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Have you ever wanted to go back in time and somehow change your future. Naruto sure did.

The last fifteen years hadn't been what he had hoped. For one he never really got a chance to drop his transformation Jutsu. You see Naruto Uzumaki was actually a female. To protect herself as a child she dressed as a boy. It wasn't until puberty hit, rather hard, that a henge was necessary. She had missed so much in her life, by not being a girl. Slumber parties, makeovers, talking about boys, dresses. She absolutely loved it when her daughter asked her to play dress up and have tea parties together. It was part of her life she had never gotten to do before. She sighed that was another thing she didn't get to do. She never got to carry her children like a normal mother. It was very risky the first time they switched the eggs and sperm out. They had chosen a branch member Hyuga for the sperm donation. They didn't know how soon the embryo would take so he gave them several samples. Unfortunately he had been killed on a mission not long after.
Hinata however didn't suspect a thing. Naruto's oldest child, her son had her coloring, and while she loved the boy, he deeply reminded her of a young Sasuke. Arrogant, prideful, snotty. She now understood why the Third didn't tell the village of her heritage. She might have just turned out the same way...Spoiled. Her daughter had the same dark purple hair color of the Hyugas, thankfully she was still young and not exhibiting the same character traits as her brother. But Naruto's dream of wishing to change the future wouldn't matter as it was impossible. She sighed as she got back to the never ending pile of paperwork.


The village didn't know it yet but they were once again on the verge of a war. It had not come to the borders of fire country, yet. Naruto had clones searching through the archives, trying to find something that would give them an edge to protect the village. She stopped mid drink as a clone had popped giving her its memories. An old Scroll with an Uzumaki chakra seal on it was found. It opened for the clone. Apparently Mito Uzumaki, also known as the first Hokage's wife and the first kyūbi jinchuriki, she had used the seals inside to be transported to her past, originally Madara had won at the valley of end, killing Harashima. What happened next was a slaughter. Madara had killed everyone in his clan along with all the members of the other clans. It took thirty Uzumaki seal masters to stop him and then sealed the Kyūbi inside Mito, all but three died. The remaining seal masters decided the loss of life was too great and developed a seal that would allow an Uzumaki Jinchuriki to travel back to a time where they could do the most good. Mito had traveled to a month before the battle between Harashima and Madara. She was successful in changing the future.

Naruto was shocked. It was possible after all! A serious look sat upon her face, her fingers crossed infront of her mouth. While not happy with her life, she was content. There wasn't a good enough reason to use the scrolls information. A part of her hoped there never was, but only for the sake of innocent lives.

It would be months before she would remember the scroll. Months of lives being lost. Families broken apart. Loved ones in agony of those they lost. The enemy was just too strong. They had come from land beyond anything known. Beings of great power descended upon the hidden villages. They were drawn here by the Juubi's demonic power. Whatever they were they weren't human. Giants, with deep green skin that had different patterns of white markings, that were almost tattoo like. The were strong, and hard to kill. They easily took over country after country. In order to protect the people, the village was evacuated. She led them all to what was once the home of her ancestors. It had bought them some time but not much. She wared with herself. How could she fix everything? She fingered the scroll in her pocket. It had never left her side since the clones had found it. She looked at the picture of her family on her desk. The only one who truly looked happy was her daughter.
With her mind made up, she prepared the seal. She knew exactly when she needed to go back. The first moment she used the Kyūbi's chakra in Wave. It would give her a plausible reason to the public as to why she is a girl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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