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In the arean waiting and watching was a girl with medium length long blonde hair pulled up in a high pony tail and piercing purple eyes. Adorning her face was a mask that covered the lower half of her face to her shoulders and down her arms to cover her hand in a fingerless glove fashion it hid the three whisker marks on each of her cheeks. She wore a blue and black kimono style high short dress that hugged her amble breast the sleeves that went past her hands were tattered from wear and tear. Wearing skin colored leggings she had bandages wrapped around both thighs standard ninja sandals adorned her feet. Nobody had seemed to notice her sitting above the Kage booth. Not that they could see her with the invisibility jutsu she created. Her blood clone took down a hyuga with relative ease. It was a good thing she came back it only had enough chakra for one more big fight.
The next fight was between the Ichibi jinchuriki and the uchiha. This was only going to end in disaster. The fight was just getting good, the red head had just been injured and was losing his mind when a genjutsu was placed over the stadium. Then she felt it the corrupted chakra that could only belong to the snake sannin. Everything happened so quickly before she new it she was standing next to the hokage.
"Orochimaru let's end this!" The old man said to his ex student. I dropped my jutsu.
"Hey Jiji want some help with the pedo?" I asked cheerily. I rested my hand on the short katana hidden under my skirt.
"Oh Naruto your back I wasn't expecting you for a few more days." He said happily.
"Oh my mission got finished early that base of pedos in Kumo I blew it sky high almost got caught by A-sama, I thought it best I came home since he wasn't there." I said giving him an eye smile. "Do you still have that kunia I gave you?" He nodded. "Good I will see you later then." Grabbing his arm I flashed him to his office then back to where I left one in front of orochi-pedo.
"Come now it's time to fight me. I want to see how much I've grown." Suddenly the snake attacked. I dodged while he used the distraction to preform a jutsu when two coffins came out of the ground. They had the kanji for 1 and 2 on it then another started to come out it had a 4. I quickly destroyed that one. But the other two already had people coming out I recognized them as the first and second Hokages Hiroshima and Tobirama Senju.
"Who is this beautiful kunochi?" Tobirama asked.
"My name is Naruto I'm related to Mito-bachan. I carry her burden."
"Ah I see were you blessed with chains, sensory,eyes, or healing?"
"I'm sorry Lord First but do to present company I will not tell you that information." They both nodded. Suddenly they each had a kunia in their heads. Then the real fighting started.
"Naruto Uzumaki you bring me back in there right this minute or so help me I will forbid the sale of Raman to you from anyone." Everyone sweat dropped at that comment.
"Sorry Jiji can't. I will miss you my beloved Raman" a tear formed in her eye then she vanished as tree roots grew from the spot she was in. Glowing white chakra chains flowed from her back each had sharp ends that made slices quick and clean. Summoning three clones to fight orochimaru so she could fight the Senju brothers. Quickly she smashed Tobiramas head in with the chakra chains before he could react she lit the body on fire and turned it to ash. But Harashima wouldn't stop growing those damn trees.
She dodge and used the chains to block attacks.
"Hey Orochi wanna know something?" I called out.
"And what information would you have that would interest me girl?"
"Tsunede is my grandmother and you will never guess who my grandfather is." "Please tell me it's not jiriaya." His shoulders slumped.
"Correct, ten points for the genius. Just think he finally beat you after you did all that work in medical ninjutsu to impress her, she went and slept with him instead of you." The hokage hit his head outside the barrier. Harashimas body started fighting himself his soul fighting the jutsu that made him want to kill "his" great great grandchild. It gave her the time to bash his head in and destroy the body.
"Wow that was easy. Kinda wish I was related to the guy he was really strong."
"Why the hell would you say stuff like that!" Jiji yelled.
"Like I could fight the first hokage head on and win without a sharigan!" I yelled back. I turned my attention to Orochimaru. He seemed to be day dreaming. Taking his distraction I slapped six different chakra suppressors on him as well as chakra restraint handcuffs. Then pinching a nerve in his neck I knocked him out. The barrier was still up so I used Kura-nii's chakra to damage his chakra coils. Then using a special jutsu my voice rang out over the village. "Orochimaru is defeated and the kazekage was killed by his hands. Sand and Sound Shinobi stand down." Slowly the barrier came down around us and the four people who held it up were detained. I turned and smiled at Jijis approaching figure. He then hit me in the head with his staff I was laying face first on the roof. Jumping up I started to yell at him, when he hugged me.
"Don't you ever do something so stupidly reckless ever again." He said crying.
"Sorry Jiji I can't promise that you know it runs through my veins." I joked try to get the old man to stop crying.
"As punishment for your disobedience you have to do paper work for a month!" My soul left my body as everyone around us had a sweat mark on their foreheads. Just then the boy Naruto Uzumaki appeared. Everyone either looked at it with disdain or curiosity.
"Mistress, orders were followed as directed, the one Tail has been sent back to Suna with its tail between its legs." He bowed before her.
"Good, your time here is over dispel yourself." The clone caught on fire until there was nothing left but a three pronged kunia. I picked it up and put it in my belt.
Everyone had questions, we swore to answer them after everything was back in tip top shape. I had summoned as many clones as I could to get repairs done quickly. We had a large ceremony for all those that died in the invasion. But the burial itself was handled by the families. I was sitting in Jijis chair doing paperwork when team 7 came in. They ignored my presence and spoke directly to Jijis.
"Hokage-Sama we can't find Naruto anywhere!" Sakura sounded alarmed.
"We should probably explain." I said speaking up. "Anbu gather teams 8, 9, and 10 as well as their Jonin please." Within the hour the others were there. Taking a break I started my story.
"What do you know about the kyuubi attack 14 years ago?"
"The kyubi attacked and the lord 4th killed it." Sakura spouted.
"That is just the cover story. You see since the start of ninja villages the Kyubi no kitsune has always been in The leaf village. It has always been locked away in the body of an Uzumaki to hold it at bay, because Uzumaki hold a special ability called chakra chains." Sakura opened her mouth to talk but I raised my hand to silence her. "The people who hold the bijuu are called jinchuriki, the 1st Hokages wife Mito Uzumaki first held the 9 tailed bijuu. Then when she was ready to die the fox was transferred without incident into one Kushina Uzumaki also known as the red death, she also had control over chakra chains.  for Her status was kept secret from everyone because the person who holds a bijuu is usually not treated very well. You all have just met one yourselves."
"Gaara of the sand." Shikimaru spoke up. I nodded my head.
"Yes, his seal was not done properly so I will need to go fix it when Jiraiya gets back. Anyways Kushina Uzumaki led a normal life here in the Leaf she grew up became a Deadly Kunochi and was in line to be 4th hokage. But Jijis over there chose Minato Namikaze instead. But Kushina was not bitter because the man she loved was becoming hokage. The two married in secret. And then once she fell pregnant she secluded herself from society. Then one night they were preparing to bring the stubborn child into the world, after the baby was born the seal had weakened. The 4th tried to reinforce the seal but a man in a mask took the baby hostage. Minato rescued his child but the man ripped the Kyubi from Kushina as she was too weak to fight back. Her being a Uzumaki prevented her from being killed immediately. The Kyubi wreaked havoc upon the village while under the masked mans control. Until the forth managed to seal the bijuu in his newborn baby girl sacrificing his life. In a last ditched effort to save their baby they jumped in front of the Kyubi attack. Their sacrifice allowed the Kyubi to be sealed permanently. Somehow the babies status as a jinchuriki got out and the adults were mad they tried to kill it thinking the baby was the Kyubi in human form. The babies parents was to be an sss-class secret until she was old enough to protect herself. But since her name was out the hokage sent her away for her own protection to Tsunde-Hime and Pervy sage. Up until now the Naruto Uzumaki you all have know was a blood clone in a henge. It's sole job was to act like an idiot to keep the civilians happy about a weak and stupid "demon brat." I am the real Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and it's a pleasure to finally meat you all." I finished with a smile. The boys blushed.
"So there was never a boy naruto Uzumaki." Hinata hyuga spoke up.
"Sorry Hinata, I know how much you liked him but it didn't have much chakra left anyways, besides a beautiful girl like yourself will have no problem attracting men." I sent the girl a wink as she turned red.
"So what's going to happen to our team?" Sakura asked.
"You will be getting a new teammate, he's not very good with emotions and can be quite insulting. But he has potential to be a wonderful shinobi."
"Hold on your the daughter of the 4th Hokage!" Kiba yelled a little slow on the uptake. I simply nodded my head.
"Kakashi-nii are you not going to greet your little sister?" He snapped   his book shut.
"I haven't heard from you in 2 years! And then when you do come back you don't come see me first!" He bonked me on the head with his book.
"Kakashi repeated head trauma will make her lose brain cells." I snorted at Jijis comment. Before moving my bangs to the side. Sitting in the middle of my forehead was a purple diamond.
"That wont be a problem. I completed my training with Ba-chan but Pervy sage wont teach me the raesagan yet." I pouted while Jijis and kaka-nii looked proud.
"Now formal introductions are in order."
"Why should we listen to you." Duck butt huffed. I glared appearing behind him, first I knocked him out then dealt with the cursed seal of the snake sannin. Then I did a quick mental check.
"Yo Jijis how did this guy ever pass the mental evaluations."
"The civilian council got rid of them one day when I was on a diplomatic trip, by the time I found out he was already a ninja."
"Anbu summon the councils please." The aura I was giving off was deadly.
"I'm afraid we are going to have to do this another day please excuse us, I have heads to separate from bodies."
Dealing with the civilian council and the ones that listened to them was easier said then done. It was hours over arguing before we tossed them all in prison and had sasuke removed from missions until his mind was stable.
Negotiations with the Sand village had started but after everything it was good to be home.

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