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Group trainings were both a blessing and a curse. It was the first place he had really met her. She was beautiful, to him she was the most beautiful girl he had ever met. She was also strong, the proof was in how she managed to keep up with her teammates almost effortlessly. He was in awe and he couldn't look at her without blushing. Her dark brown hair and steel eyes drew him in and distracted him when she was near. While she didn't seem to be a fan girl she did seem to have her eyes set on another. Her teammate Neji Hyuga, now he was a stuck up asshole. He was always preaching about fate.
That day as they were taking a lunch he overheard the girls talking about the people they liked. He and Kiba shared a glance as the only two with enhanced hearing in their teams they nodded before moving further away to talk between themselves.
Now Naruto didn't have the best team or the best sensei, he was sure that none of them liked him as he was never included or taught anything. But he had friends in the other teams Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba his puppy Akamaru, Shino and even Lee. He spared with Lee when he had the chance and Kibas family taught him how to control his senses, Shikamaru and his mom Yoshino actually taught him how to read and Chojis family taught him how to cook, sometimes if things were too tight for him money wise they would let him help out in the restaurant washing dishes and he would get some extra money and a free meal. The Abrume clan always welcomed him, they knew what it felt like to be outcasts.
Unknown to Naruto they all recognized him as his parents son and as their old friends couldn't they would watch over him for them.
The Jounin senseis watched from afar as the two moved away. Kurenia
Yuhi looked at the two proud of the boys for respecting the girls privacy. Asuma and Gai looked on in confusion and Kakashi read his little orange book.
"Why did they move away from the others?" The green beast asked.
"Kiba and Naruto both have enhanced hearing, they moved away because the girls started talking about something private." The genjutsu mistress spoke. Gai was fixing to scream of the young ninjas flames of youth when Kakashi snorted.
"Is something wrong Kakashi?" Asuma asked.
"I don't know what that boy told you Kurenia but he doesn't have enhanced senses if anything he's deaf." The silver haired man didn't even look up from his book.
Red eyes watched as Naruto's shoulders sagged and he stopped eating. It seems his range has expanded again. She was furious.
"I think that you don't know your student half as well as you think you do." She looked at the man still reading THE book. Everything she knew about Naruto and the things Kakashi had said in the past didn't add up. She would have to do some digging.
Asuma recognized the fury on his not official girlfriends face and placed a silencing hand on Gai's shoulder. Luckily his friend got the message.
"Tell me Kakashi what are Naruto's skills?" She questioned.
"Other then the Basic academy Jutsu and Kage Bushin Naruto is pretty weak. He doesn't listen and even on d-ranks he always manages to mess everything up. He doesn't have skill Iruka and the Hokage should have never let him pass." They looked at him shocked, Kurenia was furious.
A slap was heard echoing through the training ground. Everyone's head snapped around as she slapped the famous copy ninja.
"How dare you! How dare you belittle him like that. About your student. He has so much potential but I can see now that you have no doubt stunted his growth. Look at him. Really look. He's a young boy who only wants to protect people an yet you aren't even training him! This is it Hatake I'm reporting you for negligence towards your Genin!" She gave a last look at the shocked man as she shushined to the Hokages office. With all the commotion in the training field no one but Kiba noticed as Naruto slipped away.
Kiba has heard everything his senseis were talking about he grabbed Akamaru and went over.
"I had only ever heard great things about the Copy-Nin Kakashi Hatake. The only bad things people said about you was that you were late, and read porn in public. But now I realize your just a bitter old man who can't move on from the past. I will be telling mother,no, Shinobi Councilwoman Tsume Inuzuka of this." With that he left to do exactly that. But before he got too far away he stopped. "Naruto does have enhanced senses like I do, my family helped him learn to control it. And the reason he doesn't listen is because he physically can't, you are always late and Sakura always screams at him, he waits three hours for you with her constant yelling of course he would go deaf he's lucky his healing factor is so high or else it would be permanent. If anyone from my family was on your team they would have killed her already." He glared at the pink haired girl who hid behind his teammate. As he walked by Shino, Shika, and Choji also stood up.
"Incase you haven't realized our parents will also be hearing about this." Shikamaru said. The four boys walked away.
While Kurenia lodged her complaint with the hokage, Naruto had gone to a place he felt was safe. An old abandoned weapons shop on the edge of town. The area was over grown and it couldn't be easily gotten too. He had done some research when he first stumbled upon it, the owner had died in the Kyubi attack and people had forgotten about the place. The villagers had assumed the store was destroyed. It was left to time but everything inside was still there. Weapons of all shapes and sizes, the tools to create them and even few hidden scrolls full of jutsus, seals and weapon designs, even the fourth Hokages famous hirashin tri-pronged kunia. He was shocked when he first saw it, he immediately hid it somewhere safer inside the building. This was his home away from home. His safe space. But he knew he couldn't stay for long soon enough the anbu would be looking for him but he had enough time to grab Tenten's birthday present. He had wrapped it in a soft green cloth. The dagger wasn't very long but it would be sturdy enough for close combat especially since it was made from chakra metal. He had crafted it himself out of the left over material in the basement storage room. He made his way to her fathers weapon shop. She wasn't there yet so hopefully he could get in and out.
"Hello there! How can I help you today." The man behind the counter said cheerfully.
"Hello sir! I.I have a birthday present for Tenten. Since it's her birthday tomorrow Ya know! Could you give it to her for me?" Naruto held out the gift to the smiling man.
"I can do that. I'm sure she will appreciate it. Who should I say gave it to her?" He smiled, this boy obviously liked his daughter but was too shy to talk to her.
"Umm nobody! Thank you!" He ran out of the shop.
"Who was that dear?" His wife had come into the store from a back room.
"Oh nobody," he chuckled. "Just an admirer of our daughters."
A cold look came upon her face," it wasn't that Hyūga boy was it?"
"No it was a different boy he left a gift for her Birthday tomorrow."
The woman's face brightened, "how sweet of him."
Naruto had made it three blocks before anbu had appeared in front of him. With a nod he made his way to to the Hokages office. Entering he noticed his friends parents Kurenia-sensei and Hatake. Along with a chair in the middle of the room.
"Ah come in Naruto have a seat." He gave a small smile.
Sitting down Naruto noticed all eyes were on him.
"Now Naruto, I'm going to be asking some questions and I want your best and honest answers ok." The blond shook his head.
The questioning went on for what felt like hours. The other Jounin were furious with Kakashi. He not only favored a single student but had taught Naruto nothing he had even taught Sakura more! After a brief overview of team seven Kakashi had been put on a probation and Naruto would be removed from the team. When the new Genin graduated he would be put with a knew team. But until then he could still train with his friends he just couldn't take missions. He waited outside for the others to leave so he could talk to the Hokage alone.
"Jiji if I can't take missions how will I get money?" He asked him.
The old man sighed, "since you are technically a ninja You won't be able to receive civilian orphan benefits. I'm afraid your going to have to find a job my boy at least until next June."
Naruto was horrified. It was only August now June was practically a whole year away. Maybe his friends family would help him find a job. But one things for sure he wasn't going to be able to live in his apartment anymore.
"Thanks Jiji, I know you tried, well I better go look for a job!" He pumped his fist in the air full of fake enthusiasm, the Hokage just chuckled.
He made his way home and started gathering his stuff up he used clones to take everything to the old shop. He would talk to his friends parents tomorrow.
When he told his landlord he was moving out the man looked very excited. The next morning Naruto awoke to people talking and banging well it sounded more like hammering. He stuck his head out the door and to his shock the landlord was remodeling the place. He didn't make a fuss just changed and cleaned up the small apartment and left quietly.
He first deposited the last of his stuff into the old weapons shop that had become his home.
First he went to see Chojis parents and see if he could get a steady job. They could only give him two days a week when the other guy had off. It was better then nothing.
He was making his way back to his shop when he passed Tentens fathers weapon shop. He hoped she was having a good birthday. He stopped to look for a moment then turned to leave. Suddenly he was pulled into the shop by his shirt.
After recovering from the rush of movement he saw Tentens dad and who he assumed to be her mother. They were holding the dagger he had made.
"We've been looking everywhere for you!" The man seemed excited. "This is a work of art! Where did you get it!"
"Uhh I made it." He said nervously. The two adults were shocked.
"You made this?" The woman questioned. She held the dagger gently in her hands as if it was delicate and couldn't kill a person in a single swipe. He nodded his head.
"Who taught you?" He was asked.
"I taught myself." Naruto whispered. His head bowed he knew it he was in trouble.
The couple shared a look. It was amazing, this boy the village scorn could create such beautiful weapons.
The man sent a pleading look at his wife. She sighed and nodded. She got down to his level.
"Naruto, my husband and I would like it if you would come to work in our shop." She asked him.
His head snapped up his eyes wide in disbelief.
"You want me to work here?"
The two nodded. "Yep, we had heard what happened from a couple of chunin who had come in this morning. On top of you working here we would also like to train you. My wife and I are retired from the Shinobi life but we still know a thing or two." He said giving a cheeky smile.
"I can't work mondays or Tuesday's, those days I'm working for the Akamichi's in their restaurant." He spoke up accepting the position.
"Excellent, I'm Mika and my husband is Takashi, you will be working Wednesday through Friday and half a day Saturday! Now there's just one question I need answered. Where did you learn to forge." Naruto started sweating. "Truth please."
"I was exploring one day when I was maybe 9 years old. I found this old abandoned weapons shop on the outskirts of the village. Other then everything being overgrown the shop was still in pretty good shape. I found scrolls and started training myself only after I looked into the shop. The owner had died in the Kyubi attack and it seemed like the village assumed the shop was destroyed too."
Mika had a look of hope in her eyes. "Naruto what is the name of the shop." She asked softly.
He looked at her strangely," it was the Iron Dragon. Why?"
Mika gave a cheer before hugging first her husband then Naruto. She cupped his face and started kissing his forehead.
"You wonderful! Amazing boy! Oh Naruto you've found my Fathers workshop. Nobody knew where it was he was famous for making the most beautiful of weapons. I've been searching for it since he died and you've found it! Can you show it to me?" Tears sprung from her eyes as hope filled her chest.
"Can I still stay there?" She pulled back from the hug.
"Your living there?" He slowly nodded. "Why?"
"I didn't know how long it would take me to find a job since I can't do missions. So I moved from my apartment to there this morning everything still works. Besides even if I wanted my old apartment I don't think I could get it. When I left it this morning workers were going around fixing everything. I've been living there for six years that's never happened before."
"Well let's get the place fixed up and then after the first month we can see about rent ok?" Mika asked forcing back her fury at his old landlord.
"You two go and look and I will stay here and man the shop." Takashi said with a wave. Excitedly Mika pulled him from the shop and let him lead the way. She told him her fathers history.
Her grandfather was originally from the land of Iron but had saw value in making the weapons for Shinobi so he moved to the Land of Fire when her father was but a child. Her father then grew up during the first Hokages Reign. His weapon making skills had gotten him a special reputation. He became the man who made the Hokages weapons. Then with Each Hokage he also moved his workshop. The work shop was mostly used for experimenting or forging weapons specifically for the Hokage. He never told anyone its location not only to protect the family's forging techniques but to also protect the Hokages secrets. She had been looking for it for years it was a miracle that Naruto had found it.
Naruto stopped at a bunch of overgrown bushes and thick trees.
"Stay close ok." She nodded excitedly.
They soon broke through the tree line and Mika started crying. It was just as she remembered it. Naruto held the door open for her as she walked it. She noticed Naruto had been taking very good care of the place. There wasn't a spec of dirt or dust or even trash anywhere. Her heart hurt for this boy. He was to old for his age. Although his mask was good, she saw right through it to a lonely soul.
She clapped her hands together. "Alright Naruto I want you to show me what you can do. I need you to make 30 throwing stars in 1 hour." He looked around for a minute. Then nodded. "Good now start."
He started the oven, he needed to get it extremely hot and quick. He quickly set up the molds and the sharpener. As well as getting the metal ready and a fresh tub of water. He worked fast and hard. Sweat was pouring off his body from the heat of the fire. With only seconds to spare he placed the last star down. Mika tested each of them. They were dull but they were balanced. The edges were clean and none were bigger then the rest.
"Almost perfect but they are dull." She spoke, wondering if he would talk back.
"You didn't specify if they were going to fully fledge ninja or to the academy. They are sharp enough to pierce flesh. An in a ninjas hands even a wooden spoon is a weapon." He picked up a star and threw it at a dummy. The weapon was imbedded in the head,deep enough to kill.
"Excellent! I think we are going to get along great. Now as tomorrow's Thursday I want you at the shop by sun up." She hugged him. "Goodnight Naruto see you in the morning."
She waved at him as she walked away.
He couldn't help but think of the hug. "Is this what a mothers touch feels like?" He asked himself not noticing the tears going down his face. He didn't realize that she heard him. She covered her mouth to keep from sobbing.
She collected herself before she exited the tree line. But she quickly made her way home.
She poured herself a cup of tea and stared into the drink.
"Was it what you hoped it would be?" Her husband asked. He sat beside her worried at the no response. "Honey what's wrong?"
She had started crying again.
"He doesn't know a mothers touch. I hugged him. Before I left. That poor boy. He's never known what it is to love or be in a family. Then Hatake goes and screws him up even more. A team is suppose to be like a family and he's been ostracized from everything!" Her sorrow had been replaced by the righteous fury of mothers everywhere. "Hatake and his team our not welcomed in our shop. I won't let them near my boy. Not after everything they put him through."
He smiled at his wife anger happy that it wasn't directed at him, for once. "Your quite right dear. If they come around while Naruto's here then who knows what trouble that might cause. Best to keep them out. He's our boy now and we will take care of him and show him the love of a family. But it will take time, we can't just force it upon him. He might get scared."
Her anger seem to calm a bit at her husbands words. "And who knows maybe if he spend enough time with Tenten she will grow to like like him." With that he had awoken a devil. His wife got a gleam in her eyes that meant trouble and scheming and he knew her targets were Naruto and their daughter. Kami please forgive him for unleashing this demon.

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