Short writing ideas that are going no where.

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Sasuke had left the village and she just had to be part of the group to go after him. She couldn't help but feel pity for her teammate. That made her slightly divert her rasengan. She cried out in pain as his chidori pierced her chest above her heart. Something inside of her snapped as he tried to pull his hand out. Her bright blue eyes glowed purple an a seal array appeared on her hand. Within seconds her fingers were placed on the curse mark with a slight turn, the power flowing into the curse mark disappeared. Sasuke screamed in pain as the mark burned and left his body completely. He collapsed to the ground barely conscious, he watched fighting the darkness as the blond hair girl collapsed beside him.
Kakashi Hatake had followed after his Genin as quickly as he could. He broke from the tree line in the Valley of End where he saw Orochimaru's spy Kabuto throw his blonde student over the cliff and into the raging river below. The medic-nin saw him and gave a smirk before retreating. The copy ninja was torn to either follow the river and find Naruto or to get Sasuke back to the village. With a sigh he picked up his dark haired student.
"I killed her sensei. Even after she helped me I killed her." His voice was not more then a whisper, but even then he sounded so broken.
"We will find her." Yes, he would find her, and if she was dead she would be buried next to her parents.
He fought back an ache in his chest from the thought of losing another person. He quickly made his way to Konoha after knocking Sasuke out. He was given permission to take three people to find Naruto. Iruka, Izumo and Kotesku were quick to volunteer. They made their way back to the valley and down the cliff to follow the river. Two people on each side, every inch of the river and bank was searched. Iruka and Kakashi stopped their search when a flare went up. They immediately made their way over to the others. There they stopped in awe as Naruto seemed to be floating in a golden glow. As her body floated closer, the glow became an image of the forth Hokage. The Hokage held Naruto in his arms. A soft smile on his face. He walked across the water towards the four men. Only Kakashi stepped forward.
"Take care of my daughter." Minato gently placed Naruto into his arms. "There's no need to stay away Kakashi, she's always known. Protect her, her destiny has only just begun." With that the golden glow disappeared.
"I wasn't hallucinating right? She really is the daughter of the forth?" Izumo asked breaking the silence.
"No.....He is truly her father." Kakashi said while checking over her injuries. The hole in her chest had been healed and her pulse was steady. "I think she will be ok, but we should get her to the Hokage just in case." With a nod the four men took off back to the village hidden in the leaves. They didn't stop at the gate and went straight to the Hokages office. Tsunade was at her desk the bottle of sake remained untouched as she worried about the young girl who warmed her heart. When her door burst open unshed tears of sorrow were replaced with tears of joy as the saw Naruto's chest rise and fall. She did a quick check over the girl, who seemed to be fine, only unconscious.
"She's alive, her wounds have healed. But when we found her the forth Hokage was holding her." Iruka spoke up as Kakashi laid Naruto on the couch.
"He said she's always known. I think it might be time to tell the village just who she is." Tsunade looked out the window.
"Things are changing, there is an enemy out for the tailed beasts. Do you think if the village knew they would be more willing to protect her?" It was a question that had been on her mind for awhile.
"She's old enough now to not let hero worship go to her head. We will need proof for the nay sayers."
"I will get everything ready." She pressed a button on her phone. "Shizune call the village for an announcement." She turned to the four men. "You four stay here and protect her. No one comes near her but me." They stood at attention and bowed to the Hokage.

Within the hour the village had been gathered whispers had gone around trying to guess just what the announcement would be.
The whispers died down when the Hokage made her appearance.
"Citizens of Konoha. After great deliberations, I have decided to reveal a village secret and repel a law made by the Third Hokage.
The law I have decided to repel was one put in place in regards to Kyubi Jinchuriki. In doing so I have decided to tell you exactly what happened the night of the attack." Whispers flowed back in forth but no one dared raised their voices. "On the night of October 10, the Yondaime Hokages wife went into labor." She pauses as excited voices rose. "While the birth was successful and a daughter was born to the pair, a man attacked them, taking the baby hostage." More gasps, by kami these people where dramatic. "While he rescued his beloved daughter, his wife was attacked. What only a few had know was that she was a jinchuriki herself. She held the Kyubi at bay, her body being weak from childbirth, the demon was ripped from her almost killing her." She continued ignoring the people's reactions. "The beast was released and then under a masked mans control targeted the village. Minato fought hard against the beast, but one can not kill a being made of pure chakra. He only saw one option to seal the beast. His only option at the time was a baby, his own child. He split the beast in two sealing half of it in himself and half inside his baby girl. In one last effort to avoid sealing the Kyubi tried to attack the baby, but both Minato and his wife got in the way. The third Hokages law was put in place to protect the child. We now believe her strong enough to protect herself and help the village. The marriage certificate of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki is available to the public to look at, as well as the results of DNA matches and the birth certificate of one Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. Thank you for your time." The crowd was deathly silent. The demon brat was the child of their precious hokage. Several people wanted to see the proof.
The genins stood off to the side in shock. The dead last was the daughter of the Forth Hokage.
The council was in an uproar the demon they had hated and had repeatedly sabotage was the heiress to both the Namikaze and Uzumaki fortunes.
Unknown to everyone, as Naruto slept generations of knowledge flowed into her as she sat in her mind scape curled into the large orange fox practicing the knowledge that was passed down to her from past generations of Uzumaki's.

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