Chapter 6: You Need To Grow Up

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"You know you didn't have to argue with the Queen just to let us in." Adrien says as he and I walk into the garden. "Yes I did. She basically insulted you guys." "Well thank you." "You're welcome." I say as we sit on the bench.

"So do you come out here often?" "Duh, I live here." He rolls his eyes and I giggle. "I meant to the garden. This is the 2nd time you've brought me out here so I assume you like it?"

"Well you assumed right. This is my favorite place. The red roses feel so calming when I'm by them. They're probably my favorite flower here. I usually come here when I need a break from the everything. Now that I think about it, you're the first person I've brought out here."

"Really? Not even the other Princesses?" "Nope. I usually come here alone. The only times I'm here with someone is when my parents send the guards to escort me back to my room."

"They don't let you come out here either?" "Occasionally I'm allowed to be here, but majority of the time they want me inside. I don't really understand why."

"I used to think the royals' life was so amazing." "I thought you hated us." I say with a smile. "I can't say I haven't thought about their lives before though. I thought it was perfect." "You thought wrong. It's far from perfect."

"I'm sorry Your Highness." "That's the first time you've addressed me since you found out!" I tease and he chuckles. "But you can just call me Marinette." "You don't like to be called Your Highness?" "I don't even like being royalty."

"Anyways tell me more about yourself. All I really know about you is that your 18, your friends with Nino, you want to be a model, and you hate royals." "Not all royals." "I'm so touched!" I place a hand over my chest for dramatic effect and he chuckles.

"Well, my father is Gabriel Agreste-" "The baker?" He nods. "Oh my gosh! I've always wanted to try one of his pastries." "I'll bring you one the next time I see you." Next time? I smile. "I'm gonna hold you to that. And what about your mom?"

He takes a deep breath and looks at the floor. "She went missing a few years ago." "Oh my gosh- I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up." "No, no, it's okay. You didn't know." I pull him into a hug. "I'm so sorry Adrien."

I feel his arms wrap around my waist and butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Thank you Mari." I smile at the nickname. "You're welcome Adrien." I say as we pull apart.

"I should actually tell you something. I want you to know why I hate royalty so much." He says nervously. "I'm listening." I give him a warm smile and place my hand on his to reassure him.

"Marinette! Your guests are here!" My mother shouts. "You invited more people?" Adrien asks. "No." I say and start walking inside. Adrien follows me.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me. Mother are you serious?!" I say as I see Luka waiting. "Come say hello. It's rude not to greet your guests." "He's not my guest. He's yours." "Is that any way to talk to your fiancé? It's rude not to greet the person you're going to be spending the rest of your life with." Luka says.

"Luka! Stay out of it!" Chloe shouts. I turn my head and see Alya, Chloe, and Nino watching from the staircase. "He's in this castle, therefore he's all of our guests." My mom says. "Okay. Well Adrien and Nino are in this castle, so they're our guests too. I'll greet Luka once you greet them."

"I will do no such thing!" "Then I will not greet him." "He's your fiancé!" "Because of you! I never wanted to marry him!" "Well you have no choice darling. You and Luka will make a lovely couple."

"I will never marry him mother, but this is a conversation we need to have behind closed doors. Not when we don't have a group of guests standing around watching. It's not proper. Remember?" I say mocking her. "Marinette!"

"Enjoy your time with your guest mother, but me and my guests will be in my room." "No you won't." My dad says as he enters the room. "Father-" "Tom-" My mother and I say at the same time.

"Dinner is ready. All of you will sit at the table and enjoy the meal peacefully. Sabine, if you want her to behave like a Queen then you must show her how a Queen behaves. This foolery is not acceptable." He says.

"Marinette, that is no way to treat your mother and your fiancé. Remember that you are going to be the ruler of France so you must now act like it. I do not want to hear nor see you acting like a child anymore." He adds.

"Now, I want all of us, including the guests to sit at the table and enjoy the meal that the chef made for us. Do I make myself clear?" He adds. "Yes father." I mumble and stare at the ground.

"What did we say about mumbling?" "It's not Princess like." "Perfect and stand up straight. Royalty and a soon to be Queen must never appear feeling small." My mom says. I nod and fix my posture.

"Now into the dinning hall." He says and walks in. Everyone, except for Adrien and I, follow him.

"You okay Mari?" "I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your concern. We must go eat before the food gets cold." I say and start walking into the hall. I stop when Adrien gently grabs my wrist. He pulls me into a hug. "It's okay Mari." He says as he strokes my head.

I wrap my arms around him and feel a tear escape my eyes. After a second or two, I pull away from Adrien and quickly wipe my tear. "It's best not to keep them waiting." I say and walk into the dinning room.

My mother makes me sit in between Luka and Alya. Adrien is sitting in the other side of the table in between Nino and Chloe. My parents are at either end of the table.

"Marinette! Posture!" My mother says. I sigh and correct my posture. "So Luka and Marinette have you given any thought to your wedding?" "Actually I have." Luka says.

"For the flowers I was thinking we can have Marinette's favorite, pink daisies." "She loves those flowers." My mom says.

"No I don't." "No she doesn't." I say loudly and Adrien mumbles it. "Of course you do. Don't be ridiculous." My mom says as the servers put the plates of food down in front of us.

"Thank you." I say. "Marinette! I told you already, no talking to the help." "I was only thanking them father. No need to get upset." "We don't thank them. That is their job."

"They are still people with feelings. I think it's appropriate to show my gratitude." "It makes you look weak." My mom adds. "If being grateful makes me weak then I guess I'm weak." "A Queen must never appear weak."

"Then it's a good thing I'm not the Queen." "Not yet you're not, but you soon will be Marinette. You need to grow up and act like it. The people of France will not want to have an immature ruler."

"But father-" "That is the end of this discussion." "Yes father." "I don't think she's immature." Adrien says. I look up at him and shake my head. Alya, Chloe, and Nino do the same. "Excuse me?"

"I'm just saying that I think it's great that she's being respectful of everyone around her, even if they're royal or not." "Spoken like a true commoner." "Luka!" I say.

"Exactly, I am a commoner. I'm one of the people that she would be ruling over and if I think that she's doing a good job then I'm sure the rest of us will too." "Thank you Adrien." I say with a smile and he smiles back at me.

"I think it would be best if we all stay quiet and enjoy the meal." My mom says as she glares at Adrien.

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