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Idea: no one knows Naruto is a girl. At age 13 she gets invited to Shikamaru's birthday party.

Internally Naruto was stressing out. All of the rookie genins were being invited to Shikamaru's birthday party. It wasn't a normal party the invitation said to dress fancy. So her usual jumpsuit was a definite no. Maybe baa-Chan could help her. With a sense of nervousness she's had never felt before, she made her way to the Hokage tower. Shizune was on her way into the office with another stack of papers when she saw Naruto.
"Naruto is something wrong you look nervous?" The medic asked.
"I need help Shizune-nii. Could I talk to you and Baa-Chan?" She smiled kindly and let the little blonde girl inside.
Naruto stood nervously infront of the Tsunade and Shizune. She couldn't bring herself to speak so she just handed them the invitation.
"I don't have clothes to wear, could one of you go shopping with me?"
Tsunade grinned and looked at the clock. "I think that's a wonderful idea. It's about quitting time anyways." Then Tsunade got a gleam in her eye. She had always wanted a daughter to dress up. Naruto gave Shizune a worried look as she was dragged out of the room.
Needless to say Tsunade went overboard on the shopping. She bought Naruto several new outfits, casual, shinobi and formal. But the older woman did have excellent taste. They even bought makeup and she taught Naruto how to apply it.

Finally the day of the party was here. Shizune had come to help her get ready. They had miraculously managed to flatten her hair into a cute short look. Her outfit consisted of a corset like top that hugged her figure along with a form fitting black skirt lined with gold ribbons. A black mini coat covered her shoulders, and upper arms. Two gold bracelets sat on her wrists. To finish off her look to thigh high black boots with ribbons at the top showed off her long and lean legs. Not wanting to risk messing up her new makeup, Shizune did her eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara making her eyes pop.

She shuffled nervously, the rather small present hugged to her chest. She didn't know what to get Shika but he had been such a good friend. So she made a portable shogi board for him. It had seals engraved on it to adjust the size.
She approached the gate only to be stopped by guards.
"Halt, only those invited may enter." She nervously pulled her invitation out from a hidden pocket in her skirt.
"Nice try kid this invitation is for Naruto Uzumaki and you aren't him." Now she was starting to get angry. Her cheeks puffed out cutely making the guards chuckle.
"Naruto why aren't you inside yet?" She turned her head. There was Baa-Chan and Shizune-nii.
"The stupid guards don't believe I'm me!" Baa-Chan chuckled before getting serious.
"I can't believe you had everyone fooled to such an degree. I think we need to do mandatory training on how to identify girls from boys. Don't you agree?" The Hokage sent a predatory grin to the chunin. They both gulped.
"Right this way miss Uzumaki!" One said ushering her inside. She couldn't help but chuckle. Then her nervousness returned. "Umm I changed my mind I'm going to go home." She tried to run away but Shizune blocked her path.
"Calm down Naruto-Chan, you look beautiful." She placed her hands on the young girls shoulders and led her to the garden entrance. Tsunade smirked and went in first. Then Shizune gave her one last nudge.
She just stood there for a bit listening to the conversations that were close.
"Everyone's here but Naruto." It was Choji.
"He would really liven the party up." Kiba spoke up. A yipp told her Akamaru was also close by.
She sighed and made her way inside. It seemed the parents had noticed her first. She was getting looks of approval from Choji's and Shika's moms. She shuffled nervously as the girls had caught sight of her. Ino and Sakura has approached first.
"Hi! I've never seen you before. I'm Ino and that's Sakura." Ino said excitedly.
Naruto's annoyance was back. She completely deadpanned. "I've know you since we were six Ino. It's me Naruto."
"What!" The two girls yelled. They had now attracted the attention of the boys. "You can't possibly be Naruto!" Sakura yelled. "Naruto's a boy!"
The golden haired blonde sweat dropped. "It's not my fault that your too dense to recognize another female when you see them."
"So that's what my bugs were trying to tell me." Shino came forward making the two girls back away. Naruto blushed.
"About that can you tell them to stay away from my chest. They keep loosening the bindings."
Shino's face turned red. The other adults however looked to Shibi who looked unusually happy. He waved them off promising to explain later.
"You look really nice Naruto." Choji said offering her a chip. She gladly took it.
"Thank you, Shizune-nii helped me get ready."
Suddenly Kida came up and circled around her. "That's why you always smelled different."
"What do you mean?" She asked curiously.
"Girls and boys smell different. It's the pheromones they give off. Yours always smelled more feminine but I didn't know why."
She nodded at his explanation. Finally her eyes landed on Shikamaru. She gave him a large smile and made her way over clutching the present to her chest.

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