Chapter 17: I Hate Them

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"Is this a way for you to get me to stay Agreste?" I tease. "No. Well, maybe a little." I giggle and sit back beside him. "So you know how I told you my mother went missing a few years ago?" I nod.

"Well before that happened, she had spent years dreaming about going to Weselton. She would go on and on about how she wanted to start saving up money so we can all take a trip there. My father and I decided to use whatever extra money we had from the bakery and take her there ourselves. So we did that and she loved it there. One night she wanted to go explore. We told her to wait for us but she didn't."

I place my hand over Adrien's when he hesitates to talk again. "It's okay." He gives me a soft smile before continuing. "We waited hours for her. My father and I even went out to go look for her but we couldn't find her. We stood up all night searching. The next morning we went to the palace to go talk to the royals."

"We asked the Queen to help us find her, but since Luka was soon going to take over she left it up to him. He gave us one glance and ordered the guards to throw us out. He told us he would never help people like me."

"That's terrible!" I say as I stand up. "I can't believe him!" "Where are you going?" "I'll be back." I say and give him a quick kiss. "Mari-" "I'll be back soon Agreste." I say as I walk out.


"Marinette? Is everything okay?" Tikki asks as I walk into the castle. "Where are my parents?" "They're in the throne room. They want to see you." "Well I want to see them too." I say as I quickly walk to the room.

"Oh good the servant found you!" My mom says as I walk in. "Mother-" "I already know what you're gonna say, but she is our servant." "Mother why-"

"Anyways I wanted to let you know that we are having the Prince and his family over for breakfast tomorrow morning." "No!" "He's your fiancé Marinette. You need to spend more time with him." My dad says.

"I will not have breakfast with him and I most certainly won't marry him." "We've had this conversation plenty of times. You are to marry him and take over our country no matter what."

"But you don't even know him-" "You think we'd choose a husband for you that we don't know?" "You don't get it! He's done something unforgivable!" "Please Marinette! You'll do anything to get out of this arrangement."

"No! Well... yes I would. But this has nothing to do with that. He-" "Stop with the excuses! You're marrying him and that's final! Now go to your room and get some rest. They'll be here at 8:00AM sharp."

"No!" "Excuse me?" "Marinette, listen to your mother!" "No!" "I demand you to go to your room!" "I said no." My mom makes her way towards me.
"I am not going to tell you again. Your fiancé will be here bright and early."

"God! He's not my fiancé! He will never be my fiancé! You can't control every aspect of my life anymore! I'm tired you treating me like I'm some kind of puppet!" Suddenly I feel a burning sensation on my cheek. I look at my dad who has his mouth agape.

I feel tears form in my eyes as I look at my mom who's burning with rage. "I will not be accused of such a thing!" "Have you not seen what this arrangement has done to you?!" I shout as the tears fall down my cheeks.

"You care so much about me marrying Luka that you don't care if you hurt me in the process!" "That's not true!" My dad says. "And you! You don't even care enough to stand up for me!" "What kind of parents are you?!" I shout and run out of the room.


I rush into the bakery and see Gabriel at the cashier. "Marinette is everything okay?" I answer with a nod. "Is Adrien still here?" "He's upstairs." "Thank you." I say and quickly rush up.

I knock on the door and Adrien answers it with a smile that immediately falls. "Mari what happened?" He asks as he pulls me in his arms. "She slapped me Adrien."

"I tried to tell her about Luka but she didn't care. It turned into a big argument and she slapped me." I sob. Adrien sighs and strokes my head. "I hate them Agreste. So much!" "Shhh. It's okay Mari." He says to calm me down.

I wake up the next morning in a room that's unfamiliar to me. Adrien walks into the room with a tray of food. "Oh good! You're up." "Is this your room?" I ask as I look around. "Yeah it's not really much." "No it is. I like it. It's calming."

I look at him with a smile. "Wait! Where did you sleep?!" "There's a couch downstairs." "Oh no. I'm so sorry! I meant to go back-" "No it's fine Mari. You're welcome to stay here as long as you like." "Thank you Agreste." He smiles and walks towards me.

"Here I made you breakfast." "Breakfast? Shoot! What time is it?" I ask as I shoot out of the bed and look for my shoes. "7:30. Why?" "I'm gonna be late!" "Late to what?" "My mother invited the Prince and his family for breakfast and they're going to be there at 8:00."

"Here." He says as he hands me my shoes. "Thank you." "Come on I'll walk you." "You really don't have to." "I want to."


Adrien walks me all the way inside the castle. "Marinette! Thank god you're here!" My mom says as she pulls me into her arms. I gently push her off. "Yes and I need to get ready so..." I say and turn to Adrien.

"Thank you Agreste, for letting me stay and for making me breakfast." "Of course Mari." I smile and give him a kiss on the cheek. "That's the best you can get for now. I still have disgusting morning breath." He chuckles and nods.

"Of course she was with you!" My dad says. "Father-" "It's because of you that she's been acting out!" "I haven't-" I start but be cuts me off.

"You are uninvited to the ball! You are never welcome in this castle again! I don't even want you near my daughter!" "Father!-" "With all due respect sir, I'm pretty sure that's up to Marinette."

Adrien turns to me and gives me a soft smile. "I'll see you soon." I nod and he walks out of the castle. "I can't believe him that was so-" "Hot." I immediately cover my mouth. "I'll- uh be off to my room now." I say and quickly rush off to my room.

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