only one of the few renters in the complex so he wasn't going to complain. The ladies from the brothal found me scavenging for food one night and they all took turns helping me, from groceries to teaching me how to read. The Jutsus were made to protect them and any women who wants one. And to answer your question Hyuga-sama I will not be charging for this."
The council woman had the decency to look ashamed. He turned an icy gaze towards the civilians.
"While I understand why the civilians hate me. The way you have gone about it was childish, petty and unbecoming of leaders of this village. While being a jinchuiki was never something that was going to be pleasant. The previous containers were never treated this way both the First, Second and Forth hokage must be rolling in their graves because of you people."
The civilians were outraged before tsunede made them shut up.
"Forgive me Naruto but why would they be upset?"the busty hokage asked confused.
"The Kyubi has only been sealed into 3 containers the first was Mito Uzumaki Senju. The wife, sister-n-law and grandmother to three Hokage. The second container was Kushina Uzumaki the daughter of the then Uzukage of whirlpool village she went on to marry the Forth Hokage Minato Namikaze in secret before giving birth to their only child the night the Kyubi attacked. As the seal weakens in childbirth, the forth was there to keep it contained. But a third party intervened forcing him to chose between his child and wife. Saving he baby, the Kyubi was then ripped out of Kushina and used to target the leaf village. The forth then sacrificed his life to seal the Kyubi into his newborn son. Who as a baby had he undeveloped chakra coils needed and was an uzumaki that had the inherited strength to fight the beast. Which gave you me, a boy who you have been treating like trash his whole entire life. So what makes you think the Hokages would ever forgive any of you in the afterlife." The council had paled. Looking now they could see the uncanny resemblance between the forth and the one who claimed to be his son.
"Naruto are you positive you are his son." Tsunede asked.
"110% Jiriaya told me on our trip and during my training to access the demonic chakra I was able to talk to the residual chakra from him and my mother. But we are getting off topic here the whole point of this was the seals remember."
"Alright are you sure you want to do it for free then?" The Hyuga clan head asked.
"Of course for Kunochi and civilians of Konoha it's free for the other nations although there will be a price." He gave an innocent smile.
"Other nations? You want to tell other nations?" Tsunede was shocked most people who make a breakthrough in seals and Jutsu usually keep it incountry.
"Of course quite frankly this isn't something that should be denied to any woman. I would like to either set up a place here in the village where everyone can come to me. If possible I would also like permission to travel to the different villages to apply he seals in person to anyone interested. As well as a class to teach the Jutsu to anyone willing."
She smiled at the young man in front of her he had grown so much since they first met.
"I'm sure we can find you an empty building to set up shop at, you are dismissed Naruto expect an anbu to come by with the location of the location where you can apply the seals." Naruto left after bowing. Once he was gone the shinobi council trained their anger into the civilian side when suddenly the door burst open.
It was Naruto.
"I almost forgot I'm also going to need a medi nin or nurse there to check the women for pregnancy. The anti pregnancy seal could be dangerous to a developing baby!" He yelled out.
"Alright I will have Shizune help you then." He nodded happily, Shizune-nii was a skilled medic and she didn't hate him.
Naruto returned home only to be met with a crying woman at his door. It was Aiki she was one of the women from the brothel.
"Aiki-Chan are you ok?" He asked her softly. This wasn't the first time this had happened, occasionally they wouldn't be treated right and seek his companionship for comfort and protection. The crying woman didn't talk but shook her head as he opened the door and let her in activating the seal that prevented intruders he led her to the couch.
"Let me get you some tea, go take a bath and relax I will bring you some clothes to change into." She was covered in blood and bruises. While the seals he had placed prevented rape they didn't prevent getting beaten. It wasn't like he hadn't tried it had blown up in his face every time. He had created a seal that put a severally injured body into a frozen state of preservation but it hadn't been tested. He had made the tea and brought some spare clothes into the bathroom. Aiki sat in the tub her chest pressing against her knees.
"Thank you Naruto. Your seals saved me tonight." Her voice was soft barely above a whisper but his enhanced hearing heard it all the same. He placed a hand on her shoulder making her look at him. Green chakra coated his hand as he placed it on her cheek getting rid of the bruise, busted lip and the cut above her eyebrow.
It had taken him a month to figure out how to use medical ninjutsu. He had to first purify his chakra from all of he Kyubi's influence. At first it was time consuming but he could now do it instantly when he needed too.
"Aiki you know that as long as I'm alive I will be here to help in anyway I can. Finish your bath and go to bed I will stand guard tonight." He softy pat her head and made his way back into the living room. He had more seal studying to do.
It was days before Naruto left his house again and when he did he got swarmed by civilians who were apologizing left and right. Having enough he took to the rooftops to escape. On his way to the Hokage tower he was met by an anbu who informed him of the building he could use to preform the seals. It was an old dojo that had been closed down years ago. Tsunede had Genin teams clean it up for use. He was to start in a few days after the lab equipment to test for pregnancy was delivered.
Three days later Naruto could be found next to Shizune and a nurse name Komako, as women had cleared their whole days just to be able to make it.
Clearing his throat as he saw the last person was seated and started his speech.
"Alright ladies as I'm sure you have all heard of the seals I have made to help protect you. Behind me are three doors the one to the right is for anyone who has had intercourse in the last few months to check for pregnancy. If you are pregnant you will be given a piece of paper, you can still receive the anti rape seal but the anti pregnancy seal could have negative effects on an unborn baby. The door to the right is for the women who haven't had intercourse in the last six months. Those who go into the door on he left will have a small amount of blood drawn to mix with the ink that creates the seals. This will make it so that you are the only one who can activate or deactivate the seal. After your blood is drawn you will some back out here to wait and then will be called into the middle room so I can place the seal. Is there any questions?" He finished.
A woman from the Hyuga clan raised her hand. Naruto nodded to giving her the go ahead to speak. "Where will the seals be placed?"
"Excellent question. The seals will be placed on both sides of your stomach. This is for your comfort as the only other place that they can be put and still work is closer to the vaginal area. I did not see the point in making any of you uncomfortable when the seals work just as well when placed on the lower stomach." The women nodded in acceptance. In their opinion any other man would have taken advantage of he situation. But he was being very courteous to them and it was making them see the man in a new light, not as the Kyubi brat. Not as the son of the forth but as Naruto a man who respects women and did his best to help them against something that every woman feared.
Another woman spoke up from the back. "How exactly does the seal work?"
"That is a bit more complicated but think of a barrier the size of a kickball. The seal when activated will appear invisible, to everyone but you. Since the seal is on your Stomach to activate it you need to simply press on it. The barrier will appear and any penis that touches the area will immediately go limp and become unresponsive to stimulants. The seal itself requires very little chakra to keep it active. So even for a Kunochi who has depleted their chakra enough to not be able to do a Jutsu can still activate the seal. Now most seals can be rendered useless by over powering them. That is not the case here. The more chakra the seal takes in the larger the barrier will become. Now there is one weakness that I can't seem to overcome and that is the potential rapist could become even more aggressive and start beating you. I've tried several times to add something that will incapacitate an attacker after they try but so far I have been unsuccessful. On that note I will be giving anyone who wants them basic self defense classes as well as the class on how to preform the anti rape Jutsu." 
It took a full week to get through all the women of Konoha who wanted the seals. They went through 60 women a day ranging from 12 to 50. The next step was to teach the Jutsu with only the Kunochi being interested the Jutsu. It took three days with them practicing on Naruto shadow clones. No one but him knew that he would get the memories and the feeling that the Jutsu gave.
Word had spread to the other villages and trips were being organized for him to go. But every night he sat in the dojo until 8 pm waiting for anyone to come for the defense class. He had only had a few interested women and they had already came and gone. He practiced chakra control and read books that varied in subjects.
Before too long the negotiations for him to visit the other countries came. His first stop was to be in Suna since they were allies he would be stopping in every Shinobi village. Suna was by far the easiest country to do since he had the Kazekage and his family's trust. Kiri was the second easiest and he didn't stay long there. Coming out of a civil war there was only the anti-rape seals to place. Kumo had been next naturally he was met with distrust. One of the thirty days he had spent their he was out shopping when a civilian woman covered in bruises hugged him thanking him over and over again. He had healed her then more women of the Village hidden in the clouds came. That was when he met Yuhito Nii the holder of the two tailed cat. The two had hit it off remarkably well. When he left most of the villages female population saw him off.
He made his way through several more countries before stopping at the border to Earth Country. He flared he chakra and waited. It didn't take long for a patrol team to see him as he sat on the opposite side of the border.
"State your business!" The Jounin of the group called out to him at a safe distance.
Naruto bowed to the obvious Genin team. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I am a ninja of the Hidden Leaf. Your Kage should have received a message about me. I've recently developed seals that help Kunochi."
"Where's your team?" The curious Genin asked.
"I've come alone. I've already been to Suna, Kiri, and Kumo. Not to mention all the countries in between." Naruto had his hands palm up non threateningly to show he meant no harm.
"We will take you to the Tsuchikage after you relinquish all your weapons." The Jounin said. He had heard about the seals it was all the women could talk about it, many were skeptical if it actually worked.
Shinobi and civilian alike watched as a man was escorted through the city's gate. He didn't look like anything special. But then again neither did the Forth Hokage. They were wary of the outsider. They waited at the gate as the Tsuschikage approached them.
"Your the one who made the seals?" The old man said.
"Yes Tsuchikage-sama." Naruto said giving a bow to the man. He nodded with approval.
"You remind me of someone. But never mind that. Tell me what it is that you need to place the seals."
"I need a space to work in. So far I've been set up in an old dojo, a church, and a few schools. I also need some medics one to check for pregnancy and another two to draw blood for the ink." Naruto said honestly.
"And how much will you be charging?" A Jounin on the side asked.
Naruto glared at the man. "There is no price on a persons safety." The man shrunk under Narutos hard gaze.
"The letter that was sent said you would charge for the seals." The Tsuchikage said confused.
"I don't know how your council works or if you even have one. While I am a shinobi sworn to protect those in my village the civilian council did not care for me personally, I played to their greed, I never said what my payment would be. My payment is the satisfaction that innocents are being protected and the guilty punished." A cheeky smile came across his face. The Genin team that escorted him chuckled.
The kage nodded his head in approval. "That is acceptable Tora and Tira will be your guide and your watchers." Two Jounin stepped forward they were obviously identical twins. Naruto nodded in acceptance. He was a foreign ninja in their city it would be strange if he wasn't being assorted.
The first week had passed and while both his guards and several of the other Kunochi and women from the brothels had gotten the seals not many others had come in and while he wasn't busy he was trying to alter the anti pregnancy seal for it to be used on men to sterilize but not cause impotence and so far it wasn't working. It seemed the main problem was that men didn't have a certain time of the month when they were fertile like women did. An urgent knocking on the door interrupted his thoughts. Rushing over he opened it slowly. There stood a woman her dress torn and tears going down her face. He open his mouth to talk when she flinched.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know where else to go." She stuttered our through her crying. He took a step back and preformed a henge to back him look like a woman.
"Come on in, I will help any ways I can." The Henges voice was soft. The woman visibly relaxed.
"Thank you." she whispered. Naruto guides her into the living room of the apartment he was given for the month. Helping the woman gently onto a chair. He started taking things out of his bag first was things to make tea including the pot, cups and tea leaves. Next was the things needed to make the anti pregnancy seal. A syringe, ink and a brush. As well as cleansing herbs that he had put in the bath water he started.
"Drink your tea it will help calm your nerves you are safe here." He gave her a small smile. "After you finish your tea I've prepared a bath for you, I also have some clothes for you to wear." He pulled out a pair of loose pajamas.
"My name is Kira." She whispered.
"My name is Naruto." The woman snorted. There wasn't a person in the village who didn't know his name.
"Have you done this before?" She asked quietly.
"I have, I have lived in my villages red light district ever since I was a child. The women did so much for me I decided it was time to give them something to protect themselves. I've tried so hard to add more protection but so far nothing has worked. Seals can do amazing things but I can't figure the kinks out of this one." He sighed taking a sip of his tea.
"Thank you again." He simply nodded to her.
She headed into the bathroom. And he released the henge and went onto the balcony. "Tira, Tora. I wish to ask a favor." The twins hopped down from the roof onto the balcony.
"You wish for us to find the man responsible." Tira statted a bitter edge to her voice.
"Yes, I have a seal here that can cause impotence and sterilization to a man. I wish to also ask Tsuchikage-Sama to let me apply this to the person who did this to her." The twins gave a feral grin.
"Tora will go I will stay here. You are not allowed to engage in battle while in the village."
The next few weeks had been busier, women and young girls were coming to get the seals, after Kira confided in her friends and went to the hospital for a check up. Tora and Tira had found the man and placed the seal with permission from their Kage.
But now he was getting ready to go home, his month was up and he had found a small number of friends within the village. The Tsuchikage also saw him off.
"Your his son aren't you?" The old man asked. The smile on Narutos face fell.
"I've never really felt like I was but I am." Naruto said grimly.
"The best Kage sacrifice their all for their village. We made amends but I don't believe it was made public in Konoha. He would be proud of his son."
Naruto gave a small smile and looked to the sky. "You know for the first time in my life I actually believe that. Goodbye Ōnoki-Jiji I hope one day we meet again."
""Goodbye Naruto one day we will." Naruto gave a cheeky smile as he disappeared in a yellow flash. The crowd around them gasped in disbelief the man who had been in their village was the son on the Yellow Flash.
"Kurotsuchi. I do believe it's time to make an alliance with Konoha. Perhaps a marriage alliance would be best." He looked at his granddaughters blushing face the usual stoic woman was redder then the clothes she wore.

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