Crossing worlds (completed)

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This is a female Harry PotterxNaruto crossover. Female Harry (Mizu, Kazama) crosses dimensions to not only start a new life but to fulfill a marriage contract, Between the Kazama family, her ancestors and the Uzumaki clan.

Finally she could relax, the war was over, the dead were buried, all traces of Voldemort's magic were gone and all she wanted to do was sleep.
Less then two months after restoring order to the magical community in Britain she was summoned to the bank for of all things a betrothal contract. It all went down hill from there. Apparently one of her ancestors was not from this world, they had accidentally teleported here when messing around with seal? A different version of runes, she guessed. That ancestor had a betrothal contract with another family in the other world but the conditions to activate said contract weren't met, until now. With a golden glowing contract signed in blood by one Octavius Potter ( Kazama, Haruki),  she also had a second name Kazama, Mizu it was simple and she liked it. Mizu meant water, and just like water she was strong and flexible. Kazama loosely meaning wind style.
They informed her that the seals to get her family line back to the other world have been completed.
Her loses during the war were by far too many and she wanted a new start. She packed everything she could all her belongings from every house, all books, jewelry, clothes, money anything she could think of and it was in her trusty bag ready for a new adventure. One thing she wasn't prepared for was Andromeda's suicide. The older woman couldn't bare losing her family during the war. Now a young Teddy Lupin would be coming with her along with a small army of Potter Family elves.
Finally on her 19th birthday it was time. They would be sent to a family compound that had been hidden from the outside world. She hopped it was in good condition, but she wasn't surprised when it wasn't. Using the elder wand her magic flowed through the grounds restoring everything back to its original strength. It was later that evening when she read the full file of her betrothed.  Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze age 17. 'Man I'm a cradle robber' she thought laying her head back onto her pillow. But she kept reading. The goblins were very thorough when it came to back ground checks. The file said his father was sealed inside the Shinigami. She wondered if she was also this deaths master. She could only try. She concentrated her magic sending it out like a beacon to call the death god. The room grew colder as he appeared before her.
"Mistress has called for me." The voice was raspy.
"Yes, I wanted to know if I was the master of death in this world as well. I do have one other question. I am to marry would it be possible to grant my parents and my fiancé's parents a week with us? Nothing permanent but if not it's ok." She rambled on.
The Shinigami chuckled at his cute little mistress.
"I will give you one week with your family only one, and in return you can not call on me for a year." He stuck his boney hand out and she grasped it.
"Lets make it only if its a life or death situation and we can make it two years." The god grinned.
"Deal." The pact was set in magic. Whenever a date was set for the wedding their parents would appear one week before. But now she needed to head to Konoha the village hidden in the leaves, luckily she wasn't to far away.

Inside said village a battle was being fought. The village was in shambles and would take months if not years to rebuild. Luckily for them a very powerful witch was headed their way.

Mizu sighed for the tenth time she hated walking, a horse would be better then this but they were almost there and magic made it so her feet didn't hurt as much. Her elves had disguised themselves as human maids and little teddy was nestled safely in a sling across her chest. Coming down the ride they stopped at the gates to check in.
"State your name and reason for visit." A lazy looking man who's hair look almost like a pineapple spoke.
"I am Mizu Kazama, I am here because of a betrothal contract has been activated. This bundle is my godson and the women behind me my maids." We gave the young man our identification papers.
"Say do you know a Uzumaki,Naruto?" The kid tensed up.
"He's not here at the moment, may I ask why you are looking for him?" Now he seemed fully awake.
She sighed, "because he's suppose to be my betrothed." The young man face planted into the table, just as teddy started fussing. She handed the fussing child to his nanny elf.
"I think you need to see the Hokage." The lazy man said. His only response was a beaming smile. They made their way through the ruined village.
"What happened here?" She gasped in horror.
"A member of a group that's after Naruto attacked, we luckily had no permanent injuries or deaths but the village was destroyed. It will take some time to rebuild." He looked off in the distance as if remembering the attack that happened only a short while ago.
"I can help fix everything!" She stated happily. "I'm good at repairs."
"If you wish to help Hokage-Sama is who need permission from." He watched as the small red headed woman nodded happily. If the betrothal was real then Naruto and her might just get along.
Finally they made it to the tower. The maids and the baby stayed in the waiting room while Shikamaru escorted the woman in. He watched the Lady Hokages face freeze as she looked at the girl.
"Hello you must be Senju, Tsunade The fifth Hokage. I am Kazama, Mizu." The Hokage broke out of her shock when the woman said her name.
"Yes, lovely to meet you, why are you here?" Shikamaru sighed. She was as blunt as ever.
But still the red head did not lose her happy smile. "I'm here because a marriage contract was activated between the Kazama and Uzumaki families." She handed over the golden scroll.
Shizune and Tsunade looked over the scroll in shock.
Clearing her throat the Hokage spoke once again. "How is this possible? Traveling worlds? Magic? Forgive me but it doesn't seem real."
"When I first saw it I laughed, I thought it was some sick joke, but I dug into my family history and my ancestor had indeed popped out of nowhere, then married, and took his wife's last name. I also know the basic information about Naruto. I was hoping to meet him today, but this young man said he wasn't in the village."
The Hokage pulled out a bottle of sake.
"What will you do if Naruto refuses to accept the contract?" They watched the red heads reaction, she seemed shocked that that was even an option. Mizu then folded her hands in her lap. "In the world I lived in, These contracts are normal. If he chose to not marry me then he can marry whoever he wanted but because of the contract and the powers behind it, he would never be able to have children with another unless I died. It's there section 6 subjection 5." Tears fell onto her hands. "I read everything I could on contracts like these, I looked for every possible way out and this one is iron clad, no escape but death. I can't die I need to take care of my godson I'm the only family he has left. Naruto can't die because he still has a dream to fulfill. It is my hope Hokage-sama that he and I can grow to love each other." The three Shinobi in the room stared wide eyed at the girl. Shikamaru quickly took the betrothal contract and started reading it over. She was right it was there. An iron clad contract at its finest.
"I wish we could offer you a place to stay but everything is full." Tsunade said. She didn't know this girl but she wanted to keep her close. Teary green eyes looked into hers as small hand whipped the tears away.
"I can help with that. My magic is good at repairing things. If I do it in sections the village should be good in a day or two."
The three shared skeptical looks. "I would like a demonstration first."
With a quick wave of her hand the office looked brand new and smelled like freshly cut wood.
"Shikamaru will be your guide and your escort. With the recent attack people are a little wary of outsiders."
"Thank you Hokage-sama." With a bow the two left the office.
"Naruto will be back soon." Shizune said.
"That Gaki! It's just one mess after another with him." The two women watched from the window as the massive crater inside the village walls rose and buildings began to repair and rebuild themselves.
"Did she give you her file?" Shizune asked.
Tsunade took another sip of sake. "Indeed, little miss red is more like Naruto then you can tell at first glance." She handed a stack of papers to her apprentice.
"She just got out of a war? Parents killed while she was young hated by people one minute loved the next. Says here she's good at battle magic, healing magic and something called runes." She took another glance at the unknown woman. "They have potential to be a very powerful couple. If I'm reading this right their children would be able to use both magic and chakra."
The village was in awe a mysterious woman had come to the village to help repair it. They had wanted to dislike her at first, but her cheerful smile and willingness to help was slowly eating away at the more stubborn people.

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