Request (Itachi x Fem Harry Potter)

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As requested @moongoddess1997 Fem Harry Potter X Itachi Uchiha
Idea: Lily visits Japan as a tourist, while fixing the ancient shrine that is located near her vacation home, she is sucked through a portal, where she falls into a battlefield. Where a injured and eyeless Itachi lays dying.

This down time was something she needed. A break from all things political or just having to do with people in general. She hated the balls where people just watched her. Some seemed to be waiting for her to make a mistake, unknown to them she had etiquette lessons beat into her almost everyday for ten years, then every summer after. She had hated how suffocating it all felt. So she decided to take a break, as far away as she wanted and to experience something new. Japan had seemed the perfect choice, with its ancient temples and refreshing hot springs. She had been staying in her families vacation home. At one point in time the building belonged to a high ranking official, but her great times five grandfather wanted a traditional styled vacation home. Several journals were left in the study from their stays there. The property was empty just her and a few house elves, she loved the silence. Silence was good, silence was calm, it also meant it was easier to hear intruders.
She sighed in bliss, today was going to be a good day. Her plans included exploring the grounds of her home, this place was quickly becoming home. She had fallen in love, not with a person, but with the culture, it seemed that everything she wanted in life could be found here.
She explored the forest for hours before she stumbled upon the hidden shrine. What was once white stone was covered in vines and moss. Using her magic she cleared everything away. The freshly cleaned white stone gleamed in the sunlight. She praised Merlin in her head for the invention of the language potions. One dose and another language would be imprinted in the person brain. They were then able, to read, speak and understand that language.
The shrine had several words on it but she couldn't make them out fully. As she placed her hand on the white stone, a bright light surrounded her and she was falling.
"Not again." She mumbled. While this was nothing compared to the falls she had in quidditch. She wasn't silently panicking inside, nope not one bit. She willed her magic to surround her much like a blanket to slow her fall and to cushion her landing. She finally hit the ground, she laid there fora minute to catch her breath before she sat up and looked around the area in which she landed. It appeared to be a war zone. Trees were torn from their roots and craters lined the earth. She could smell the blood in the air.
"Who goes there?" A week voice called out. A black haired man laid dying his eyes it seem had been ripped from his head. He was alive despite the blood loss it was a miracle in itself.
"Nuki!" She called out a soft pop and the little elf stood beside her.
"Oh mistress touched the shrine, Nuki should have warned her." The elf wailed.
"Nuki! Enough we will talk about this later. Can you please go get my medicine bag." With a quick nod the elf popped away. She ran over to the injured mans side.
"Hey Mister, how are you feeling?" She asked as she knelt down beside him.
"Just peachy." He joked.
She snorted. "Alright if you got enough energy to joke you have enough energy to live." The elf came back and Lily started digging through the bag, she pulled out several potions and started shoving them down the mans throat. He grimaced at the taste but choked down the disgusting drinks regardless. "Alright this might hurt but it's only because your eyeballs have to be regrown, I've been working on it for awhile but it should work."
What the helm did he have to lose. As much as he felt like he should he didn't actually want to die, nobody ever really wanted to die, they just wanted their pleas for help to be heard. To be heard and loved that's all any person wanted.
She waited with a baited breath to see if his eyes grew back.
Itachi passed out from the pain. When he finally awoke he still couldn't see anything but darkness.
"Your new eyes are wrapped." It was that same voice from earlier. The woman. "You can unwrap them or I can."
"Can you please?" He hated how weak he just open as the last of the bandage was removed. The first thing he saw was the trees.
"So how does that feel?" The woman came to stand in front of him.
Dark green eyes stared at black.
He tried to activate his sharigan.
"Oh wow uh are they suppose to do that?" He simply nodded and took in her style of dress it wasn't what he was used to. Her bright green top barely covered her not overly large breasts, with black skinny jeans and ankle length boots. A jacket tied around her waist. She wore three different necklaces, one was black and tight on her throat, the other two were longer. Bracelet and multiple rings adorned her wrists and fingers. Her hair however surprised him. It was mostly red, but had steaks of gold, and green. Now he had seen many different hair colors but never this many on one person.
She leaned forward trying to examine his eyes. He covered his nose and looked away. From his position he had a very nice view of her cleavage. He pointed at her beasts with his other hand.
Instead of blushing and hitting him like most women would of she only giggled.
"We need to get you somewhere to rest properly." She helped him stand.
She took him to a near by cave, it was dry and secluded she hoped the people that hurt him wouldn't come back.
"So, um, why were you lying there dying?" She asked as she pulled some food from her back pack.
"I did something terrible long ago and I never forgave myself for it, I thought that if my brother killed me it would ease the guilt of my sins. Then an old colleague came and stole my eyes." She handed him a sandwich.
"So what are you going to do now?" She asked taking a sip of her drink.
"I am unsure, maybe start over somewhere far away from people." She snorted.
"I'm sorry, that kinda sounds like what I'm doing. In my world I'm regarded as a war hero. I find it very suffocating. I went on a vacation and ended up here. I have wished at many points to start over somewhere, where no one knew my name." She gave a small smile.
"It seems we are similar in that aspect." They ate quietly after that. Using magic she made them beds and warded the cave for the night.
Sleep did not come easily to Itachi, he had wondered what he did to deserve his life being saved my the angel. He did feel that it was now his duty to protect her since she saved his life. Without warning a small creature he had never seen before appeared before them. The creature sat a bag down at the end of the beds.
"Mistress will need these in the morning, please call for Timi when she awakens." He watched astounded as the little creature disappeared.
They spent months together, going from village to village healing people. Using her magic she had changed his appearance enough to where no one suspected them. They had heard the news of a war between the newest shinobi alliance against Madara Uchiha.
Somewhere along the way admiration turned into affection, then affection into love. Itachi has decided to stop living in the past and instead live for the future.
They stood on top of a cliff, in the distance the light from Jutsus could be seen on the rapidly darkening sky. He stood behind her, his chin setting lightly on her head.
"Your going to go aren't you." He sighed and buried his face into her hair.
"If I have the power to save even one life it would be worth it. Even at the cost of mine." He could feel a tear drop onto his hand that rested on her growing stomach.
"You be safe! You have more reasons to fight then ever now." He turned her around and kissed her. He then knelt down to kiss their growing child.
"You be good for your Kaa-san, Tou-san will be home soon. I love you both." He kissed her one last time and headed towards the battlefield.
While Lily knew the person her lover was, she knew that if the roles had been reversed, she would do the same. She had never been religious but she prayed to whatever deity would listen to bring him home safely.
Weeks later her prayers had been answered. A battered and bruised Itachi walked up the road to their modest home. Lily would have raced forward but her large pregnant belly prevented her from doing so. So she waited. Finally they were in each other's arms again.

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