A baby(completed)

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"Naruto! It's time you learn the benefits of having a woman." Jiraiya yelled out as he pointed a finger at the blonde haired ninja. Naruto now 16 years old had been training with the toad sannin for 2 and half years. The once short boy had grown and matured. His spiky hair had been grown out and now was pulled back away from his face in a high ponytail. His headband still firmly in place on his forehead. He glared at the white haired man.
"If that is what you wish to teach me next then ok I will do my best."  The town they were in was having a festival that night so the two dressed in their best clothes after walking around Jiriaya pointed to the woman Naruto needed to seduce. Unknown to the blonde the woman was one of Jiraiyas informant and was known as untouchable in the brothel she ran.
Naruto sighed as he walked up to the woman and looked at the sky. "It's a beautiful night tonight isn't it." The woman gave him her attention.
"Indeed it is, is there anything I can help you with."
"Actually yes you see I've never been to a festival before would you show me around?" The woman was surprised.
"You've never been to a festival before how does that happen?" She grabbed his arm and started walking.
"Well I wasn't very well liked in my village, put it down to ignorance. I was never allowed to go, then when I got older I somehow always manage to be out of town when one happened. This is the first time I've been in a town with a festival going on."
"Oh you poor dear, let's go try the games first, then the food then theirs a fireworks display it's suppose to be the highlight of the evening."
"I could leave now and you've already made this day my favorite."
"Why is that?" She said dragging him over to the games.
"Because I have someone with a beautiful soul to spend this time with." She blushed. "Forgive me I forgot to introduce myself, I am Naruto."
"I'm Mira." She smiled. "Come on your going to win me a prize."  her white hair seemed to glow in the light of the setting sun.
The two played several games Naruto's luck winning them several prizes. After eating they found a place to sit and watch the fireworks. Naruto looked at the woman beside him. "You know you are the most beautiful out of everything I've seen tonight." He pulled a single flower from out of nowhere and placed it in her hair.
"I've had fun this evening Naruto-kun, I hope we can do this again." The smile on narutos face disappeared.
"I'm afraid this will probably be the last time I visit this village for a very long time. But you have easily made this night rememberable." The small smile was back.
"Maybe I should give you a reason to come back." She climbed onto his lap. Luckily their position was secluded from everyone else. Another round of fireworks went off as she kissed him. His hand slipped inside her kimono and started rubbing up and down her leg. In a swift move he had broken the kiss and had her on her back. His head making his way to her now exposed breast he took one nipple in his mouth his hand pinching and fondling the other. Mira moan beneath him, giving a soft bite the the ample flesh of her breast, her hands were trying to untie his kimono. He let go of the nipple in his mouth and made his way down her stomach towards her folds he silently summoned a clone and it made its way to ravish the blonde woman's mouth as well as massaging her breasts. She looked in awe of there now being two young men ravishing her. She didn't have time for thought as Naruto dug his face into her folds he bit and lick and as she came around his fingers the clone shoved his lips on hers to stifle her moan. Pulling up the clone dispelled as Naruto slowly entered her. Her moan was deep long. She began whimpering in pleasure as he pumped in and out of her slowly picking up his pace. She clenched around him as she came again. "Oh fuck Naruto...please..cum inside me...I need to feel you." She moaned out. Her walls clenched around him agains he reached his limit. Grunting he released himself inside her, digging his hands into her hips he gave a few more pumps for her benefit as she moaned his name again.
They got dressed and made their way back to town. He walked her too her doorstep and gave her a kiss.
"Naruto if you ever come back here my body is yours in whatever way you need." He smirked.
"And if you are ever in the leaf mine would be happy to serve yours my lady." She giggled.
"I do hope you know Jiriaya has been following and watching us almost this entire time until he got bored before the fireworks." She sighed.
"Oh yes I knew, it was his plan after all. Although I do thank you for the wonderful night, I haven't had that much fun in awhile." He pulled something from his sleeve and placed it in hers.
"Keep this hidden show no one and if your ever in trouble and can't escape throw it I or a clone will come." She ran her hand over the object she recognized it immediately.
"But how?" She stuttered. The object a three pronged kunai was easily the most recognized weapon in the elemental nations.
"My father. My mother was an Uzumaki and if you know anything about them, then you know they were extremely good with seals and also ridiculously fertile. If you should find yourself with child. Do not come to the leaf it would not be safe." He whispered in her ear making sure only so she could hear. "Goodnight Mira, I do hope to see you again." He left as she went inside her house.
Before he new it he was back I konaha doing missions it had been almost a year since his night with Mira. when ba-chan summoned him to her office, once he got there, a woman who worked in Mira's brothel holding a baby. He looked at her for confirmation, and she nodded handing him the baby.
"She's dead isn't she?" He asked. He might not have loved Mira but she held a place in his heart.
"I'm afraid so Master, she also asked that I give you this." She brought out a small package. He knew inside was the kunia he had given her. He summoned three clones.
"Go clean the estate." He told them. Turning next to the woman. "I'm sorry but I do not know your name."
"I am Tali, it was Mira-Samas last wish that I bring little master here and help you care for him. She gave him a middle name but said you should be able to name your son. She called him Akito."
"Naoyuki. Naoyuki Akito Uzumaki-Namikaze." He spoke the child in his arms opened his eyes. He had the same blond hair as his father but the eyes were purple like his grandmothers."Ba-chan it's time to tell the village just who I am. And I mean everything. Including how I'm your nephew from your older sister."
"Naruto you know that Hiruzen didn't us want to tell the village until you reached Jounin." She tried to argue.
"I will never reach Jounin with the civilian council and some ninjas sabotaging me all the time. I've mastered the Hirashin and raesagan and I have full control over the Kyubis chakra. I can protect myself but in order to protect the king I need to be able to claim my inheritance. If you have too tell the council I will join the CRA. Even with the Kyubi my DNA is invaluable. Tali come I will show you to our home while they debate." Opening the door there stood the advisers and some of the civilian council.
"Namikaze-Sama forgive us for our ignorance." They dropped to the ground bowing.
"You are forgiven,but if someone so much as touches my son or anyone under my protection the wrong way, I will not be so lenient." They made a path as Naruto followed by Tali walked through. Unknown to everyone several people had heard the councilmens declaration and soon word had spread of just who Naruto was.
Soon the council chambers were full with people demanding proof. A copy of his birth certificate made its way around the room.
"That night, Minato could not kill the Kyubi the only choice was to reseal it. Kushina was too weak for it to go back inside her so they sealed it into Naruto. The Kyubi, since its first sealing has only ever been in an Uzumaki. The first was my grandmother Mito. Then the red death Kushina, princess of Uzu. Naruto has know the truth and it had been decided to not share this information because of their enemies. But now Naruto has a son. In order to protect and provide for his son, Naoyuki, he has asked this information to be public. He has also said that in order to pacify some people he will be entering the CRA. Since he has Uzumaki, Namikaze and Senju blood, any children he fathers will undoubtedly be powerful." Tsunde said.
"I'm confused Hokage-Sama, but how does he have Senju blood." The woman sighed.
"My older sister, she was never a ninja because her body was to frail,but her chakra was incredible strong she met a merchant when she was young and they married he was a Namikaze. They died when Minato was young and he was put into the orphanage here. We didn't know he was a Senju until one day training he grew a tree. Jiriaya kept it quiet only telling sensei."
"The village has another strong Hokage in the making, we must do everything we can to help Naruto-Sama achieve his dream." A civilian councilman yelled out.
"He won't take a short cut. Naruto has always worked hard for what he wants. He will not like it if you suddenly start handing him stuff left and right." Kakashi spoke from his corner.
"And what do you suggest we do Hatake-San."
"Leave him alone. Treat him like he's a normal human being and not the son and heir of 3 clans. He's a good person and loyal to this village. With his parents library's he has access to all the jutsu he could want. But I'm sure he would appreciate baby items. While the mother of his son has already picked out a loyal nanny. They do not have the supplies for a baby."
"Was the woman with him the mother?"
"No the child's mother is dead. The woman with Naruto is the child's nanny her name in Tali. The babies mothers last wish was for Tali to watch over and help Naruto raise Naoyuki."
Soon everyone's curiosity was quelled. And they all went their separate ways and word spread of the new prince soon villagers were gathering presents to give to Naruto and Naoyuki-sama.
When Ayame and her father heard the news they immediately started making Raman to take to Naruto while also bringing a few baby gifts, toys and diapers.
Thankfully they made it to the Namikaze estate before the rest of the civilians, knocking on the doors a tall woman with greying hair answered. They were let inside after Naruto confirmed they were friends. Over the next few days Naruto recieved numerous marriage proposals. Some of them were even from his friends parents for their daughters. There were some that were automatic nos. like Ino, Tenten, And Sakura after a talk with the Kyubi the hyugas offered were also a no. Apparently the hyuga chakra was incompatible with his because of the kyubis constant flow it tainted his slightly and the mixture could be deadly for the Hyuga mother.
"There were many girls in the Maybe stack including Ayame, Temari of the sand, Hana Inuzuka, and several names he did not recognize. But he did recognize the villages they were from. There was 1 from taki 2 from mist, 2 from rock and 1 from lightning.
Summoning a clone he had them take the files to ba-chan so she could send out invitations for a meet and great. The ones from Konaha would be done first. Starting Ayame and Teuchi. Their meeting went smoothly. Turns out Ayame had always had a crush on him but never thought she had a chance. With the CRA in affect she thought it would give her a chance to at least be considered. Their agreement was signed and Ayame and Teuchi had their own house inside the compound until the wedding when she would move into the main house. Next was the Inuzukas, diner with them was difficult. Kiba was being a over protective little brother. Tsume left the two alone as she dealt with Kiba outside.
"So Hana-hime, do you wish to marry me?" She chocked on her drink.
"I'm sorry, is that what this is about?" She was confused.
"You did not know?" She shook her head.
"I've been out on a mission I just got back an hour ago. Although you seem different what happened while I was away?" She asked.
"My heiritage as the son of the yondaime and nephew of Tsunede was released so I can protect and provide for my son. I voluntarily joined the CRA to get the council off my back and you mother put you forth as a candidate. I've already signed one and I am meeting with everyone in my maybe pile to see if we would be compatible."
"You have a son?!" Naruto nodded taking a sip of his tea.
"Yes his name is Naoyuki. He is with his nanny now, his mother has recently passed." He smiled at the thought of Mira.
"Did you love her?" Hana asked quietly.
"Honestly no. I was fond of her, if we had had more time together, perhaps I would have grown to love her. Would you like to meet him?" He answered truthfully.
"I would love too." They exited the dining room and went to the nursery where Tali was feeding Naoyuki. Seeing her Master come in she passed the baby into his arms.
"master, Mistress, young master just finished eating, do you require anything else." The nanny bowed.
"No thank you Tali I have it from here. Why don't you go relax in the hot springs down stairs." He held the 3 month old in his arms .
"Thank you master." She left and they went back down stairs after sitting back down Tsume and Kiba came back in.
"Mother, I'm going to marry Naruto." Hana told her mother forcefully. Her eyes never left the man in front of her. Something about him drew her in, but the way he held that child in his arms had her objections silenced. She new a good alpha when she saw him and Naruto screamed alpha.
Tsume and Kiba screamed for different reasons Kiba in disbelief and tsume in excitement. They managed to wake up the child in Narutos arms with a shrill. Hana reached over and grabbed the baby rocking him softly as he stared up at her his eyes softly closing as she started humming. Her motherly insticts came out full force as she watched the little one in her arms. Tsume looked proud.
Suddenly a poof of smoke appeared on the table leaving a toad behind.
"Naruto boy! Jiriaya-Chan is in trouble go now."
"Hana, Tali is in the basement hot springs I'm afraid I must go for now." Focusing on the seal he placed on the ero-sannin he was gone in a flash. Naruto landed next to Jiriaya and immediately blocked a black rod from impaling him in the chest.
"Kit that's Pein of the atkasuki, but his chakra is similar to your moms you must be related." The Kyubi spoke in his head.
"Would you really do that to family Uzumaki-San."
"We have no family." The six people spoke at once.
"Your chakra is very similar to my mothers Nagato and only an Uzumaki can have those eyes. It's our birthright. Much like the sharigan and the byakugan." Naruto dropped then genjutsu from his eyes. He had the renigan since his birth, but the Kyubi used its chakra to place the genjutsu so it was unbreakable.
"We aren't alone?" They whispered.
"No you aren't, there are still a few of us Uzumaki's left in the world, they scattered when Uzu fell. My mother was the daughter of the last Uzukage. If you join me we can find them and make them a home where they can reclaim the lost knowledge of our clan. While your mission is worth while it will never work. But we can make the world a better place together." Naruto spoke as Jiriaya watched in awe at his young student.
The real Nagato came forward the paper user Konan at his side. "Why do you believe that together we could change the world."
"The Uzumakis have always had the power, it was bestowed on us from the beginning, the elders became contempt in their lives. They didn't want to risk their quite lives for the sake of peace, so they sat on their island growing lazy when they were attacked. In their choice to not fight they ended up slaughtered. Innocent people killed because they didn't fight when they were needed. The Uzumaki were strong even in their idleness it took three out of five nations to defeat them. We will not let that happen again the Uzumaki clan will grow strong enough to keep peace between the nations, but not just with power. Power is just to get their attention the next step is comradely I already have promising marriage proposals with at least one woman from each of the 5 elemental nations. The Sand and Leaf have a promising partnership should I ever become Hokage that relationship as well as the potential marriage between Myself and the Kazekages sister will cement that alliance for generations to come. The only two countries I can see a problem with is Earth. But they can be persuaded if we had the power of the Uzumaki behind us. The third Hokage always talked about the will of fire. Do you know what that is Nagato?" The orange haired man shook his head. "The will of fire is something that resides in everyone, it's the protective feeling you feel for your home, it's the feeling that you will sacrifice your life so that someone else may live. To protect those who can't and those who are precious to us. Those with the will of fire have only one real job, no matter what happens protect the king. The king is the future of our world the children who will grow up and one day have their own kings to protect. Nagato, I have a king to protect,the future of the Uzumaki Clan our family rests on my shoulders. But I need help to protect the king. I can't let my son have these eyes. These eyes have seen so much pain. While they grant power it's not worth the pain to get them. Help me Nagato." Naruto held his hand out the the other man. Shakily the hand was brought up and clasped Naruto's forearm.
"For the king, may they never feel this pain." Naruto gave his blinding smile.
"I will take Pervy sage home. Join us in Konaha. I will inform ba-chan of the arrival of the Land of Rains Kage. The Uzumaki compound will be made ready for your arrival cousin."
Naruto tossed Jiriaya over his shoulder and flashed to the Hokages office where he dumped the toad sage on the couch.
"Your an idiot, you know that? Do you know what would have happened to you if I wasn't there. My kids need more then just one Granfather you pervert. Besides only Ba-chan is allowed to kill you." He said scolding the old man. He then turned to the shocked woman behind he desk.
"Ba-chan the leader of Amekagaru Nagato Uzumaki is coming for a visit soon, we have a family reunion to do. This idiot needs healing." He looked to the woman he saw like a mother. She gasped.
"What happened to your eyes?" A hand was over her mouth.
"Uhh clan Secret!" He said while replacing the Genjutsu. "Fair warning Nagato shares the same eyes. They can be a bit unsettling so I keep them hidden." He rubbed the back of his head. "So I will let Pervy-sage explain while I check on my son."
Flashing home he was met with a tide up Kiba as Hanna growled while she protectively held Naoyuki.
"Uh what did I miss." He asked. Tsume walked in the room carrying a bottle.
"Sorry for the commotion Naruto, Kiba got a little to close to the pup and Hana went into protect mode it will last for a few days. She will only let zfemales and the alpha near him while she's like this."  He nodded in understanding.
"Why don't you take him home and I will take care of everything here." She handed Hana the bottle as she relaxed now that the alpha was home. Throwing Kiba over her shoulder and headed out after saying goodbye.
Over the next week he sent clones to clean and repair the Uzumaki estate. Hana was still protective of Naoyuki and Ayame spent time bonding with the two over wedding planning. He was happy that they seemed to love his son as much as he did.
They were meeting with Gaara, Kankura and Temari. Naruto met them at the gate. After Formalities the atmosphere became less tense.
"Come join me in my home." Naruto offered Temari his arm she took it blushing. "I feel I must warn you both one of my future wives Hana is an Inuzuka. Her motherly instincts have been triggered an she has become very protective, she only lets women or myself near her and the baby,she even attacked her own brother when he got to close."
"What is he like?" Temari asked.
"He's Doesn't do much right now but eat and sleep but he likes to play with things that make noise or things that are shiny. He  loves everyone he meets and so far they all have loved him too." He smiled when talking about his son.
Diner went easily enough with the women chatting about the weddings when it came to dresses Naruto interrupted.
"I've forgotten to tell you, I will personally be making your dresses in different Uzumaki styles." They looked at him.
"Your making our dresses?" Hana asked "out of what?"
"I went to the land of whirlpools last month before I found out about Naoyuki there was money and all kinds of gems with fabrics and designs in scrolls. Each one will be unique and I will let you pick out the designs though. I'm working with a seamstress here to supervise me while I make them." He drank his tea as everyone looked at him in surprise. "What?" They were shocked, that Naruto was so considerate that he would make his future wives wedding gowns. "Everything else is of course in your hands food, music. Your each individual weddings is yours to do with as you please money is no object. All I want is at least one bowl of Raman at the reception." He took another sip of his tea.
"Deal!" The three shouted. The girls decided to wait until after Naruto met with the other potential wives to choose the date of the weddings.
From the cloud village came two young women one was Yugato Nii another jinchuriki. The Raikage escorted her as her adopted father. The other was a girl who was the daughter of a merchant, she had a beautiful face but an awful attitude, she wouldn't even hold his son and called him a bastard. She was rejected. They were worried about Hana attacking her, but gentle Ayame was the one who tried to claw her eyes out.
From the waterfall village came a single woman by the name of Fuu she was also a jinchuriki. Her childhood had been similar to Naruto's, he accepted the marriage just to get her away from her village. She and the others got along surprisingly well. The other girls took her under their wings and she opened up to them.
The land of Mist sent sisters the older sister was out going and overshadowed the other. She kept trying to take his attention away from his son. But the younger got along wit Ayame the most. Aribella the younger sister was accepted while the other was sent home. She had thrown the biggest fit of her life trying to get her way. Aribella was so happy to be rid of her sister she kissed Naruto on the lips.
Today was the last potential wife. The granddaughter of the tschkage. From the land earth the hidden Rock Village his fathers greatest advisories. He had locked away everything of importance and the women were safe in the inuzuka compound. They weren't allowed to leave until his clone came to get them. They weren't happy about it but they understood his reasons.
They were met at the gate by Naruto surrounded by Anbu. They were escorted inside where the Anbu stayed outside with the Tsiuchkage guard.
"I have to say I was surprised when I saw her name in my files. I want to know why it was there." Naruto told the man sitting across from him. The girl took her chance to analyze Naruto. He wore a deep orange v-neck shirt with a black knee length coat covering his arms. Lack pants and black shoes also adorned his body his hair was up in its usual ponytail with his hiate around his head the excess cloth going down his back. He sat straight on edge as if waiting for an attack, she wasn't surprised at the look of shock on his face as her grandfather bowed. "I have offered my granddaughter with her consent to help to revive the clan I tried so hard to get rid of. My sins are my own just like your father had his. Please do not put blame on the granddaughter for my sins." Naruto's gaze softened.
"That is something I will not do, I have been told I am two forgiving, but I want your opinion before you decide to join me or not." She contemplated her response.
"Although I held no part in what happened all those years ago, my parents were killed in a battle shortly after I was born, my grandfather raised me to the best of his ability. He is an old man who wants to see me taken care of before he dies. He sees this as a way for both families to say forgive and learn. Our country to forgive your father and you to forgive us for the fall of Uzu." Naruto nodded his head.
"Fight me. Then I will send for my other fiancés if you get along well with them, we will continue with this marriage. You are the last of my potential brides from the 5 shinobi Villages." He told her while taking off his coat. "Shall we take this outside?"
"You seriously want to fight now?" She asked skeptically. Her dress wasn't fit for fighting.
"A kunochi must be able to fight in any outfit just as a shinobi should be able to fight even in a dress." He told her. Her grandfather hid a laugh behind a cough.
"Fine your on hope you like getting your ass kicked." She followed him out the door as the guards sat on top of the fence to watch. They stuck to taijutsu to keep from destroying the garden. Naruto was light on his feet as he dodged her every attack. She soon collapsed from exhaustion. As he summoned a clone and sent it too get his finances. It took them a little while to get there but as they arrived Tali handed Naoyuki to Naruto, Kurotsuchi leaned over to get a good look at the baby. She cooed as he stared at his father.
"Why don't you ladies go and enjoy the hot springs downstairs." Naruto said smiling at them. He and the Tsuchikage sat on the porch outside.
"If you don't mind me asking why is the hot spring underground?"
"My god father Jiraiya the toad Sanin is a s-class pervert he loves to peak on women while they at relaxing for "inspiration. My father built this one for my mother so she wouldnt have to worry about him peaking at her. He does it in every town hes ever been in. The women from Konaha actively avoid the hot spring while he's in town. If any of the women catch him he usually gets beaten to a pulp."
"Ive heard those orange books are made by him." Naruto sighed and nodded.
"Yes unfortunately, it's probably a good thing he turned down Hokage, he would have ordered all the women to wear nothing all the time." 
"What! I could have done that!" They heard from the bushes. Naruto glared at the man who poppped out of the bush.
"No you couldn't have. The old hag would have come back just to kill you. Not to mention Kurenia-sensie, and Anko-chan. Can you imagine what Tsume-ka-chan and Shikakus wife would have done to you? And just think of how pissed my mother would have been when you died, you would never rest peacefully, and then Mikoto Uchiha she would have fried your ass faster then you could say amarastus." The pervert paled. A dropped into a bow in front of Naruto before hugging the blonde legs.
"Naruto you cant let me die!" He yelled. Naruto kicked him off as Naoyuki started crying. Suddenly Hana was in front of Jiraiya cracking her knuckles in nothing but a robe.
"Did you make my pup cry Jiraiya-Sama?" He grabbed the man holding him up by the hair.
"Hana-hime he's just hungry. Why don't you go feed him while I deal with the pervert." Naruto gave a closed eye smile that just seemed to promise pain.
She calmed down. Grabbed the baby gave Naruto a kiss and headed inside.
"Your an idiot Percy sage I told you she's still in protective mode and you know Naoyuki doesn't like loud noises. Now go ask Tsunade on a date so I don't get in trouble for not killing you." 
After Jiraiya left Naruto gave the girls he designs for the dresses to pick from.

"  After Jiraiya left Naruto gave the girls he designs for the dresses to pick from

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Except the blue would be white and the brown would be gold.

Ayame is the first one on top and Temari's is the last one on bottom

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Ayame is the first one on top and Temari's is the last one on bottom. Fu chose the green one but it would be gold and white instead of  green. Aribella
chose the purple one but it would be a silver instead of purple. Yugito chose the blue one but asked for different shades of red. Then Kurosutchi chose the second one on top it was white with red accents.
Next they chose dates and started getting everything ready.
Naruto had bought their ring and set to engraving not only the hirashin seal but a small storage seal that would hold his wedding present to them. Custom Katanas made in the land of iron with chakra conducting metal. While Ayame and Aribella were not ninjas they would need to learn some skills to keep their family safe such as kenjutusu and maybe a few Justus as least the shushin and the replacement jutsu.
The weddings had come and gone and Hana and Ayame were pregnant. Holding Naoyuki Naruto stood on top of his fathers head over looking the village.
"My son, this village is not perfect. It is flawed but it is my job as a shinobi to protect its people. One day it could be your job too. Our family was once small but it is now growing. Your mother loved you very much and your other mothers will do everything in their power to protect you. We will bring a peace to this world that has not been seen in a very long time. Remember through our bonds anything is possible." After watching the sun set they headed home.

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