Testing season

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Location: Anbu Headquarters
"Alright everyone listen up it's that time of year again," groans were heard throughout the room. The newest recruits looked confused. "For those of you who don't know, it's testing season. The Hokage has enlisted someone he trusts to test us. Our response times and how well we do under stress. The only warning I can give you is that if you have anything valuable ether monetary or sentimental make sure it is somewhere safe because it might get destroyed. We have three weeks to catch the person who will be testing us. I have the feeling that this will be the year, good luck!" The head of Anbu left as did some of the older members.
"Will it really be that bad?" A man wearing a raven mask asked. Boar and Ram glanced at each other as they had been here the year before.
"Let's just say if you can make it through this, then you can make it in anbu."
The elite Shinobi force of the leaf village didn't notice a figure climbing back into a vent. He had already set the first round of noise makers, one in every room they emitted a low range signal so he could control them easily they were set to go off in waves first in ten minutes then thirty then twenty. The bugs would set off a soft beeping sound for twenty seconds. Just enough to annoy and slowly drive someone crazy.
Day two
The next prank wasn't as elaborate, he simply waited until most of the women were in the women's bath then switched the signs. It took ten men getting their asses beat for them to realize what happened.
Day three was a bit different somehow all the anbu clothes had been dyed pink. Not a pretty pink but the bright unholy pink that makes you want to scratch out your eyeballs kinda pink. Even the clothes in their homes were dyed. It was three days before they realized it was a genjutsu.
Day four
On top of the pink uniforms all of the unused paper in the building had gone missing. Reports that needed to be done were delayed making people very unhappy on top of the pink and the annoying beeping.
Day 5
The paper was found in a storage closet in the basement. But now the chopsticks and forks were missing from the cafeteria.
Day 6
The genjutsu on the clothes was broken but somehow the walls,floor and ceiling had been painted white sometime during the night. Even the bedrooms.
Nobody had realized they slept so hard because a sleeping drug was in the food. He was able to move everyone and thing thanks to the tasteless and odorless drug.
Day seven
It was a day of rest they had found most of the bugs and the eating utensils. This day would be used to report and increase paranoia.
Day 8
Today he let them catch a glimpse of him, he led them on a wild goose chase around the village.
Day 9
Weight seals had been added to the male population. This caused increased confusion and heavy debates on why they felt heavy. One had the idea to give a smart remark about how this must be how women feel while pregnant. He received a beating.
Day 10
Now the spoons were gone and it was porridge day. The rest of the noise bugs had been found as well as the control center.
Day 11
All the weapons had been taken in the middle of training. The Hokage monument was also painted in broad daylight but no one saw who did it.
Day 12
Today he would give another hint and all of the food was replaced with Raman. None of them were connecting the dots.
Day 13
The noise bugs were back but this time they only beeped at night. The Anbu also found themselves plastic wrapped into their beds.
Day 14
It was technically a day of rest but with the beeping, white rooms and lack of sleep they were all on their toes when the Hokage decided to stop by and see how they were doing.
Day 15
Paint bombs everywhere. The white had been replaced due to hidden paint land mines hidden in the floor. It looked like the rainbow threw up inside the building.
Day 16
The door handles and all the knobs were gone. Several people screamed out of frustration.
Day 17
The air conditioner "broke".
Day 18
Everything was stuck to the ceiling. Well except the bathrooms but he would save that for next year.
Day 19
The newest bugs had been destroyed. Several masks were stolen. Forcing people to either cover their face or hide.
Day 20
The air condition was stuck on -15 degrees Celsius. Blankets were also mysteriously missing.
Day 21
When they woke up everything was back to normal. Weapons masks, eating utensils it was all returned and paint removed.
Unknown to them several sensitive documents were also removed in the last week. Luckily it was by him to give to the Hokage. The report was written and would be reviewed in front of all the anbu.

"Week one-three
Subjects did not notice my presence amongst them.
Subjects did not collect the dots on hints.
Need to build up resistence to sleeping toxins.
Genjutsu training needs to be brushed up on.
Senses need to be honed. They rely to much on sight.
Speed training will be explained later.
Observation skills are poor, how you all got to be anbu I will never know.
Might need psych evaluations-some do not handle stress well.
No one not even the captain realized important documents had been stolen. Documents are with the Hokage.
Though they did do better then last year." The captain read out loud. The Shinobi were shocked.
"I apologize Hokage-sama for letting this happen."
"Now now there's no need for that. This after all was a test. Would you like to meet the one who did this." The group nodded enthusiastically. "You may step forward."
Many were shocked as a bright blond haired boy wearing a neon orange jumpsuit stepped out from the shadows and gave a wave.
"Naruto would you be so kind to explain." He nodded to the Hokage.
"Hai Jiji! So the beeping test was basically to see who can pinpoint objects by just listening. Really helps during night time missions where you can't risk light. The genjutsus were one low leveled on that I used on the bathrooms and then the higher powered one I used on your clothes. Most of you really suck at detecting Genjutsu. Everything else was just seeing how adaptable you all were to different scenarios. Places like Suno and Snow country are reall bright, as well as hot and cold. You need to be ready for any kind of weather situation. Then you all weren't very observant I made sure to leave bumps in the floor for the paint bombs.
Then you all need to build a resistance to different kinds of poisons it will save your life. I put sleeping toxin in the food I did this twice. When I painted everything white, and glued everything to the ceiling. Some of you are heavy sleepers without the toxin and I was able to place weight seals on you to help improve your strength and speed.
Next I was able to out run you all. Then none of you even caught me it was Iruka from the Academy! Lastly we decided to reveal my identity to you all because I will be a Genin soon and I will not have time to test you all next year."
The room was silent as they absorbed his words this boy was nothing like what they heard about before. A few sworn then and there if they lived long enough to see him become Hokage they would give him their full support.

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