Mothers return (completed)

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She flew threw the trees. Hoping to arrive in time. Her clan easily kept pace with the desperate mother. Her red hair flew behind her as she jumped from tree to tree. They stopped short as the trees suddenly ended, a clearing ravaged my battle laid before them a gigantic monster. Without waiting another moment the woman at the front rushed into battle purple Chakra chains whipped from her and pinned the monster to the ground. Several more of her clans women followed wrapping the monster up so tight it couldn't move.
"Begin resealing!" She yelled over the monsters roars before its mouth was chained shut.
It was done the monster gone now it was time to find her son.
Her eyes watch the crowd of skeptical ninjas as she saw a familiar head of white hair being supported by a blond who looked just like her late husband.
"Kakashi! Naruto!" She yelled she pushed her way through the crowd to get to them.
She froze in front of them as she got closer. Tears streamed from her eyes. Her baby had grown up without her and her adopted son she should have been their to help. Kakashi wrapped her in a hug. Pulling away she made her way to naruto.
"Do you know who I am?" She asked him.
"I do, but I don't understand you are suppose to be dead." He told her hugging her close.
"That night I survived. When I woke up I was told you and your father had died. I was overcome by grief I resigned as a ninja and went back to the whirlpool village where I had found that my clan had survived and rebuilt all the while using a genjutsu to make the world believe they were all dead." Tears were coming full force. "I received word that there was a blond shinobi claiming to be of uzumaki decent. I didn't think anything about it until one of the teams came back with the news of the Kyubi jinchuriki. I knew then that you were still alive. I came and so did our clan come meet them. Meet your family Naruto." The crowd parted as red heads of varying shades came to meet the clan heir.

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