Kurenai Yuhi (NOT ALONE)

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Idea: Naruto gets back from a mission and hears about Asuma Sarutobi's death. As he is close with Konohamaru and was close with the old man he heads over offer his condolences and congratulations.

Naruto stood on the Hokage monument looking out over the village. It felt like a lifetime ago when Nagato attacked. But now a shadow of grief was over the village. The third Hokages son was a beloved figure in the village. While he didn't know the man to well, everyone seemed to like him.

Naruto had a gift, for the baby in his hands but he didn't know if he should give it to Kurenia-sensei yet. Making up his mind he jumped from rooftop to rooftop to get to her house. He landed in front of the door but something felt off. It was quiet too quiet for someone in mourning. The lights were on and he could sense her inside. He knocked but there was nothing. He tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. With a swift kick the door fell down with a thud. Naruto quickly ran inside, he searched the ground floor before heading upstairs. He found her lying on her bed, her breathing shallow. Bottles of booze and an empty bottle of sleeping pills sat on the side table. He quickly made a shadow clone.
"Go tell Baa-Chan to meet us at the hospital, then find Anko." The clone took off.
He wrapped her in a light blanket he had found on the foot of the bed. He then took off as fast as he dared to get to the hospital. He landed a gently as he could, bending his knees to take most of the shock. Tsunade, Shizune and Anko were there pacing at the door waiting for him.
"Baa-Chan! Her pulse is weakening."
"Tell me what you saw Naruto." She led him to a room with an empty bed.
"Bottles of booze, all different kinds and an empty bottle of sleeping pills I don't know how many she took." Tsunade and Shizune began running diagnostics.
"We need to pump her stomach, Naruto, you and Anko need to wait outside, this won't be pretty." They both nodded and exited the room. They both sat down on the bench across the hallway.
The silence was tense as they waited for news on the black haired Kunochi.
"I knew she was in a bad place...but I didn't think it was this bad." Anko was shaking. She sounded so vulnerable. "Kurenia, she's one of my closest friend. She saved me from a similar situation. I was so down, nobody trusted me because of Orochimaru. But she stood by me, she helped me see the that I was important maybe not to everyone but to those that mattered...I was irreplaceable."
He put his hands behind his head. "I didn't know Asuma very well but Jiji was pretty much family. I check on Konohamaru all the time. I wanted to bring a gift for the baby. I wasn't going to stop by but I'm glad I did." He pulled out a bag from his pocket. It was wrinkled like he had stuffed it in there. They waited for what felt like an eternity when Shizune and the Hokage finally exited the room.
"Shes stable, and the baby is alright. We are going to keep her for observation for a few days, but you can both go in now just don't swarm her and don't disturb the other patients." The two nodded. Anko took a spot next to the bed and Naruto took a seat on the window sill.
"Get some rest Anko I will wake you if she wakes up." The purple haired Kunochi nodded but she knew that sleep would not come easy.
As the sun rose over the village Naruto watched as both women started to wake. Luckily he had sent a clone to get tea and breakfast. Just as the clone arrived both opened their eyes. Anko sat up as she realized Kurenia was stirring.
As if realizing where she was was Kurenai sat up. Tears streamed down her face as she engulfed Anko in a hug. Naruto let them have their moment before handing them each a warm tea.
The red eyed Jounin gave Naruto a thankful look.
"Do you remember what happened Kurenia-sensei?" The woman lowered her gaze to her lap as she nodded.
He pulled out the crumpled gift from his pocket. He placed it gently on her lap. She looked at him curiously as she unwrapped it. Inside was a silver blanket with a red leaf symbol on it. On the outer edges were names. The names of not only her students but Asuma's and the rest of the rookies. It even had the names of their closest friends. Then right in the middle of the leaf symbol was Sarutobi in a light green.
"Everyone on that blanket cares for you Kurenai-sensei. Everyone of them would give their life to protect you and your baby. To everyone on that blanket you are irreplaceable." He put a hand over her. "There will only ever be more people who care for you both, never any less. Even in death they still care for the living." The woman gave him a sad smile before a new bout of tears started.
"T..thank..you Naruto." Her voice was scratchy, but the emotions behind it were clear.
"I'm going to go get your students. I don't want this to be something they hear from someone they barely know." He gave a gentle smile as Anko hugged the crying woman.
He made his way to the Hyuga compound as it was closest. He knocked on the gate, it was answered by none other then Neji.
"Please tell me we aren't going on a mission." They stuck up boy sure had changed in the last few years.
Naruto's face however remained stoic. That in turn worried Neji.
"What's wrong Naruto?" The blonde boy stuck his hands in his pockets.
"Can you get Hinata? I would rather tell you both at the same time." Neji nodded before taking off to the main house. He had almost ran into Hinata on his way. He quickly grabbed her wrist and ran back to the gate. Naruto still stood there.
"We are back, what's happened?" Neji questioned.
"Kurenai-sensei is in the hospital. She and the baby are ok, but I didn't want you to find out from someone else." Hinata gasped and held her hands close to her chest as tears rolled down her face. "After I leave here I'm going to get Shino, and Kiba ."
"Naruto, what happened to put her in the hospital?" Neji questioned since Hinata couldn't.
"She wasn't in a good place, the man she loved is dead and now she's to raise his child by herself. I went by last night to drop off a baby gift. It was lucky I found her." He placed a hand on Hinata's shoulder. "I don't think this will happen again, she's been reminded that she's not alone. Go to the hospital and see her, she was awake when I left, also Anko is there." He walked away leaving Neji to deal with a crying Hinata.
His trip to the Abrume clan was a bit longer. He was met at the gate by the clan head.
"Is Shino home?" He asked.
Shibi had raised an eyebrow at the unusual attitude of the hyperactive blond. He sent out a few bugs to gather his son.
"Is something wrong Uzumaki-San?" The blond nodded his head.
"A member of our family is Hurting, Shibi-San. She needs her precious people to heal." He nodded in understanding.
Shino approached. "Naruto." He greeted.
"Shino, Kurenia-sensei is in the hospital." Eyes widened behind both males sunglasses.
"Do you know why?" Shibi asked.
"She's hurting Shibi-San. I went to give her a baby gift last night, and found her. Anko-San is at the hospital and Hinata should be there soon. I didn't want her team hearing it from anyone else." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and kicked his foot. "Ba-Chan said she will be ok, I think she will be now, but a visit from her precious people might help her recover quicker." Shino nodded.
"Thank you for helping her Naruto." He waved and made his way to the Inuzuka clan compound. He had immediately went to the main house where Kiba's sister Hana opened the door.
"Naruto-kun your here early." The happy smile on her face vanished as his face was emotionless.
"Sorry Hana-Chan long night is Kiba awake?" She nodded and called for her brother. While letting him into the house. A yawning Kiba made his way into the living room where Naruto sat. He immediately knew something was wrong. Naruto was never quiet unless it was on a mission.
"Hey Naruto, what's up!" He said trying to lighten the mood. His friend gave a small smile.
"I've come to get you. Hinata and Shino should be at the hospital. Kurenai-sensei is going to be in there for a few days. She's ok but she's not in the best place right now." Kiba's face paled and Hana gasped.
"Tell me what happened Naruto!" He grabbed the blonds shoulders.
"She tried to kill herself Kiba. She's sad, and lonely. She needs her family right now. Her students, her friends. She needs to know she's not alone." A tear escaped from his eye but he quickly brushed it away. Kiba looked to the floor. He fought to keep his own tears back.
"You found her didn't you?" His voice was weak. "You saved her and her baby?"
"I did." Suddenly Kiba hugged him tightly.
"Thank you." It was barely above a whisper but Naruto still heard it.
"It's what we do for family." Kiba gave a teary chuckle.
"Yes it is." He whipped the tears from his eyes. "Hana can you tell mom I will be at the hospital?" The older girl nodded.
The two headed out, towards the hospital.
Naruto watched from the door as the team 6 talked with Kurenai. With a smile he left, not noticing the red eyes that followed him. After all he had a front door to fix.
It was 3 days before Kurenai left the hospital her team and Naruto checked on her everyday. They had decided to throw a baby shower since they now knew that Kurenai was having a girl. She had shown every one the blanket Naruto had gotten the baby. They had all agreed that such a gift would be hard to top. The girls had cornered him while he was at his favorite raman stand.
"Alright Naruto! Tell us where you bought it!" Ino shouted while pointing at him.
"Bought what?" He didn't know of anything he had bought recently that would warrant this kind of attention.
"The blanket you gave Kurenai-sensei. We want to know what store you bought it from." Tenten spoke up crossing her arms over her chest.
Naruto blushed. 'Oh that.' "Well uhh you see I didn't buy it. I made it." He rubbed the back of his head lightly laughing.
"What! But it was so beautiful!" Ino had a cloud hanging over her.
"I started making it ages ago when we found out Asuma-sensei and Kurenia-sensei we're dating. It was meant to be a wedding present. I figured it would only be a matter of time. Ya know?" The looks of awe that the girls gave him were making him uncomfortable.
"Are you making anything else currently?" Tenten asked slyly. Naruto blushed harder. But nodded. "I'm making one for each of the rookies. The guys are easy, they are mostly done, they only lack the future spouses family name and closest friends. With yours I'm in the opposite boat. I already have your names and clan symbols but I'm only lacking your future partners."
"Why would you do something like that?" Sakura asked.
"You all are my friends, my precious people. We may not be family by blood, but we share a bond that can't be broken."
The girls smiled at the blushing young man, Their brother.
The baby shower had been a success. Kurenia had gotten almost everything she needed. All that was left was a crib. Suddenly a knock on the door interrupted the women, they had gone silent.
Hinata opened the door. Kurenai not far behind. Standing there was Naruto holding a miniature crib.
"I hope I'm not interrupting, I finished it and wanted to bring it right over." He motioned to the crib.
"Please come in Naruto-kun." The expecting mother smiled at him. He grinned. He carefully took off his shoes.
"Where do you want this Kurenia-sensei?" He asked.
"You can put it down there Naruto-kun." He found an empty space on the floor that was big enough and set it down. Pushing some chakra into a seal the crib grew shocking the occupants of the room.
"How did you do that?" Ino asked stepping forward. Everyone took a better look at the crib seeing some kind of pattern engraved.
"It's a seal. The top one makes it grow and the bottom one shrinks it. There's a few safety features built in, once I add Kurenai-sensei's chakra it will only work for her. Then there's the protection seals. Anti-fire, anti-water. Self cleaning, this one make a mobile pop out and spin and this one plays music." He was obviously happy with his creation.
"When did you learn seals?" Sakura asked.
"Pervy sage taught me a lot on my trip. They came really easy to me. I've learned that if your good enough you don't even have to use ink. You can use wood, or even string."
"Did you put seals into the blanket as well?" Anko asked.
"Yep." He nodded. "It has some of the same as the crib except it also has a self cleaning and I've added one that would absorb any attack. Any chakra basses attack gets absorbed and reflects it back. Weapons will break when they come in contact with it."
"You've put a lot of thought into it brat." Tsunade said lifting her glass.
"I had to, wether it's intentional or accidental, it could save Kurenai-sensei and even the babies life." He gave them a smile and rubbed his head. "I also may be a bit paranoid, but better safe then sorry." They laughed at his antics.

The war was finished they had won and while many had lost their lives, the joy of winning was overwhelming. Finally they were home and trying to get things back to normal.
Naruto was out an about when he saw Kurenai leaning on a wall. She was heavily pregnant and heavily breathing. He noticed the wet ground underneath her. Without saying anything he picked her up and rushed her to the hospital. He tried to give her to the nurses but she refused to let go of his arm.
"Please don't go.." she said trying to speak through her contractions.
"I'm not going anywhere." He grabbed her hand. He hoped the other rookies wouldn't give him hell for ditching them. Several hours later a black haired baby came into the world screaming.
"Hello little Miria. Say hello to to the man who saved us." Kurenia held the little pink bundle close as she tilted her so that big red eyes could look at blue.
Naruto moves closer to get a look at the little one. His large hand stroked the small cheek. "She beautiful, just like her mother." Suddenly as if realizing what he said he blushed a deep shade of red. "I better go spread the news and tell everyone she's here!" He quickly zoomed out of the room. Just as Anko came in the doorway.
"Couldn't tell him could you?" She teased.
"Never got the chance. This little one interrupted. Miria say hello to Auntie Anko." The purple haired woman held the baby gently in her arms.
"He was right, she is as beautiful as her mother." Kurenia would have thrown something at her friend if her child hadn't have been in the other woman's arms.

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