Idk yet

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So I'm totally crying while writing this.

'Finally it was over.' He thought looking at the many shinobi still alive.
"Kit, it's almost time." The Kyubi spoke. He and the other bijuu were sealed into Naruto only trace amount were left to
Keep the jinchurikis alive.
Everyone stood celebrating. They had lost many good friends but life would move on. Hinata stood close by smiling at him. He held his hand out the the Hyuga. She grabbed it with a small blush on her face. He pulled her close and kissed her. He pulled away and tested his forehead on hers.
"Find love Hinata. Live for the future. Tell everyone to live, and that I'm sorry." His lips pressed against her forehead. Hinata's eyes widened as he collapsed. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as he fell and she screamed trying to catch him.
"Naruto!" Several people cried out running towards the blonde. Sakura immediately fell to her knees trying to heal him.
"This...this isn't possible." She muttered to herself trying to get him to wake up.
Ino pulled her pink haired friend away. They wouldn't feel his chakra anymore.
"He's gone Sakura." She shook her. "Now what's impossible?" She tried to keep back tears.
"My scans...he's been dead for hours." Disbelief in her voice.
"But how?" Kiba asked. Holding onto Hinata as she cried.
"Will power." Gai approached leaning on Kakashi.
"You've seen it before. When Lee fought Gaara. His will to protect everyone kept him going and when he knew you were all safe. He could be at peace." The silver haired Jounin said looking down at his student, his senseis son, his little brother.
"Be at Peace Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki." His voice carried over the silent battlefield.
The entire Shinobi Alliance escorted his body back to Konoha. As they neared the gates people cheered for the safe return of their people. Until they saw the body of their hero lying on the back of a cart.
"No!" The pained cries broke several hearts even more as Iruka Umino and Konohamaru Sarutobi raced to the cart. They held onto the body tightly as the cart moved towards the Hokage tower. Tsunade stood above the crowd, a henge keeping her tear stained face from the public.
"Citizens of Konoha. We have won the war at a great cost. Several of our loved ones have fallen in battle. Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki, the son of the beloved fourth Hokage and Jinchuriki of the Kyubi no Kitsune was one of the fatalities. While everyone fought bravely. Naruto fought even in death. Through will power alone he didn't stop fighting until he knew everyone was safe. His final words were to Hinata Hyuga. Live for the future. Tell everyone to live, and that I'm sorry. We must not let his sacrifice be in vain. We must live for the future. To find peace as he always dreamed." She came down the steps and kissed his forehead.
"I urge everyone to pay their respects. I plan to hide his grave from any who wish to do him harm. A monument will be placed in the village later on."
Naruto's body was moved to a cool room, where several of his friends stood protectively until Tsunade took him away to be buried. The first female Hokage could only think of one place he would be safe. The hidden whirlpool village. A large island that had been destroyed decades ago. It was once the resting place of his clan and would be his as well. She had had everything she needed sealed away for easy transport. Others scrolls contained everything his parents had owned and several things his friends had given him. She took him deep into the country to a place she had only been once with her grandmother. A sacred place to the Uzumaki, a underground cavern with its own ecosystem, a lake and lit with luminescent crystals. On the lake was a small island where she would place his coffin, and everything else. She decided to do one more thing before she left. She used a skill that was legendary. The mokuton, or wood release. She never told anyone of her ability to use her grandfathers jutsu. But just this once she would grow a lush forest to protect Naruto even in death.

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