Chapter 22: Maybe Luka Was Right

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"Marinette we need you and Luka to start practicing for the wedding." "Ugh! For the last time mother! There isn't going to be a wedding! I refuse to marry Luka!" "Enough with this! I get that you're upset because you're lover boy broke your heart but I was not the one to do so!"

I sigh. "You're right. I'm sorry." "I've told you countless times that you don't have a choice with this! Now be downstairs in two minutes! Luka, Plagg, your father, and I will be waiting." "Yes mother." I say and she walks off.

"Marinette you'll find a way to get out of this. Right?" Tikki asks as she walks into my room. "I'm not sure anymore Tikki. I only have 3 weeks." "Don't give up just yet. You can do it. I'll even help you."

"Thank you Tikki, but I don't think there's much we can do." "But-" "Can we talk about this later? Right now I have to face the devils." She giggles as I walk out.

"Marinette!" Plagg says as he pulls me into a hug. "How are you and your lover boy doing?" He whispers. I pull out of the hug and nervously tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"We kind of broke up." "What? No! You liked him so much." "It is what it is." I shrug trying to hold back my tears. "Anyways shouldn't we get started?" I ask and walk over to where everyone else is.

It's been 2 days without Adrien and it feels like hell. I don't get it. It was his idea to run away and get married. So why didn't he show up? Why didn't he answer my calls?

I really did think he loved me. Maybe Luka was right. Maybe it was just a game to him all along...

"Okay Plagg can we start with their first dance?" "Yes, Your Majesty." Luka walks over to me and holds one hand out. "May I have this dance." "I guess I don't really have a choice." I say and take his hand.

"Your Majesties, the prisoner is refusing to eat." A guard whispers to my mom and dad, quiet enough for us not to hear. "Do not refer to him as a prisoner in front of Marinette. We'll call him... the cat." My dad whispers. "Okay well the cat won't eat."

"That's absurd! The cat must eat in order to live!" My dad shouts causing all our attention to go towards them. "When did we get a cat?" I ask. "Just a few days ago."

"Aw! I want to see the cat!" "No!" My mom shouts. "Why not?" "With the way you have been behaving I do not think you deserve to meet this cat." My dad says. "But father-" "You are not meeting the cat!" "Tom not in front of our guest." My mom says as she gestures toward Luka.

"I'll be back. I must handle this problem. Focus on learning the dance while I'm gone." She says and walks away. I sigh and turn my attention back to Luka and Plagg. "Let's get this over with."

It's been 2 days without Mari. I think. I can't really tell with how dark it is in here. I miss her so much. I can't help but wonder...

How long will they hold me here? What do they want from me? Will I ever see Marinette again? If I do, will she still feel the same about me? Will she be mad? I don't care.

I don't care if she lost feelings for me, i don't care if she's mad. Just as long as she's happy and she can be her own person. I hope that day does comes. And hopefully it's soon.

"Eat this." A guard says as he slides food to me. "Their Majesties ordered you to eat." "That's true. I order you to eat." Sabine says as she walks in. "I'm not hungry."

"I don't care. You need to eat. I can't have you die of starvation. In order for my plan to work I need you alive." "What exactly is the plan? You keep mentioning it, but nothings happening."

"You'll see soon. I just need a little more time until the last phase commences." She says and starts to walk away. "Wait!" I shout. She pauses and turns to face me. "What do you want?" She asks rudely.

"Can I at least know how she's doing?" "She's thriving without you. Her and Prince Luka are upstairs right now rehearsing their first dance." "Can I see her? Please?" "That'd mess up my plan. So, no can do. Sorry." She says insincerely before locking the door back up.

"Ow!" "Sorry." "Ouch! Luka! Ow- Oh my gosh! Stop!" I say and push him away. "You keep stepping on my foot!" "You keep taking the wrong steps!" He says.

"No I'm not! It's right then left then right again." "No, it's left then right then back." "Does it even matter?" "Yes it does! This will be our first dance as husband and wife! Everyone will be paying attention."

"I really don't care. Just get the dance right so we can get this over with." "That's no way to treat this practice young lady." My dad says. "It's true though father. I don't want to do this stupid dance! No offense Plagg." "None taken."

"I don't even want to get married!" "Enough! We've had this discussion plenty of times, but it clearly isn't getting through to you! You will marry Luka and you will rule this country! I don't care if you do not wish to do this! The decision has been made and it is final!"

"I didn't make the decision! You did!" "And that's exactly why you'll obey it!" "Father-" "Enough! I don't want to hear it anymore! Get back to rehearsing."

I turn to Plagg. "Can we please go over the steps again?" I ask uninterested. "Sure. It's right then left then back." "So we were both wrong?" Luka asks. "I mean I got majority of the steps right." "We both messed up Marinette." "Some more than others." I whisper to Plagg and he laughs.

"I didn't hire you to fool around." My mom says as she returns to her seat. "Sorry Your-" "Don't apologize Plagg. It was me. I was the one fooling around." "Well enough of it. Your wedding is in 3 weeks. You need to get serious." "Yes mother." "Back to rehearsal."

A/N: Sorry this chapter was boring. It was more of a filler chapter. At most the next 2 chapters will also be fillers. But I have something big that planned after that.👀👀

thank you for reading❤️

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