Chapter 27: I Don't Want To Chance Anything

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The wedding is in 2 days. After I stopped fighting the wedding that's all anyone talks to me about. I hate that I can't argue with them, but it's worth it if it means Adrien is safe.

"Marinette?" "Sorry Luka." "Zoned out again?" He asks and I nod. "What flavor cake do you want? We're having 3 different flavors. Your mom suggested that we both choose a flavor and we come to an agreement for the 3rd."

"Oh. I'm fine with any." "What's your preference?" "I probably won't even eat the cake." "But it's tradition for the bride and groom to feed a bite to each other." "Then I'll just eat that one bite." "You really don't want to choose a flavor?" I shake my head.

"Okay well do you know what hairstyle you're going to have?" "I haven't thought about it." "Marinette part of the deal was that you'd be cooperative." My mom says as she passes by. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"I guess I choose chocolate and my hair can just be curled." Luka nods and writes it down. "May I be excused please?" "Where are you going?" "I um need to use the restroom." "Okay but be quick. We're leaving to discuss the cake in a bit." "I'll be fast." I say and walk up to the restroom.

I pull out my phone and click on Adrien's contact. My finger hovers over the call button before I switch to Chloe. "Hey Dupain-Cheng. What's up?" "I don't know if I can do this Chloe." "Do what? What's going on?"

"I'm marrying Luka." "What happened to running away with Adrien?" "You don't know?" "Know what?" "Does Alya know?" "What's going on Marinette?"

"Just a sec." I say as I add Alya to the call. "Hey girls." She says. I tell them everything that happened. From thinking I got stood up to me agreeing to marry Luka.

"Oh my gosh! You went through all that alone?" "Why didn't you tell us?" Alya asks. "I don't know, but now I have to marry Luka." "There has to be another way." "There isn't. If I don't marry Luka then Adrien- I don't even want to say it."

"I hate it. I miss him so much and I have to see him later on today to discuss the cake, but my parents are going to be there and if I so much as look at him they'll be furious." I add. "I'm so sorry Marinette."

"We need to leave." Luka shouts from downstairs. "I have to go guys. I guess I'll see you in 2 days." I say and hang up.

I walk downstairs and Luka hands me a jacket. "Thanks." I say and put it on. "Where are my parents?" "They said they can't make it. A problem came up with the venue." "Oh."

"But they told me to watch you around Adrien." "I won't do anything stupid. I don't want anything to happen to him." "I'm just following orders." He says and I roll my eyes as soon as he looks away.

"Marinette will be here soon with her fiancé. I know we don't like him, but don't do anything stupid Adrien." My dad says. "So I'm just supposed to sit here while the love of my life discusses cake plans with the man she'll be marrying?" "If you value your life then yes." "It's not much of a life without her." I mumble.

I look up and see Marinette walk in with Luka. She looks at me and then quickly looks away. "Hi Mari." "Hi." She says quietly as she sits down beside Luka.

"Let's get started. Have you decided the flavors yet?" my dad asks. "Yes. I have chosen vanilla and Marinette chose chocolate." Luka says as he takes her hand. I'd be lying if I said this isn't killing me inside.

"And for your 3rd flavor?" "Anything will be fine." Mari says as she moves her hand out of Luka's. She nervously rubs the back of her neck trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"How do you want it designed?" Luka turns to Marinette and she just shrugs. "Can I talk to you Mari?" She looks up at me and then turns to look at Luka. He shakes his head and she turns her attention back to me.

"That's not really a good idea. I'm sorry." She says and looks back at my dad. "Adrien, come to the back with me really quick." My dad says and walks back there.

"What do you think you're doing?" "She's clearly not happy father!" "Of course she's not happy! She's in love with you and she has to marry that idiot! But we can't do anything about it."

"This is my fault. I can't just sit there and watch her be miserable." "She made her decision and she chose to save you. You don't have a choice Adrien."

"You know you're not supposed to speak to him." "What was I supposed to do Luka? I can't just ignore him." "That's exactly what you need to do."

"Do you really think it's that easy?" "I don't care if it's easy or not. It's what you must do." I sigh and get up. "Where do you think you're going?" "I need some air." I say and walk out.

"We apologize for the inconvenience. Where were we?" My dad says as we walk back out. "Where's Marinette?" I ask. "She just needed some air." Luka says as he turns back to my father and starts discussing the cake.

I look out the window and see Marinette walking towards the park. "I'll be back." I say and start to walk around the counter. Luka stands up and gets in my way.

"I don't think so. You know you can't talk to her." "I wasn't going to." "Then where were you going?" "I was just going to take a step outside." "Well you can wait until my fiancé is back by my side." "He's right Adrien. You know what'll happen if you try to talk to her." I sigh and take a seat beside my father.

"Marinette? What are you doing here?" Nino asks as he walks over to me. "I was just at the bakery discussing cake plans." "How are you doing?" "I'm good I guess. How are you?" I shrug.

"No you're not. I know it's hard for you." That sentence makes tears form in my eyes. "It's so hard. I hate it. I have to sit across from him and act like he isn't even there. When I walked into the bakery and saw him all I wanted to do was run into his arms and kiss him." I say as I break down in tears.

Nino pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry." "It's all worth it though. Just as long as he stays safe." "Hey if you ever need to talk you can always call me." He says as he pulls out of the hug.

"No it's fine. It'll probably be easier if I stay as far away from Adrien as I can." "It'll also be easier if you don't keep it bottled up." He says as I wipe my tears.

"I'll be fine. I should probably go back. Luka will tell my parents if I don't help with the cake." "Do you want me to tell Adrien anything for you?" "I shouldn't. I don't want to chance anything. Thank you though Nino." I say as I walk back to the bakery.

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