Narutos love (Completed)

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(Grammar edited)

Standing in front of the hokage tower was a certain blonde jinchuriki named Naruto. She was well known throughout her village for a number of reasons, the most important, in her eyes, was who her father was. Minato Namikaze was the Fourth Hokage and died the night she was born. His death was a great loss to the village. Only recently her status as the only child of Minato Namikaze had been released and she had been getting swarmed by fanboys and marriage proposals, from families all over the elemental nations. She never thought she would wish to go back to being the person no one cared about. Every day another young man would approach her and ask for her hand in marriage not just a date marriage. Today another boy had caught her alone and was coffessing his undying love for her. Luckily she had already devised a plan with how to deal with these people. Civilians were challenged to a fight. Shinobi not from the Akamichi clan were challenged to eating contests. If anyone from the Akamichi clan had tried she had an speed/endurance test planned out while the clan itself was strong they really didn't focus on speed. This one however was a civilian, some kid with rich parents, who wanted the prestige that came with marrying into her family.
"Naruto-Chan will you marry me?!"The boy asked holding out flowers towards her. Roses, a big bouquet of bright red roses, she hated red roses. The color of blood, she was a ninja she didn't need to be reminded of that fact. They were pretty but would have been better in orange.
"Alright I will marry with you, on one condition." She told the boy.
"Really?! I promise I will treat you right!" He said bowing to her.
"There's a catch though. First you have to beat me in a fight." The boy paled.
"But that's not fair!" He protested.
Naruto had already defeated Pein and was know to be one of the strongest kunochi in the village.
"Life's not fair. My husband needs to be just as strong if not stronger than I am. If you're not going to fight me then I'm leaving." She turned to head into the tower. The ninjas and the boys civilian friends gave the boy sympathetic looks. He wasn't the first to do this and even some ninja had tried. Rock Lee had asked her out, prepared to fight but he got challenged to an eating contest instead of a fight. Naruto beat him 32 bowls of Ramen to 4. It soon became obvious to the male population that she wasn't interested in dating, or marriage. Didn't stop them from trying, those who were foolish enough to accept the challenges always ended up in the hospital.

Unknown to them Naruto had already found the perfect man for her and he was dead. He was quite literally the man of her dreams. The dreams started when she had turned fifteen. Dreams of a young man with white hair and red eyes. Tobirama Senju was her definition of perfect. She needed to know more about him. She read everything she could about the man. His accomplishments and thanks to Ba-Chan his failures. He never gave up but he was serious kind of person but that was what she wanted in a man. Then there was the fact he was strong. he rivaled his brother in strength, however, there was never a record of the two fighting. But something inside of Naruto knew he was the stronger fighter.
It wasn't like she didn't try to find someone to love. She could never seem to find the right person. Compared to him they were all found severely lacking. She was only able to observe at first, like a ghost haunting his person. Until one day in the dreams she was able to interact with him. She scared him so badly he through a kunia at her, she was just barely able to dodge. It started off innocent enough she dreamt of just talking to him but her dream relationship progressed to kisses and then she found herself hopelessly head over heals in love with him. In the dreams she got to know him, the person he was, he was someone she wanted near her. The attraction was mutual, both figuring that it was just a dream pored their hearts out to one another. Then one day it stopped. The next great ninja war was was upon them. Naruto barely had time to sleep let alone dream.
Her fight with Madara was close but she needed an edge even using Kurama's chakra she was losing. Suddenly she was kicked across the wasteland they had created. But something caught her as she flew in the air. Her eyes were closed in pain even with her advanced healing it still hurt. Once she got used to it she opened her eyes. Red eyes stared back at her observing every inch of her face.
Her wounded hand rose and touched his cheek. A soft smile was on his face.
"Hello Hime." Tears prickled in her eyes.
"It was all real? Oh Kami please don't let this be another dream." She pleaded him. He gave a chuckle.
"It's all real. Mito and Kurama helped me with the jutsu to come here. I've missed you my sweet Naru. I was so worried when I stoped seeing you." Finding some strength within her she kissed him. Time on the battle field seemed to freeze, suddenly Naruto was ripped from Tobiramas arms and he was being pumbled by an angry Hiruzen Sarutobi.
"You dirty flirt get your hands off my granddaughter!" A revived Hashirama had to pull Hiruzen off of the man she loved. Suddenly she looked to the person who held her. Standing in his flowing white cloak was her father.
Suddenly anger overcame her she broke free of his grasp punched him in the stomach and grabbed him by the collar shaking him.
"How dare you show your fucking face to me! I know I said I forgave you in the seal, but now I get to take my anger out on you! How fucking dare you seal Kurama in me! Do you have any idea what my life has been like! Kami what kind of idiot are you!" Everyone looked in on the scene in disbelief. They were in the middle of a battle for kami's sake. But their distraction gave everyone vital time to catch their breaths. Suddenly Naruto was picked up again but this time she new those hands, it felt like a lifetime since she last felt them properly. He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"Hime, we will fight him, for now you get some rest." She gave a grim smile.
"Don't you die on me Tobirama Senju. Now that your in my time we have a wedding to plan." Her father and Hiruzen had tears poring from their eyes at the thought of their little Naruto getting married.
Naruto sat down and started meditating as the former Hokages fought Madara Uchiha. Sakura had made her way to her friend. Sasuke had also made his way over from the shadows.
"Come on dobe. You going to let them have all the fun?" The teme.
"I'm sorry but you two can not be involved with this fight." A deep menacing voice spoke seemingly from Naruto.
"What do you mean? Who are you?" Sakura asked the voice frightened her.
"I am the Kyubi. Naruto has decided to take off all the seals on her body including mine. You two will only be in the way once she does. You need to get everyone out of the area it will only distract her while she's fighting."
The two other members jumped back as the ground around Naruto cracked at her new power pressure.
Naruto had released a total of five seals. The Kyubi's, then a gravity seal, a weight seal, and a power reserve seal, and finally a power suppression seal. Before their eyes all of Naruto injuries went away.
"Uzumaki secret art: bijuu release." Preforming several hands signs to fast for even the sharigan to see she slammed her hands into the ground in front of her. An earth shattering roar drove fear into the hearts of the veteran shinobi. There in front of all of them stood the great Kyubi no Kitsune and on his head stood Naruto, chakra chains flowed behind her like nine tails mimicking the beasts movements.
"Kurama lets destroy this bastard!" She told the giant fox.
The Shinobi from around the world watched as the battle raged on in front of them. Eventually Naruto stood victorious over Madara's body.
Feeling Tobirama's presences behind her she closed he eyes and fell back into his arms.
It would be weeks before she was let out of the Hospital but it was worth it, Tobirama hardly ever left her side.
The wedding was an event for the ages. Kage's and shinobi from the five nations were in attendance. It was easily a bigger event than the five kage summit. The village itself had been transformed banners everywhere with the Senju, Uzumaki and Namikaze clan symbols. White, yellow and blue flowers hung everywhere. They had two ceremonies one for close family and friends and the other for the public. The smaller ceremony was held first. Tobirama's heart almost stopped the first time he saw her in her formal wear.

Naruto had never thought she would be this happy. Surrounded by her family she peacefully passed away in her sleep at the old age of 107. The village mourned the 7th hokages death for a full year. Banners of black adorned every house and little shrines were placed in her favorite places only to be covered with white flowers. They mourned the woman who always had time for everyone no matter civilian or shinobi. They mourned the woman who always had a smile on her face. They mourned the woman who opened her heart and loved everyone.

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