Guy's Wife! (Completed)

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A figure watched from a distance as the green beast of the leaf village took on Madara Uchiha. As the uchiha raised his sword towards the green clad man, he was kicked back. Dust flew around blocking the view from everyone. The dust cleared a woman could be seen standing in front of Guy wearing a short red and black kimono with bandages wrapping from her waist to mid thigh. Thigh high socks where behind her high heeled gold plated shoes. Three katana adorned her back one was out of the sheath placed in a defense position. A leaf headband wrapped around her neck like a choker. Her midnight black hair sat in a high ponytail upon her head with bangs framing her face. "You will not touch my husband again." Everyone who did not know the woman yelled "what", they looked at Kakashi for conformation. He nodded his head yes signaling the truth. In front of them Guy sprung up and kissed the woman. Breaking apart she body flickered Guy next to Kakashi before going back to battle.
"How come you never told us you were married?" Tenten asked her sensie. "What's her Name?"
"Kimiko Uchiha. We fell in love when we were Genin. And then later on the same team. She's Fugaku's little sister. She was banished from the clan when they found out about our relationship. She has been on a long term assignment for awhile. It was best after the massacre she was inconsolable. But I'm glad she's back I've missed her so much."
They watched as she met Madara blow for blow before jumping back. Taking off her shoes she started to assault the man with a sword in each hand and on her feet. The Hyuga could see that she was channeling chakra to her foot to the sword making it sharper. Her attack was fierce and Madara just phased through another attack when she suddenly shouted. "Naru, Sasu now!" Behind Madara appeared Naruto and Sasuke who shoved a chidori and raesagan into the man obliterating his chest ripping his heart apart in the process.
He was dead this battle was over. Now all they had to do was deal with the jubii.
"Naru-kun, Sasu-kun, it good to see you both again. My baby boys!" She hugged the two boys to her.
Guy had to explain once again. "She's their godmother." The others nodded in understanding.
"Now where's Sarutobi and Jiraya?" She asked Naruto bowed his head.
"Kaa-San their both dead." Naruto mumbled hugging her closer. As her body went rigid.
"That idiot!" She suddenly yelled. Her Ki spiked. The power coming from it shocked everyone even the jubii who had stopped its attack.  "Narto summon a toad now." He went through the jutsu and a smallish toad appeared. "You listen to me right now. I don't care what that pervert says if he's not here in front of me in the next 2 minutes I will personally reverse summon myself to kill him." The toad croaked once before disappearing then in his place stood Jiraiya fully healed and battle ready. He looked around as everyone was shocked that he was alive. Before his eyes landed on Kimiko. He tried to run away when she grabbed his hair pulled him back and started beating him up.
The jubii started laughing much to the shock of the shinobi around it. When it drew the attention on the furious woman. Her killing intent spiked again. "I will deal with you later pervert."  She turned to look at the ten tailed beast. "And you what they hell do you think you are doing?" She yelled.
"You are going to split your self back into the other tailed beast after reviving everyone you killed or so help me. I will figure out a way to kill you and then I will find a way to stay alive just so I can kick your ass every time you reform. Do you understand me?" The beast coward away from her gaze. Before everyone on the battlefield started reviving. It split itself going back into their Original containers without a fight. Reviving and healing the dead ones. Everyone looked in awe at the woman. She not only almost single handidly defeated Madara Uchiha she also shammed the the jubii into surrendering. See no other threats she turned to her husband.
"Come on, after you get healed and we get home, I think it's about time we had that baby we've been talking about," she said pulling him in for a kiss. "But only after you get rid of that hideous outfit. Why are you wearing it in the first place?" Kakashi closed his book 'this is going to be good' he thought chuckling and taking a few steps away from his friend.
The same friend who was poking his fingers together out of nervousness.
"You see after you left, women kept flirting with me and although I denied their advances they wouldn't stop, so I went to Kakashi for help and it was his idea that I wear something hideous so the women avoid me and not the other way around." She turned to Kakashi who paled considerably.
"Real helpful Bakashi." She glared at him as he backed away and stood behind Naruto. The blonde shook his head as he and Sasuke each grabbed an arm and threw their sensei at her feet. She held out her hands. "Books now." He reluctantly pulled three from his vest pocket. Seeming not satisfied she grabbed him by the ankle and started shaking him. 14 more books came out of various hiding places on his body. The woman sighed before tossing the man away. "You know for a man who is supposed to be feared through the shinobi nations with a flee on sight order, you sure don't carry allot of weapons. We will need to beat this weakness out of you again. Now why is that kid wearing the outfit?" She asked pointing at Rock Lee.
"Oh it's for his training since he can't use chakra the suit is weighted to help increase his speed."
"Valid point. Alright you husband are forgiven but bakashi needs punishment." Using a fireball jutsu she lit the books on fire while the two white haired men cried.
The world was saved. While it would never be without its violence, it was as peaceful as it could get. Especially with people like the toad sage in it.

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