Chapter 13: I'd Like The Girl To Stay

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"Are you ready to go yet?" "Just a second." "We don't have time to wait." "I'm almost done mother!" I say as I fix my hair.

After I finish we walk out of the castle and get into the car. At least I get to see Adrien, but mother is going to kill me when she finds out I didn't tell her who's bakery it is.


We get off the car and walk inside the bakery to see Adrien's dad working the register. "What are you-" "We are here on behalf of my daughter's rude behavior yesterday. It was unacceptable and I can assure you that the Dupain-Cheng family does not behave that way. Now Marinette, don't you have something to say?" She asks as she turns to me.

"Father dinner is-" Adrien starts as he walks out. "I am very sorry for my rude behavior. The last thing I wanted to do was cause a scene." "There's nothing to apologize about Mari. You didn't do anything wrong." "Marinette, you didn't tell me this was his bakery."

"What's that supposed to mean? Are you insulting my son?" "That's absurd! Of course I wasn't." "A Queen shouldn't insult people. Especially in their own building." I say. "Marinette! I will not have you speak to me that way! I am not only your mother but I am the Queen! I demand your respect!"

"I'm simply speaking to you the same way you speak to me. Besides, don't you remember what I told you yesterday? You will earn my respect when you learn how to respect others." "If you're going to cause another scene then you can just leave. I wouldn't want you to come back tomorrow for another half ass apology." "Father-" "How dare you! Do you know who I am?" "Mother-"

"Yes I do know who you are and I really don't care. You royals always think you are entitled to stuff just because of who you are. You guys are not welcome in my bakery. Out!" He yells as he points to the door.

"I can make you lose this bakery in a matter of sec-" "Mother! You will do no such thing!" "Yes I will! If he continues to disrespect us then he leaves me with no other choice."

"He's not going to give you his respect unless you show him that your worthy of it. And that means not using our power to threaten them." "Listen to your daughter. If you take my bakery then I'll be one step closer to getting the people to agree to my proposition to overthrow you."

"How dare y-" "No! How dare you! How dare you come inside my bakery insult my son and disrespect me! I want you out!" "Fine! We are leaving, but this is a warning. If you ever treat me this way again then I will have your head up on my shelves! Do you understand?"

"Mother, that's enough!" "I'd like to see you try, Your Majesty." He says the last part in a sassy tone. "Father stop!"

"Let's go Marinette!" "I'd like the girl to stay." "You do?" Adrien and I say in a confused tone. "If you don't mind I'd like you to have dinner with us." "I'd love to." "You can't!" "Isn't it rude to decline a dinner invitation?" "I-"

"If I refuse this then you have no excuse to not allow me to refuse any other invites in the future." "Fine! You may stay. I'll have your that servant you're always talking to-" "Tikki." "Whatever. I'll have her send the car to pick you up. I expect you to be home in an hour and once you're back we'll discuss what your punishment will be." "Yes mother." She nods and quickly walks off.

"Punishment? Mari I don't want you to get in trouble. Maybe it would be best if you go with her.""She would never do anything to harsh." "Are you sure?" He asks and I nod. "I know she is rude but she does love me. I'm certain she wouldn't want to hurt me."

I turn my attention to Gabriel. "I'm deeply sorry about her behavior. That was simply unacceptable." "Let's head upstairs before the food gets cold." He says with a slight nod before he walks upstairs. "Is it weird that I'm a little nervous?" "Well him letting you stay must be a good sign."

"You're right." Adrien smiles and takes my hand in his. "Don't worry. I'll be right here with you." "Thanks Agreste." I say as we walk upstairs.

"Your house is lovely." "Thank you, but you don't have to lie to us. You do live in a palace after all." Gabriel says. "A palace is not as amazing as it seems. It gets a little lonely." "I'm sorry to hear that." "It's fine."

"So Your Highness-" He starts as we take a seat at the table, but I cut him off. "Please just call me Marinette." He clears his throat and nods. "Okay well Marinette, Adrien can't seem to shut up about you." "Father!" Adrien shouts and I giggle.

"Has he? Please enlighten me." I say as I lean on the table with my chin in my hand. "That won't be necessary! Here try this!" Adrien says as he reaches over the table and shoves a fork full of food in his father's mouth. "Adrien!"

"So how are things with the whole wedding situation?" He asks trying to change the subject. "Terrible. No matter how hard I try I can't talk my parents out of it." "Why are you trying to talk them out of it?" Gabriel asks once he finishes chewing.

"In order for me to step into the throne I need to be married. My parents desperately want to step down so they betrothed me to Luka." "So you don't want to marry him?"

"No way. I can never see him as more than a friend." "So you're friends with him? You're judgement of character needs to be checked." "Believe it or not Mr. Agreste but, Luka is really sweet. It's just lately his behavior seems to have taken a turn for the worse." "He's sweet? I find that hard to believe." "Why is that?"

"Adrien didn't tell you?" "Tell me what?" "Nevermind. I just assumed Adrien would've said something." "About what Agreste?" I ask and turn to look at Adrien. "I'll tell you later Mari." I nod. "Anyways, why don't you just tell your parents no?"

"It's not that simple. My parents are stepping down in two months no matter what so if I don't get married, there will be no one to rule the country. Without a ruler it'll be easy for people to take over or attack us."

"You're parents sound like jerks." "Father!" "No don't worry he's right. They are sometimes. Actually more like most of the time, but they weren't always like this. They used to be more reasonable, but after we lost my grandmother they got more strict."

"If you don't mind me asking, how are you so different from them?" "What do you mean?" "Well you seem to actually care about the other people, but the other royals just care about the rich and the powerful."

"Well not all of us are like that. My two best friends, Alya and Chloe think the same way as me. I guess it's just the way we view it. I'm not really sure how we're nothing like our parents, but I'm glad we're not."

"Is this an interview or something father?" "I'm just trying to get to see what's so special about her that's all. You're always saying she's so different and I'm just trying to see it." "So back to what we were talking about earlier. What exactly is Agreste saying about me?" I ask curiously.

"Father try this it's amazing!" I grab Adrien's wrist before he shoves another fork full of food into his father's mouth. I pull his arm and bring it up to his own mouth and I hold it there.

"Hurry! Answer while he can't speak!" Gabriel chuckles. "He never stops talking about how amazing and kind you are. He also never shuts up about how beautiful you- Ow! Did you just kick me?" "Adrien!" I say as I let go of his arm. "Oh my god! You almost killed me Mari." "Oh don't be such a baby. You're fine."


"Don't worry I'll wash your plate." Adrien says as he tries to grab it from me but I quickly put it behind my back. "I don't think so. If you don't mind I'd like to clean my own dish." "You would?" I nod and gently push Adrien out of the way.

"Believe it or not but I've never done it before." "Trust me I can tell." "You can? What am I doing wrong?" "For starters the water isn't even on."

"I don't believe in wasting water Agreste. I was going to turn it on eventually." "Really?" "Yes really." I say as I turn the water on. "See?" He rolls his eyes and sits on the counter besides the sink.

"Is this good enough for you pretty boy?" I ask sarcastically as I show him the plate. "Oh so you think I'm pretty?" "Don't flatter yourself Agreste. I was teasing you." "It's okay I know I'm attractive."

"Can your ego get any bigger?" I ask in a sarcastic tone once again and he rolls his eyes. "Okay well I should get going now. Thank you so much for dinner. It was amazing." "You're welcome Marinette." Gabriel says. I smile and wave as I walk out.

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