Mask (Completed)

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'Damn this mask! Damn this small ass body! Damn it all!' He yelled in his head, his face however had a perfectly happy mask, he had been doing this for years now and he was reaching his breaking point. Sasuke had been disqualified from the chunnin exams for being late and now it was his turn to fight the one tails container. Coming out of the tunnel he stood across from his opponent.
"Hokage-sama permission to release." He said bowing to the Kate booth.
"Permission granted" the Hokages voice echoed around the arena.
A sealing circle appeared on Naruto's forehead before disappearing. The crowd watched as the boy grew and from the screen showing his face it matured. The previous baby fat that was on his body disappeared and his whiskers faded the slightest bit. His hair grew out down his back and he shed his orange jack leaving him in only a mesh shirt that showed off his 6 pack and his arms flexed as he put up his hair and retied his head band. Opening his eyes the clear blue almost flowed with hidden power. Whispers of Yondaime flew around the arena.
"Fight" the proctor yelled. Naruto dodged the tendrils of sand that were aimed at his vital organs. He flipped and spun through the air so fast only the most trained eyes could follow him.
"Sarutobi-sensei permission?" Naruto yelled out, once again shocking the crowd. None of the Jounin even knew about the Hokage teaching Naruto.
"Granted!" His voice once again rang out again. Naruto stopped and pulled out a three pronged kunia. The crowd gasped as Naruto summoned several shadow clones and each disappeared in a yellow flash.
"Tell me Gaara of the sand holder of the one tailed beast. What do you fight for?" Naruto's voice rang out over the arena.
"Fight me! Mother wants to taste your blood!" The red head yelled.
"Me? I fight for my hokage, I fight for the people who love me. I even fight for the people who hate me and more than anything I fight to protect the king. That is my duty as a shinobi, that is my duty to my village. I was once asked what I fought for, and now I ask you Gaara of the sand. What do you fight for?"
Up in the Kage both Sarutobi wipped away a tear. 'Naruto of how you've grown. Minato, Kushina, I hope you can see Naruto from there.'
Next to him the kazekage frowned they would need to change their plans the Kyubi brat mastering the Hirashin makes things very difficult.
The Jounins looked on in pride at the young shinobi. It took some of them years trying to figure out what those words meant but he knew already.
"Asuma-sensie what does Naruto mean by the king. Konoha doesn't have a king we have a Kage." Choji asked. The others looked to the senseis for the answer.
"I'm afraid I can't give you the answer Choji. It's something that can take someone years to realize the answer. Naruto is very wise to discover the answer so early in life." Asuma answered. They all went back to watching Naruto's match.
"So troublesome" Shikimaru said laying back and closing his eyes.
"What is it Shika?" Ino asked.
"Naruto's playing with him." The boy said the others looked at him like he was crazy.
"Oi shikamaru shut the hell up! Like you didn't play with your opponent either, your the one who threw your match because your opponent was cute !" Naruto yelled out. Suddenly all his clones burst leaving a cloud of smoke covering the arena. When both opponents jumped into the air, suddenly chains came from Naruto's back pinning the other boy to the ground, using a water jutsu Naruto pulled water from the nearby water spout soaking the ground and sand around them.
"Just go ahead and kill me!" Gaara yelled.
"I'm not going to kill you but I am going to fix your seal. Shukaku needs to stop being an ass."
"Why are you doing this?" He said quietly.
"Because you and I are the same Gaara. People hate us for what we carry if only they knew what a pervert the Kyubi actually is. Kami they think Pervy-sage is bad Kurama is ten times worse. I have to constantly block him out." As the two had their conversation the audience watched as Naruto got out the sealing ink and fixed a seal on the boys body.
"Wait there's something you need to know Orochimaru..." Naruto stopped him.
"Oh we already know. Where did you think all of my clones went. Don't worry the Sunas shinobi have all been knocked unconscious while the Sounds are currently being escorted to interrogation. As for Orochimaru he will be dealt with shortly isn't that right Jiji." Suddenly four people including Jiraiya surrounded the kazekage, unknown to the snake sannin in disguise a Hirashin seal had been placed on him. As he tried to escape Naruto's clones immediately brought him back with 6 different chakra and movement suppresors on his body.
"Procter I think this match is over." Naruto told the man while carrying Gaaras body. Nobody noticed that the boy had gone to sleep. Suddenly Kakashi and Sasuke appeared in the middle of the arena.
"Are we late?" Kakashi asked.
"Not only were you late Sasuke was disqualified, and most importantly you missed my matchs!" Naruto yelled at the white haired cyclops.
"Sorry Naruto how did it go did you win?" The blonde sighed.
"Obviously, what do you take me for nii-San!"
Sasuke looked at the two in confusion. "Wait since Naruto dropped his can I drop mine?" Sasuke asked looking at the hokage.
"Sure why not." He said shrugging. A seal appeared on his forehead as he turned into a her.
"Naruto-kun!" The now girl Sasuki yelled as she tackled Naruto to the ground. Not careing that he was still carrying Gaara.
"Shit!" Naruto yelled trying to pry her off. "Kakashi-nii help me damn it. Get this girl off of me." He grabbed the girl by the collar holding her away from Naruto as she pouted. Naruto started checking himself to make sure he still had his clothes on, and gave a sigh of relief.
"The rest of the Rookie 12 watched on in shock. As one friend had turned into a powerhouse. And the other turned into the complete opposite of what they thought he/she was. Sakura and Ino had fainted, while the others just looked on in disbelief. Suddenly the raven haired girl below was hit on the neck making her pass out.
"Jeez I liked her better when she was quiet and brooding." Naruto muttered picking Gaara back up and handing him to his siblings, while Kakashi carried the unconscious Sasuki to the observing deck. "You let her touch me like that again and I will burn your books." The cyclops immediately saluted the blonde before running away and tying the girl to a chair. Little sweat marks appeared on everyone's heads. 
Soon the fights were over with Naruto the overall victor. The council had demanded answers and so Naruto with Sasuki clinging onto his arm and the Hokage were standing in front of them waiting for them to shut up.
"We demand that the boy hand over all the jutsu he knows and then be put to death." The leader of the civilian branch spoke.
"I'm afraid I can't do that. You see as the only known heir to the Uzumaki and Namikaze clans everything I know can be considered clan secrets. Besides as the Civillian council you can't make me do anything." The shinobi council smirked as the civilians were put in there place.
"Sarutobi put this demon in his place." Suddenly there was a kunia at the mans neck.
"You want me to put Naruto in his place is that it hmm. Ok Naruto as a new Jounin you are now able to take your seat among the shinobi council. As for you civilians you are all fired, Naruto will now be handling your responsibilities for the near future. In case you are all too stupid to see Naruto is the son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki the whirlpool princess. You are lucky Naruto has been so forgiving or else you would all be dead." Hiruzen spoke letting out a little KI he was not called the god of shinobi for no reason.
Naruto's clone leaned down to whisper in the mans ear. "If you ever disrespect Hokage-Sama again. Even the ninja dogs won't be able to find your body." The man shivered and nodded to Naruto's warning as the clone popped from existence. After finding people suited to run the new civilian council Naruto left to find Tsunade.
Naruto had gone on a 3 year long training trip with Jiraiya after they had practically forced Tsunade to become Hokage. Over the years Naruto had grown he was now 6 foot 4 inches tall his long hair stayed tied back in his pony tail, and his whiskers had almost fully disappeared. They only reappeared when he used Kuramas Chakra cloak. Eventually when they returned Naruto was getting mistaken left and right for his father. That was until a certain black haired Kunochi by the name of Sasuki Uchiha jumped into his arms screaming Naruto-kun. Surprisingly he kissed the girl that had her body wrapped around his. Shocked she bonked him on the head before blushing.
Naruto wrapped his arms around her from behind. Pulling them into an alleyway.
"What's wrong Sasuki-Hime? Did you not want me to kiss you?" He asked her before whispering in her ear.  "Or maybe it's because it's in public, do you wish to go somewhere more private like my bedroom?" He softly kissed her neck and nibbled on her earlobe.
"Naruto-kun....please." She breathed out. One of his hand groped her breast while the other had moved aside her short kimono and was rubbing her through her panties. His mouth gave kisses up and down her neck. 
"Say you want me Sasuki. Say that you want me to make sweet love to you." He pushed her panties aside and inserted one of his fingers into her wet core. She gave a soft moan as he pumped in and out before he added another finger.
"Please naruto.. I want.. you to!" She tried to keep her breathing even as she came around his fingers. He captured her lips in his to stifle her moan as  he used the Hirashin to get to the Namikaze estate. It was as clean as the day he first entered thanks to several old seals. Before they could get started knocking could be heard on the front door. They both groaned.
"This better be good." Naruto growled. He marched to the door throwing it open. Anbu stood on the other side of the door.
"Hokage-sama wants to see you." He said before disappearing. Naruto growled before heading back into the bedroom.
"You will stay here until I get back and then our betrothal will be completed Sasuki Namikaze!" The girl on the bed squealed before jumping into his arms and kissing him. Breaking apart he fixed his clothes and Flashed to the tower. Making his way to the office. He was greeted by several people who he responded to kindly. He opened the door to see the elders and Tsunade gathered in the office.
"This better be good I was about to complete by betrothal agreement." He growled.
"Nice to see you too brat, And just who is the lucky girl?" Naruto-Chan asked.
"Sasuki. We have been betrothed since my parents found out my gender, and she was very disappointed I had to leave."
"You can't she has been accepted into the CRA!" Homura spoke before killing intent made him quiet.
"Who gave you the right to do that to my bride? Choose your words wisely because I do not share." The man couldn't even stutter out a reply.
"Exactly as I thought. You three stay away from me and my family. And don't even think about placing me in the CRA or I will show you just why the anbu still flinch when April 5th is mentioned." The three nodded.
I'm gonna end it there.

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