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He looked around the wasteland that was once his home. The village where he was born, where he had some of the best and the worst years of his life. He accomplished his dream to become Hokage and although he never married or had the family he dreamed of he had been happy.
But now it had all been destroyed.
Homes, the academy, the hospital , the Hokage tower, it had all been reduced to nothing but rubble.
"It's time kit." Kurama's deep voice spoke in his mind. The fox demon had always been with him so he was never truly alone.
"Are you sure it will work?" The blonde was skeptical. Time Jutsus were incredibly dangerous simply because they couldn't be controlled.
"Yes, while you can't choose when you will appear. You will have the chance to change things." Naruto sighed as he drew the seal on the ground.
With the seal finished all that was left was to charge it with chakra. He had scavenged several items and sealed them away from history books and secret scrolls.
He stood in the center and charged the seal. He lost consciousness as his chakra was drained.

Two chunin stood guard at the villages main gate. Today had been a slow day, no one in and no one out. A sudden flare of chakra sent them both on high alert. They could only watch as a bruised and bloody man, basically came out of no where. One of the chunin stepped forward to check on the man as the other stayed back to provide cover. Tanaka Uchiha activated his sharigan, he wanted to be prepared for any surprise attack.
The blonde man laid face down on the ground his white and red coat was torn in several places and covered with blood. One sleeve had been ripped at the shoulder and he could see the making of an Anbu tattoo through the torn fabric. He careful moved the large man on his side. "Get a medic!" He had yelled startling his partner. There around the mans forehead laid a forehead protector that was identical to the ones they wore. Medics arrived shortly and took the large blonde to the hospital for treatment. Tanaka picked up a scroll that had been in the mans hands. It had the Hokages seal. As well as a name Namikaze. He held the scroll and looked at the man that was being carried away. Could this be the father of the boy that was in his sons class. He took the scroll to the Hokage.

Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at the scroll that had been given to him in surprise. The name Namikaze was familiar to him. There was a boy who was doing fairly well in the academy by that name. But he could not remember an adult Ninja with the name. With extreme caution he opened the scroll.
If you are reading this then the Jutsu was a success. I do not know which time period I will end up in. If this is in your hands then I must be unconscious. Do not fear or worry for the safety of the village. My name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. I am the holder of the Kyubi, I am also the seventh Hokage, of the village hidden in the leaves. My medical and other shinobi files are in the seal towards the bottom.
I will explain more soon.
Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze

Hiruzen groaned and rubbed his head. This meant more paperwork for him. He pushed some chakra into the seal on the bottom of the page and several boxes popped out and onto his desk. They were labeled. Birth-Academy, Genin, then Kage, and medical. He sighed as he started going through the files.

It was several days before Naruto woke up. Even then he laid on the bed with his eyes closed waiting on the nurse to leave. He could feel the two Anbu stationed in the rooms shadows. He could smell the sickly cleanness of the hospital. He could not wait to be out of here. He slowly opened his eyes to see the white ceiling above him. He felt as one of the Anbu left. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he slowly stood and walked to the window. As far as his eye could see their were houses, the library, the Hokage tower and monument. The Hokage monument that only had three faces.
He placed his hand on the cold glass. "I'm home." He didn't even look to the door as it opened he knew who it would be.
"Naruto Namikaze." The young Hokage dismisses the Anbu and closed the door.
"Hiruzen Sarutobi." Blue eyes met brown. "I guess I can't call you old man anymore." Naruto gave a chuckle. He made his way back to the bed and sat down. "I assume you've read everything in my files."
The thirty year old Hokage nodded. "Indeed." He sat down in a chair. "The only question now is, what are you going to do?"
"That depends on what has happened or what hasn't happened so far. If Uzu has been destroyed then I would suggest making my cover story, that I was an Anbu under lord Second. All my files were destroyed since I had to go deep undercover. On my mission the enemy was tipped off and I was captured. I was tortured and held captive. I refused to give up my village so they couldn't even send for a ransom. If Uzushigaru still stands. Then I was deep undercover in rock where I discovered a plot to destroy the Uzumaki clan. I tried to get home quickly but I was attacked. I used an experimental Jutsu to teleport here."
Hiruzen nodded. "Uzu still stands. We will need to send word, and forces."
"The land of whirlpools can not fall. The destruction of the island is just the beginning of a larger, more destructive chain of events." If the Uzumaki clan falls the world will indeed be destroyed. "There is one more thing. I want to pose as Minato Namikaze's father. But I do not know who his parents were, or if any who knew of them are still alive."
Hiruzen thought that this might happen he took their files out of his pocket. "His mother died in childbirth and his father died before he was born. To my knowledge no one remembers them. He wasn't a shinobi but a traveling merchant. His mother was from the Senju clan. She however was not a shinobi. You actually look just like his father, if whiskers were added."
Naruto smiled down at the picture of the woman. She reminded him of Tsunade. She could only be a cousin or sister.
"I will let you handle the reinforcements to Uzu. I however want to see my son..how old is he now?"
"Hes nine. You can stay in his apartment until you can pick out a house. The academy should be ending soon, shall we go meet him." Sarutobi smiled.
"Thank you. Just give me a minute to change." He sent chakra into a nearly invisible seal on his arm. A bundle of clothes popped out and laid across his lap. Hiruzen left the room for the blonde to change. Loose black Anbu pants with shinobi sandals, and a dark grey haori hung loose on his frame with a mesh undershirt his outfit was complete. He and Hiruzen then made their way to the academy. The blond not noticing the lustful looks he was getting from men and women alike.

Minato watched the clock carefully, unlike the others who watched the clock he didn't want to go home. His apartment was empty and void of life other then him. He didn't like being there. Unfortunately for him the bell rang. He packed his things up slowly and made his way out of the building. He ignored the whispers, he didn't care what other people talked about. He suddenly bumped into a much larger person. He looked up to apologize, but he froze when he saw a face similar to his own.
"Hello Musuko." Naruto carefully bent down to his level. He could see tears forming in the blond boys blue eyes. "I know you don't know me, and that's my fault, but I would like to get to know you."
"Are you my tou-San?" Minato whispered.
"I am. My name is Naruto Namikaze and I'm finally home Minato." The next thing he knew his arms were full of a crying young boy. He stood up holding the boy close.
"Hokage-Sama, I will be taking Minato home now. Would it be alright if I kept him home for the week we have much to catch up on."
Hituzen smiled, "Of course. I will write the note myself. Minato's apartment should be big enough until you can find a house." With a nod, Naruto held the sleeping Minato close as he walked them to their temporary home.

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