Chapter 18: I Want To Help

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"Marinette the guests will be here any second!" "Just a second, Mother!" "We do not have time for this! Get down here!" I quickly tie my hair up and walk down the stairs.

"Marinette you could've at least dressed up." "It's 8 in the morning and I don't even want to be here. I didn't see a point to it." "Didn't see a point? It's for your fiancé and his family!"

"Not now Sabine. They've arrived." "We'll discuss this later." She says and her and my dad walk towards the door. "We always do." I mumble before making my way over to them.

"Welcome Couffaine family." "Hello beautiful." Luka says as he bows to me. "I would say it's an honor to see you, but my mother would probably tell me a future Queen should never lie." "Marinette!" "I'm very sorry for her. She's been running around with the peasants, so her behavior is off."

"I completely understand. Juleka has been running around with them as well." "Probably because I actually care about them unlike some people." Juleka says as she glares at Luka and her mom.

"Shall we make our way to the dining room?" My dad asks trying to deflect the tension. "Food! Now!" My mom says with a snap of her fingers. "Actually, I'll get it." "Don't be ridiculous Marinette. They get paid to do this, now sit down." I ignore her and walk into the kitchen.

"I'll help you." Juleka says and follows me. "You know you really don't have to." "No I want to. I'm never allowed to help out our employees." "I'm not either, but because of the arrangement, my mother won't cause a big scene in front of you guys." Juleka giggles as we place the plates of food on the tray.

"So how are things with you and Rose?" "You and I are close right?" "Yeah, why?" "If I show you this then you have to promise not to tell anyone." "You have my word."

She looks around to make sure no one is close enough to hear or see. She quickly reaches into her pocket and pulls out a velvet box. "Oh my gosh!" "I know we're only 18, but I want this. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I can't imagine it with anyone else."

"I know what you mean." "You feel that way about Luka?" "Oh- L-Luka. Um right. Yeah. I guess." She smiles. "So not Luka? Okay that's fine. I understand. He's been a jerk lately. So who's the guy?"

"His name is Adrien. I met him 3 days before the ball and I know it's too soon to feel this way but when I'm with him- it's like time just stops. He makes me feel like we're the only 2 people in the world."

"I want to help." "With what?" "I want to help you get out of the arrangement. You can't marry my brother. You two aren't made for each other." "I'm working on it."

"Well if you need anything, give me or Rose a call." "I will. Thank you." "You're welcome. We should take these out before they come and kill us." I giggle and pick up a tray as she does the same.

"Nice of you to join us again." My dad says with a hint of attitude as we walk out. "We should've spit in their food when we had the chance." Juleka whispers and I giggle.

"There's a seat for you beside me." Luka says once we finish passing out the plates. "Thanks bro." Juleka says as she sits in the seat beside Luka. "That was for Marinette." "It's okay. I can sit in the open seat right here." I say with a smile as I sit across from them.

"So how are the wedding plans coming along?" Their mom asks. "We're almost done with the planning. We just need Marinette to choose a veil." "Oh so you let me choose that out of everything else?" "You can choose the rings if you want." Luka suggests.

"How about I choose who I marry?" "Marinette-" "Don't stop me mother! I've told you a countless amount of times that I do not want to marry Luka. I don't love him."

"It's not about love. Besides, your parents already signed a contract. You will marry my son. And who knows, maybe you'll fall in love with him." "I'm afraid that won't be possible seeing as I'm already in love with someone else."

"That will all be taken care of soon." My dad whispers. "Excuse me?" I say. "Tom! Not in front of Marinette." "What exactly are you planning on doing to Adrien?" "Nothing that concerns you." "He does concern me though."

"Marinette just eat your breakfast. They'll handle it." Luka says. "Hopefully not the same way you handle things." "What's that supposed to mean?" "You couldn't even do a simple task of helping someone find their mother."

"Oh I see. Of course you believe him." "Are you implying that he's lying to me?" "I never said that." "You're not denying it either. Adrien wouldn't lie to me about such a thing.""He's just trying to turn you against me." "Well if that's the case then it's working."

"He didn't deserve my help!" "And why is that?" "He's not even from my country." "But he's from mine and regardless of where he's from he deserves the same respect that we give everyone else."

"Come on Marinette, you have to see where I'm coming from." "And you have to see where I'm coming from. How can I possibly marry someone who doesn't care for my people?"

"Maybe it would be best if we rescheduled when everything won't be so tense." "You're right." My mom says.


"What the hell was that?!" "What are you planning on doing to Adrien?!" "Don't change the subject darling." "Don't pull that bullshit "darling" card again!" "Watch your language! Why did you cause a scene! I did not raise you to behave this way."

"I'm sorry okay?" "No! You keep apologizing and doing the same thing! We're tired of it! I warned you once already! Grow up!" "I-" "We've had enough arguments in the past hours. Go up to your room. Now!" "Yes father."

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