Naruto in love? (NarutoXHana)

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Naruto couldn't get the women out of his head. He first saw her as a child she was stunning only a few years older than him. He watched as everyday she came to pick up her brother. Naruto sat on the swing out side the ninja academy, he had decided today was the day, he was going to confess to her that day. Until his class mate went running to her. He told him self when he saw her again he would. He always saw her in passing. She was never mean to him but she never acknowledged him either. Until they went after Sasuke, and Kiba and Akamaru got hurt, from then on he received glares from the beautiful woman. Then he went on his training trip with Jiraiya. Where the only thing the man taught him was how to use the rasengan. The pervert spent most of his time in brothels or peeking on women leaving Naruto to learn by himself. Luckily he had managed to get scrolls he had collected from the trash and from some abandoned houses around the village. Some of the scrolls even had his name on them. He had scrolls from every clan, they were old and fixing to fall apart but they were still usable. So he used his clones to learn and learn some more. While he couldn't do things with shadows, or bugs, or mind jutsus he was able to create defenses for them. He had even met and befriended Kurama the Kyubi no Kitsune sealed inside of him. With the Bijuu's help he was able to awaken the Uzumaki bloodlines. He was now able to sense peoples chakra and emotions although he could block out the emotions if he wanted too. and he could use chakra chains. Apparently his mother was named Kushina Uzumaki and was the last jailer. Kurama didnt know much about her other then her name she never talked to him like Naruto did. After talking with the elder toads Naruto was allowed to sign the Kitsune summoning contract. Not that his "sensei" knew the man was always  gone. In one of the scrolls with his name on them Naruto found the instructions on how to use the Fourth's most precious Jutsu the Flying thunder God Technique. It took him three weeks to master it. Shadow clones helped a lot. Deciding the scroll wasn't  safe on his person he gave it to one of the foxes to hide it in their den. While he trusted the Toads, Jaraiya could access their home and he wanted no chance of it being found.Finally after three years of following Jiraiya around it was time for him to go back home. He couldnt wait to see his friends and the woman he thought about everyday. He hoped that he would be able to actually talk to her and tell her how he feels. Kurama laughed at him in the three years and the countless amount of brothels Jiraiya had taken them to Naruto never touched another woman, he stayed pure for a woman who barely knew he existed. Making it back into Konoha Naruto heard the rumors of someone trying to fight for Hana's hand in marriage. Naruto was seething, gone for three years only to come back to find out that some mongrel wanted to marry his hime. Naruto raced across the roof tops to the Inuzuka compound standing on a building he used his enhanced senses to see and hear what was going on.

"We are here today because Toro has asked for Hana's hand in marriage." Tsume her mother and clan head spoke. He didn't miss the was Hana flinched at the mans name. He took a minute to glance over the man he was large as was the dog by his side. Naruto let the emotions flow into him. Anger glee and lust came from the man. Disgust, loathing and anger came from both Hana and her mother. Kiba was seething but there was another emotion that surprised him it was hope. "Is there anyone here be they clan member or outsider who wishes to challenge him." Suddenly a kunia was thrown at the mans feet. Everyone looked in the direction it came from to see a man with blond hair and a cloak standing on a building outside the gate in white flash he stood in the middle of the group.

"Tsume-sama I wish to challenge for the right to court Hana-hime." He spoke with confidence. Relief flooded through Kiba and his mother. Hana was still skeptic.

"Who is it that wants my Daughters hand and what can you offer her?" She asked formally. She would recognize her friends child from miles away.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. Jinchuriki of the Kyubi no Kitsune future head of the Uzumaki clan. The only thing that I can offer Hana is a chance to refuse my offer should I win. Something I'm sure my opponent would not do." whispers broke out at the dig to his opponents character.

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