Chapter 9: A Letter

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"Oh my gosh. When you told us you were grounded I didn't think you were serious." Alya says as she enters the room with Chloe. "Ugh! It's been a week that I've been stuck here and I'm going crazy!"

"I'm just glad your parents finally let us see you." "When they said I couldn't leave I didn't think that meant my room. The only time I'm allowed out is when a meal is served." "That's terrible M."

"I know! And I haven't spoken to Adrien in a week!" "Well you can just write him a letter and we'll get it to him." "You'd do that for me?" "Of course Dupain-Cheng. We just need our disguises." "Make sure not to accidentally knock them off! His father isn't a fan of royalty either."

They nod as I walk to the desk and start writing.


"We haven't talked in a week. Do you think what my father said upset her?" I ask Nino as I rearrange the supplies. "Look who's obsessed with a Princess now."

"Oh my god! What if she thought I was obsessed with her? That's probably why she stopped talking to me!" "Dude are you even hearing yourself right now? You sound like an idiot. You know Marinette well enough to know she wouldn't ghost you."

"I hope she wouldn't do that to me. I kind of thought she had feelings for me too." "From what it looks like she does, but I don't know. I don't really understand women." He says and I roll my eyes.

"You're not still talking about that snob are you?" My dad asks as he walks behind the register. "Of course not father. We were just talking about-" I'm cut off when the bell to the bakery rings and 2 customers walk inside just as the phone rings.

"You answer the phone. I'll help these customers." I nod and walk into the back. "Welcome ladies! How may I help you?" I hear him say.

"Hello?" I answer the call. "Hi I have a really big order!" "Okay- uh just a second-" I put the call on hold and poke my head out.

"Father they said it's a big order." "Okay. Help these customers and I'll handle the order." He says and we switch places. "What would you like?" "We have a note for you from-" "Ladybug? Why the heck would she write Ladybug?" The blonde girl who I'm assuming is Chloe asks and I feel my eyes immediately light up.

"Shut up and give him the note!" Alya says as she hits her arm. "Ow! No need to hit me!" She says as she hands me the letter. "Also before you read it just know that her parents were walking into her room so she didn't get to finish it." Alya says as I open the note.

I'm sorry I haven't visited you in a while. My parents forbid me to leave my castle. Actually correct that, I can't even leave my room! I'm going crazy. Anyways I hope everything is okay. You're life is probably so boring without me.

I chuckle and continue to read the note.

I'm just kidding Agreste. Since you get to call me Mari, I think it's only fair that I get to call you something other than Adrien. Also don't worry I'm not upset about anything your father said.

Oh and in order for me to get my privileges back I need to start "behaving properly" so wish me luck. The only reason I'm going to actually try is so I can sneak out to see you again.

I never got a chance to tell you this, but thank you for letting me be myself with you and for making me not feel judged. Even though we've only talked a few times, I really feel like you have become one of my best friends. You know things about me that no one else does.

You make me feel so comfortable around you and I think that's why I'm falling in love with you. WAIT! OH NO DID I SERIOUSLY WRITE THAT!!! AHHH NO NO NO!!! WHAT DO I DO! Wait I can just scribble it-

I laugh as I fold the note back up and place it in my pocket. "Tell her that I'll find a way to see her very soon." I whisper as my dad walks back to the front and they nod.

"You still haven't gotten their orders? What's gotten into you? You've been slacking off for about a week." "Oh no he got our order. We ate it already. It was very delicious thank you! Here you go." Chloe says and hands us 100 dollars.

"Ma'am that's way too much." "Just take it. I'm feeling generous." She says as she places it on the counter and leaves. "Rich people." My dad says as he places the money in the register. "You should be thankful father." I say as Nino and I walk up to my room.

"We did it!" Chloe says excitedly as they both walk back into my room. "I'm such an idiot." I say into a pillow. "What did you even write in the letter?" "Something very very dumb. I should've taken it away from you when you snatched it from me."

"I only took it because of your parents." I sit up on my bed. "I know." "What happened?" "I'm so dumb! He's probably never going to talk to me again after reading that letter!" I say and throw myself back.

"Actually M, he said he's going to find a way to see you soon." I quickly sit up. "He did? Did he even read the letter?" "He did." "Well did he say when he's going to come? Wait! What was his reaction? Good or bad?" "It was-" "Oh my gosh it was bad, wasn't it? I knew I should've thrown that letter away! He's going to tell me he doesn't want to see me ever again."

"Oh my gosh and everyone thinks I'm the dramatic Princess." Chloe says and we all giggle. "His reaction seemed good. He lit up when we gave him the letter." I feel my cheeks heat up. "You're blushing." They tease. "No I'm not." "You definitely are! Oh my gosh you really do like him." "Shut up!" I say and throw a pillow at them.


As I get ready for bed, I hear a light thud against my window. I furrow my eyebrows and turn towards the noise. That's weird. I'm on the second level. I hear another thud so I walk over to my window and open it. A pebble flies in barely missing my head.

"What the-" I cut myself off and look down to see Adrien. I can't help but smile. "Agreste? Are you trying to kill me?" "Sorry! I didn't expect you to open the window so soon." "What are you doing here?" "I can't come to the castle just because I want to?" He says mocking me. I giggle and roll my eyes.

"Adrien if my parents see you, they'll kill both of us." "I don't care. I needed to see you. I have to tell you something. I-" "Princess? Who are you talking to?" A guard asks as he walks into my room.

I quickly close the window. "I was just talking to myself. It gets quite boring in here. May I step out for a second?" "I'm sorry Your Highness but, it is against the King's and Queen's orders. You must stay in your room at all times." "I understand. But if you don't mind, I wish to be alone." The guard nods and steps out of my room. I close the door and lock it.

I rush back to the window and open it. "Adrien? Are you there still?" He pops out of a bush and dusts himself off. "What are you doing?" "I didn't want to get you in trouble." "So you hid in the bush?" "Hey! I thought it was a pretty good hiding spot." "You're an idiot Agreste." He chuckles.

"Give me 5 minutes and I'll find a way to go down there." He nods and I walk over to my bed.

I tie my bed sheets, blankets, and a few of my dresses together to create a long rope. I tie it to my bed to secure it before I throw it out the window.

"Don't even think about doing it Mari." He says. I ignore him and climb down the castle as I hold onto the sheets. "And you said I'm the idiot." He says once I get to the floor. "Come on! That was genius!"

A/N: I had to end it here because it's getting a little too long again but the next chapter is already out!

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