(Fem) NarutoXKiba

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Idea; the Hokage has a mission to protect a high profile client. But none of the girls are his type. Naruto offers to use his transformation henge, which isn't really a henge, to do the job.

"No! None of you will do!" The stylist yelled. She fell to the ground with tears in her eyes. "If only you were a girl you would be perfect." The crying woman pointed at Naruto. He shared a discrete panicked look with the Hokage.
"His henge is pretty impressive." Sakura whispered.
Everyone's eyes settled on Naruto.
He preformed a henge, but in reality he only removed one from his body. As the smoke cleared a female Naruto stood in the same place.
"She's perfect!" The stylist squealed and started taking measurements. "We will be at store if we are needed." With that Naruto was dragged from the room, Tsunade and the male friends giving looks of sympathy.
Hours later Naruto was done in the dress shop. The dress was sealed in a scroll to protect it from harm. Finally the team of seven got to the clients house, then showed their rooms. Everyone was working in teams of two except Naruto who would be guarding the client.
"Come Naruto lets get ready together!" Ino told the other blonde while grabbing the small hand.
"So you want me, a boy, whose henged as a girl, to get dressed with other girls?" The girls froze.
"Guess we didn't think of it that way." Naruto sweat dropped.
'This is going to be a long mission.' She thought.  "I will get ready myself and meet you all down there." They all watched as she walked into her individual room.
Getting ready for the party took longer then she thought it would. She first did he make up and hair then put on her dress. She sighed it wasn't what she would choose for herself but it was beautiful. Finally it was time for her entrance. She stood at the top of the stairs as her name was announced.
The boys on the team, Shikamaru, Shino and Kiba watched, with mouths slightly open, as Naruto came down the stairs.
The girls, Ino, Sakura, and Tenten, looked envious at her figure.
Her hair was mostly down, with two braids pulling strands of her hair back to hold a golden hair peice. She used a henge to hide her whiskers to make her appear more like a normal woman. The dress was a dark black color on the outside, with a shimmering blue on the inside that could only be seen because of the slit that showed off, long slightly tanned legs. Golden high heels match the golden fastenings on the dresses top half. She thankfully wouldn't have to worry about someone staring down her dress, thanks to the dresses high neckline/halter look. Another golden clasp, set at the base of her neck, had a chain that hung down her open back.
Her large breasts bounced with every step she took down the stairs.
Ino smacked Kiba in the back of the head as he starred. "Kiba stop that! They aren't even real." She whispered to him. But Kiba knew something that Ino didn't, he knew that the real Naruto was standing in front of them. He knew that the blonde pretended to be a boy, for whatever reason he didn't know, but it didn't stop the crush he had formed on her. He had to bite back a growl as the client offered the beautiful blonde his arm.
The rest of the night went peacefully enough, while there was a small disturbance, it was dealt with quickly. Naruto collapsed on her bed as she went over the evening. Her shadow clones had foiled three different assassination attempts. Three and the others hadn't even realized. Baa-Chan was going to have them punished for sure. Suddenly a knock on her door broke her from her thoughts. She reached out her senses and recognized Kiba's chakra signature.
"Come in!" She called. Her feet hurt from those damned heels.
He quickly opened the door and closed it behind him before he looked at her. The room was mostly dark except for the moonlight coming in through the he window making her hair shine.
He approached her. "I thought you looked beautiful tonight." His voice was barely more then a whisper but she heard it. A light blush dusted her cheeks as she sat up.
"Thank you." She bit her lip slightly before tilting her head. "Is there something you wanted Kiba?"
"I know." The blush on her cheeks immediately left. "I know your actually a girl, I don't know why your pretending to be a boy but I don't care." Relief flooded her body as he spoke. "Ever since that first day in the academy when you stood there yelling about being Hokage, I felt things for you that no one else has or had made me feel." He walked in between her legs. "I love you Naruto, I've only now just realized that if I didn't tell you, you could be swept away by someone else." He cupped her face with his rough hand. "Let me love you, with and without the henge." He didn't even get the chance to kiss her before her lips were on his.  They broke for a breath and leaned their foreheads against each other's.
"I don't really know what love it," she started. "But I do know that I have strong positive feelings towards you that I have never felt with anyone else before." She hugged him tightly. "I do however believe that I love you Kiba." She lightly pecked his lips.
They stayed holding each other for a few minutes.
"Go on a date with me when we get back?" He asked.
"I would love to." With one last kiss he left her to go to sleep.

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