Snapped (completed)

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Team seven stood on the middle of the clearing waiting on the enemy to attack. The fight was on and the four were quickly separated. When Sakura screamed, "Sasuke-kun save me!" She yelled making everyone cover their ears. Something inside of Naruto snapped.
"Will you shut the hell up!" He yelled at her. Team seven froze, even the enemy froze. Naruto looked at them.
"Yo can we do this in a minute she's got some serious problems that need to be settled before we either die or kick your asses." The others who looked to the leader who nodded. Naruto turned back to Sakura.
"What the hell is your problem?! Sasuke-kun save me!" He mocked her voice. "In case you haven't noticed we are surrounded by people who can kill us and your first instinct is to yell for help! How the hell did you ever pass the academy! Like serious I get it your smart, good for you. But shinobi have to be more then just smart they have to be strong. And let me guess you didn't eat breakfast because of your diet so your even weaker then you normally would be. Do you even know why you want to be a ninja? I bet it was just to get close to Sasuke. Wasn't it?" The girl bowed her head. "You are pathetic and you need to get your act together. The only reason you aren't dead yet is because people keep protecting you! What's gonna happen if you get separated or we all die trying to protect you. Kurenia-sensei is incredibly strong and she doesn't diet and she trains every day. No one gets to be a chunin, Jounin, anbu or even Hokage without working their asses off. It's not just you either Ino is just like you but being on Sasukes team is just making you worse. When we get back I'm requesting Jiji to send you back to the academy until you improve and find out just why you want to be a ninja that doesn't involve being close to Sasuke." He was breathing heavily after his rant at the girl.
"You know he's right. We've been following you for days. You never did anything except hang off the other kid." One of the bandits spoke up.
A tic mark appeared on Narutos head. "And you all what the hell is wrong with you? It's like y'all never learn! Go get a fucking job! And don't give me the shit about none in the area. Just move your spending all this time robbing others your just making it harder of the people in the town who need this crap and then they become bandits too because they need the bare necessities to live! Your creating a cycle and making not only other people miserable!"
"The midget has a point boss." One of the bandits said.
Suddenly the others three of team seven puffed into smoke.
"Sorry but this was a distraction. But seriously think about what I said." The clone of Naruto said, before he too puffed away. Miles away Naruto smirked as his clones memories came back to him. It felt good to get that penny up frustration off his chest.

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