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Fuck...please more Kirito-sama..please!" The woman screamed out from underneath him. Kirito a young man with dark brown hair and purple eyes thrusted into the woman underneath him hitting her good spot every time. Kirito was one of the only workers in this male brothel for straight woman. The women paid and the men would dance, strip and if price is right have sex with the lucky women. This was the red light district after all, there were several different bars and places for different preferences. On the opposite side of the street was the brothel for straight men looking for women then across the road was the local gay bar then across from this brothel was a lesbian bar. There was really only one rule. If you are told no, move on. The consequences of ignoring this rule were brutal, men and women alike who failed to comply were beaten and marked with a seal that would change their clothes bright white if they reentered an establishment.
But kirito had a secret his name was actually Naruto Uzumaki and he was currently on a mission. The woman he was currently fucking from behind was the only daughter of the land of grass Diyamo. She was known to frequent this particular brothel. And some how Naruto managed to be the one in this position. Kakashi, Yamato, and Gai were unfortunately listening in thankfully Sakura or any of the other girls weren't here he would never hear the end of it.
Naruto finished inside the woman as she screamed his fake name before collapsing. Naruto rolled off to the side and sat his head on his hand.
"Are you satisfied Princess?" He asked trailing a hand down her back playing with her hair before groping her ass and giving it a light spank.
"Oh Kirito-kun you must come work for me in the palace. I would give you everything you could ever want." She suddenly recovered straddling his waist and having him lay on his back.
"But princess what if I did that and you found someone you enjoyed more then me." The woman laughed. It was hallow and lacking any joy. She suddenly gripped Naruto's face as she slid his dick back inside her abused pussy. "You amuse me Kirito. You are by far the best man I've ever had since my first lover. My father had him killed for being a lowly guard then killed my child while I was pregnant. Once the rouge ninja I hired to kill my father are done tonight my sweet lover you shall be mine forever." She continued to ride him as she reached her climax Naruto used a special jutsu he made for these kinds of situations. It made the person cum so hard they black out. She collapsed as soon as Naruto spilt another load of cum into her. He tossed her to the side.
"Naruto good job. I will go protect the diyamo and deal with the rouges. We will arrest both until the story can be verified." Kakashi said over the com.
"Where's Yamato and Gai?" He whispered.
Kakashi cleared his throat, "they are both passed out, seduction mission aren't really meant for the innocent of mind " Kakashi recieved a grunt in response. Naruto cleaned up the woman in front of him before dressing her and taking the money she owed him. Then he placed cuffs on her and just in case a chakra suppression seal. He dropped the henge returning his blonde hair blue eyes and whisker marks. He was actually perfect for these missions, because of the fox his henges were as close to real as one could get, and also thanks to his dad he had a infertile seal placed on him just to be cautious. He had placed it when he turned thirteen and it was a good thing because less then a year later a girl he had been dating became pregnant and tried to say it was his. After the news made it around that he was infertile and a good fuck girls were going to him for one and one more one night stands. Some of the guys made fun of him for it but what they didn't know was that their moms and sisters came to him for release while their fathers were gone.
Placing the girl over his shoulder he jumped out the window and to the Diyamos palace. Kakashi was done with the missing nins when he walked through the doors the Diyamo sat scared in his chair.
Finally they got the truth. The man the girl had been in love with died while fighting missing nin, then in her grief miscarried her baby. The sudden deaths sent her into a delicious state where she blamed her father. She was going to be put in a hospital psychiatric ward and get the help she needed. Satisfied with their answers, after double checking with different sources they collected Gai and Yamato,waking them up the four men headed home, giving glances to Naruto along the way. A day into their journey they stopped to rest when Naruto snapped.
"What the hell are you guys looking at?" He yelled at them. They had the decency to look away. Well Yamato and Gai did, Kakashi just stared him down.
"How did you get so good at sex Naruto?" He asked bluntly.
"Practice makes perfect Kakashi, maybe you should practice more instead of reading so much." Naruto smirked before putting his hands behind his head and started walking again. Kakashi pouted at the perfectly acceptable answer that hit two birds with one stone. He had been slacking off lately.
"So who did you give your virginity to Naruto?" Yamato asked.
"Remember that girl that accused me of getting her pregnant?" They nodded.
"Her, but after it got out I couldn't have kids the girls keep coming at me. They all want to have fun without the worry of having a baby. And I enjoy the process. I get tested weekly for different stuff by baa-chan. Had a girl accuse me of giving her an std before we left. I got tested the day before and I was clean so it must of been from her boyfriend. That guy is an idiot." Naruto snorted and they called him an idiot.
On the way home they tried to pull more information about his lovers but he didn't budge. Finally after two more days of traveling they made it back and gave their report to the Hokage afterwards she gave him another check up and said he was clean. 
"So Naruto what kind of mission do you want next?" Tsunede asked him.
"I like the seduction missions but I'm going to test the village defenses before I leave again. I think our city is too lax in security." He said toying with a ball on the couch.
"Do what you must, but no killing." He gave her a cheeky smile, then got up and kissed her cheek.
"Of course not, goodnight kaa-San." Unknown to everyone in the village Tsunede adopted the young man when she came back. She had a son and he had the mother he always wanted. Naruto made his way home only to see Hana Inuzuka standing at his door.
He nodded to acknowledge her and let her in his apartment where after closing the door hit a seal as the apartment transformed into a nice place. Next thing he knew he was sitting on his bed Hana straddling his hips with her lips on his. Naruto made his way down her neck and to her chest sucking and biting on her breasts.
"Heard you went on a seduction mission. Was it a success?" He gave a single smack to her ass as he played with her boobs. "Oh yes!" She could feel him getting hard. His dick was pressing up against her covered cunt she couldn't wait to have him inside of her. "I talked to my mother." She moaned as he pinched her nipple roughly. "When ever you get ready to marry my name is first on the list. She's already talked to the Hokage about it." In a single slash of a kunia she was bare before him, he threw her on the bed as he took off his pants freeing himself from his boxers. He lined himself up with her soaking pussy before thrusting in and out slowly. Using his new found ability to use chakra chains he tied her hands to the headboard he put on leg over his shoulder as he pumped in and out of her, beneath him she was whimpering mess. he added chakra chains to wrap around her chest squeezing her boobs while she gushed around him. Naruto released her from the chains and she took him in her mouth to finish him off. As he came she pulled back enough so that the tip was the only thing in her mouth as he shook with release, she swallowed it all. He laid on his back with the busty brunette beside him.
"Why on earth would you want to marry me? I'm nothing special." He told her looking at the ceiling. She gave him a sad look.
"You are more special then you know. I've been watching you for awhile now Naruto, you are simply amazing. I don't know how anyone could not like you. Who wouldn't want to marry you. Besides why wouldn't I want to marry you?" She placed a hand on his cheek making him look at her. "When I'm with you Naruto I feel complete. I'm positive there's not a bad bone in your body."
"Hana...I'm not good for you...there's something that the adults an I know. To be with me you would be hated." He told her tears coming into his eyes.
"Naruto, I could be hated by all the people in the world but as long as I had you, my dogs and my family, I would be happy." He gave the girl a soft kiss on the lips as they fell asleep together.
The next morning Naruto was woken by pounding on his door. Sliding Hana off of him he put on a pair of shorts before answering. Just as he opened the door he was punched him the face and his attacker wouldn't let up suddenly the person pounding on him collapsed next to him on the floor. There standing in front of him was Hana covering herself with a sheet. She had hit the attacker with the blunt end of her Kunai She rushed to get some towels trying to staunch the bleeding. Once the blood wasn't blocking his vision he could clearly see his attacker was Kiba, Hana's little brother. They two got dressed with Naruto picking up Kiba and throwing him over his shoulder. The quickly made their way to the Inuzuka Compound. When they entered the girls surrounded Naruto forcing Hana to take Kiba to their mother who stood in her robe on the porch. She dropped the stupid boy on the stairs as he started to wake up. He looked on in fear as his sister snarled at him.
"What did you do now Kiba?" Their mother asked. Unlike other Inuzukas Hana was hard to get angry. To see her so pissed and at her brother was a fearful sight. Seeing as Kiba was too scared to talk, and Hana was trying not to rip his throats out Naruto had finally made his way out of the group of women who tried to molest him. "Good morning Tsume-San or should I call you Kaa-San?" He smiled then his gaze turned to Kiba. "Why the fuck did you attack me this morning!" The girls giggling around the corner started growling at the boy. Kiba gulped fearfully not only was his sister mad, but every woman in the clan as well as Naruto.
Putting on a brave face he stared at Naruto in the eyes. He now noticed the blonde was slightly taller than him. "Because you've been fucking every girl in the village and I don't want my sister getting hurt. It's my job as her brother to protect her from playboy perverts like you!"
Suddenly Kiba was face down in the dirt with his mother standing on his back. "That is not your Job Pup its mine and as Alpha I have already agreed to the relationship between them. Now he is her protector and if she lets him bed any woman he wants that's between them, not you and them. Now not only have you pissed off several women from your own clan. You can probably bet the others won't be to happy with you when they find out. I'm sure the Aburame already know. I have been told that several of them have petitioned to be on Naruto's potential marriage list. Including your teammate Shira. It seems every clan wants Naruto for their own except the Hyuga for some reason."
"Oh that's easy the elders are pressuring Hiashi to betroth Hinata to a branch member but Hiashi is fighting back. Right now they are at a stalemate. The only thing that could push it in Hiashs favor is if the names of my parents were released, and if I'm like the last heir of some super powerful clan or something like that." Naruto munched on an apple from a basket of fruit one of the other girls brought.
I think that's a good place to end it.

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