Chapter 21: He Was Only Playing You

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"Hey Adrien! It's me again. Um- it's been about an hour. Just give me a call when you get this please." I hang up the phone and take a seat on the same bench we ate our ice cream on.

He should be here by now. Does he not want to go through with this anymore? Oh my gosh! Is he dumping me! Please tell me he's not dumping me.

I quickly pull out my phone and call him again. "I know I just called but I kind of need to say something. If you don't want to go through with this anymore then we don't have to. I'll figure something out. If you do still want to run away with me then I'll be waiting. You said by the bridge right? I hope I didn't get the location wrong. I-" *beep*

"Ugh! Too long Marinette! Keep it short and simple." I mumble to myself as I dial his number one more time. No. He's probably going to get annoyed... "Okay one more time won't hurt." I say and press the call button.

"Tom, she's calling his phone again." "Why isn't she back yet? It's been an hour." "She thinks she loves him. She'll be waiting for him for a while. Give her a little more time."

"Is Luka still here?" "He's right where we told him to be."

"Being trapped in here is torture enough. Did they really need to send you down here too?" "I'm just trying to make conversation, but suit yourself. Stay here all alone." Luka says as he walks out of the dungeon and locks it up.

"Just know that while you're down here thinking about how much you miss your precious little girlfriend, I'll be up there picking up all the pieces of her that you broke." He says.

"I didn't break anything!" "Oh but you did. You see, she thinks you stood her up, soon she'll think you don't love her, she'll be broken. All because you didn't show up. Don't worry though. Her being heartbroken will make it that much easier to manipulate her into thinking you were the bad guy all along."

I shake my head. "Marinette's not dumb. She won't believe a word you say. Face it Luka, she hates you." "Because of you! You put into her head that she should hate me! You're to blame for all of this! Before you came into the picture I actually had a chance!"

"She's her own person. She can think for herself. Besides, you never even had a chance with her. She wouldn't be happy with you. She isn't happy in this world! She just wants to be a normal girl!" "Well she's not a normal girl! She's going to be the Queen and she will be my wife!"

"You can't keep forcing decisions upon her! She's not your puppet! Just let me go and let Marinette make her own decisions. If you do then- then I promise I'll stay away from her."

"Woah no need to make a promise that big. I'll be King in 3 weeks, I'll make sure you stay away from her." "Even if you do become the King, this is Marinette's country. She'll have all the power. You'll just be her little assistant."

"Watch your mouth poor boy!" "Enough Luka." Sabine says as she walks towards him. "But-" "You'll get to do more than just insult him. Just be patient. We have big plans for the boy who convinced my daughter, he stole her heart."

"What kind of plans?" Luka asks. "You'll see."


"Okay I've been waiting here for 4 and a half hours. I'm tired of waiting Agreste. Are you coming or not? I'll be waiting for another 30 minutes. If you're still not here, then I'm leaving. Just give me a call or something. Please? If you don't call me, I'll end up assuming that things are over between us, so please call."

I stop as I try to hold back my tears. "I don't want it to be over. We don't have to run away anymore and we don't even have to get married! I just want to be with you. I didn't tell you earlier when you told me and I should've. I love-" *beep*

"Damn it!" I say and throw my phone. I crumble to the floor and start sobbing. "Marinette?" I quickly regain my composure and wipe my eyes. I turn around and see Nino.

"Nino! Hey." "Alya told me you and Adrien were eloping. I thought you'd be gone by now." "I thought so too but I guess I got stood up."

"Stood up? No way. Adrien would never do that." "He probably just changed his mind." I say with a shrug. "Marinette-" "It's getting late. I should head home." I say and start walking away.

"Um- if you see him can you let him know that I'm not mad?" I turn around and add. "You're not?" I shake my head.

"Tell him that I understand. We're too young for marriage. Also tell him that no matter what I'll always love him and that I'll miss him." "Wait! You didn't break up did you?"

"I'm not sure exactly. I'm assuming we did because he's been ignoring all my calls and texts and he kind of stood me up." "Marinette-" "Just promise me you'll tell him when you see him. Please?" "I'll tell him." "Thank you." I say with a fake smile and walk away.


"Marinette? Where on Earth have you been?" My mom asks as I walk through the castle doors. "I just went for a little walk." "Is that a suitcase?" "Look, I'm really not in the mood for one of your lectures, mother. I just want to go to bed."

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng-" "I want to sleep! Can you at least leave that decision up to me?!" I shout. and head up to my room.

I immediately throw myself on my bed and break out in tears. "Marinette what's wrong?" Tikki asks as she walks into my room. "It's nothing to worry about Tikki. I'll be fine."

"Marinette-" "If you don't mind, I'd like to be alone. I'll talk to you about it later, but I just need some time to myself." "Okay. I'll be downstairs when you're ready to talk." She says and walks out.

"Marinette I'm leaving I just wanted to say bye." "Gosh! Leave me alone!" "I was just trying to say bye to my fiancé. No need to get so upset."

"Well I am upset! I thought I was going to run away with the love of my life tonight, but instead I'm still in this castle talking to you! The very last person I wanted to see!"

"Can't you see Marinette? He was only playing you." "What do you mean?" I ask annoyed. "He hated us royals and when the opportunity to break the heart of one of us presented itself, he took it." "No, Adrien would never do that." I say as more tears form in my eyes. "Would he?" I mumble to myself.

"He never cared for you. You were only a game to him." "Get out." "I'm just trying to open your eyes." "No you're trying to manipulate me! You think just because I'm heartbroken right now that I'll hang onto every word you say? Is that the only way you can think of to make me fall for you? You're so pathetic Luka."

"Whether you're in love with me or not, you will be my wife in 3 weeks." "I'll find a way out of this little arrangement Luka. So enjoy the title of my fiancé for as long as you have it... Becase soon you won't be anything to me."

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