Chapter 14: There's No Way That I'll Ever Marry Him

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"So what did you think of her?" "I still don't fully trust her but from what I saw she seems like a nice young lady." "So does that mean I can see her?" "I'm not sure about that." "Come on! You said she's nice." "I also said I don't trust her." "Father she wouldn't do anything to us."

"She's friends with Prince Luka-" "We can't judge her based on her friends and she doesn't even know what he did." "Fine, I suppose I'll allow you to see her." "Thank you father!" I say as I pull him into a hug.

"I'm back mother." "It's about time. I'm sure their house was rather small and the food was atrocious." "It actually wasn't. Their house was lovely and the food was delicious."

"I find that hard to believe, but very well then. Your father and I would like for you to be in the throne room in 5 minutes." "I'll be right there." She nods and walks off.

I walk into the throne room and see my parents seated. "What's do you need?" "Why didn't you tell me that the bakery was owned by that commoner." "You say that like it's a bad thing mother." "It is! I told you that I do not want you socializing with anyone less than us. Him least of all."

"Mother I've told you countless amounts of times to stop treating our people without the respect they deserve. It's almost as old as you are and I didn't even think that was possible." "Marinette! Do not speak to your mother that way!" "I'm just speaking to her the same way she speaks about our people." I say with a hint of sass.

"You are getting married to Luka, so you better get over this little crush you have on-" "Adrien and it's not just a crush mother. I love him." "You can't!" "And why can't I?" "You must marry someone from the royal blood line."

"Why can't I marry who I choose to marry?" "Well of course you can choose. It would seem suspicious if we change your suitor but, we can figure something out. If you'd like you can choose Prince Nathaniel, Prince Theo, Prince Max, and many others." "Why must the one I marry be a Prince? Why can't I marry who I love?"

"Marinette don't you know that we don't marry out of love?" My father says. "But you and mother did." "We were lucky to have fallen in love, but we were betrothed to each other to bring our two kingdoms together."

"China and France have aligned because of us. If you marry another from the royal bloodline then it'll give us more allies and lower the chances of us being attacked." My mom adds.

"But-" "You may not get to marry who you love, but by marrying royalty you'll make France safer for our people." "Like you even care about them." I mumble. "Enough with the mumbling!" "Sorry mother. May I be excused now?"

My mom turns her head to my dad and he nods. "You may leave." "Thank you." I say and walk out.

~No one's pov~
"When shall we set the plan in motion to make sure that boy stays away from Marinette?" "All within time my Queen." "No matter what we do she's going to find a way to see him. The closer she gets, the more in love she'll fall with him." "That's precisely what we need. If we want this plan to be successful then she must be willing to do anything for that boy."

"Hey girl. I'm officially going back to my country today." "What? No! You can't leave me." Alya giggles and sits beside me. "Don't worry. You have Chloe." "She's leaving in two days."

"We'll be back for your wedding M." "Ugh! Please no wedding talk." I say and throw myself into my bed. "Sorry." "No it's fine I'm just so exhausted with this. I don't want to get married. Not yet at least. Anyways, what's the latest news on you and Nino?"

"He never texted me back." "Really? But he was so into you." "I know! I don't get it. After I went to see him in the town square he never reached out to me." "Girl talk? Without moi? Well I am offended." Chloe says dramatically as she walks in and takes a seat beside us.

"So what's going on?" "Nino hasn't texted Alya back." "That's ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! He was so into you." "That's what I said!" "It's whatever. I need to leave now. I'll see you in two months." Alya says as she stands up. "Bye girls." She pulls us into a hug and walks out.

"So we're paying Nino a little visit tomorrow?" Chloe asks. "Duh." She giggles and walks out of the room.


"Are you ready Dupain-Cheng?" "Yeah just a second." I say as I put on the finishing touch of my disguise. "Tikki can you cover for me again?" "Sure, but be back before 2:00. Her Majesty scheduled Plagg to train you again today." "Ok thanks Tikki."


Chloe and I arrive at town square and start looking around. "Where would he be?" "I don't know." "Maybe Adrien would know?" "You're a genius Chlo!" I grab her arm and drag her to the bakery.

"Missed me already Your Highness?" Adrien asks as he bows. "So the disguise didn't work." I say with a giggle as I remove the glasses. "I'll always be able to recognize you." "Whatever. Anyways believe it or not we're technically not here for you." "I'm hurt." He says dramatically and I roll my eyes. "Well we kind of need your help." Chloe says.

"With what?" "We need to find Nino and we have no idea where he is." "He should be coming here in a bit. Why are you looking for him?" "We have our reasons." I say.

"Hey dude- and Your Highnesses." Nino says as he walks inside the bakery. "We really need better disguises!" Chloe says as we walk over to Nino and pull him into a seat.

"What's going on?" "It's come to our attention that a certain someone hasn't texted our friend back yet." "We need to know why." "Uh- I" He turns his gaze to Adrien and Adrien shrugs. "I told you to text her back."

"Why haven't you texted her?" I ask. "I'm nervous!" "Nervous?" "I'm madly in love with her and I'm scared I'm going to say the wrong thing. She's a Princess. I don't know what Princesses like."

"Are you kidding me? We're literally just normal people." I say and take a seat next to him. "We like the same things as everyone else. Just be yourself." Chloe says.

"The only thing we don't like-" "Is other royals." Chloe says finishing my sentence and the both of us giggle. "So don't try to be fancy or anything because it'll get boring after a while." "So I just be myself?"

"Duh. That's what I said." Nino nods and pulls out his phone. "She probably hates me now though." "Just text her!" We all shout. He nods and types something into his phone.

"Well our work here is done." I say and Chloe and I stand up. "Wait Mari." "I'll wait for you outside Dupain-Cheng." I nod and she walks out.

"I know you're engaged-" "Betrothed. I know it means the same thing, but engaged sounds like it was my decision." He chuckles and nods. "I know you're betrothed and you're going to get married in-" "2 months." Nino says from the seat.

"I know Nino!" "Sorry dude." "Anyways I was wondering- well I wanted to know- uh- if you would be- well only if you want-" "Just ask her already!" Nino shouts.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks nervously. I smile and place a kiss on his lips. "I'd love that." "Y-you would?" I smile and nod. "And don't worry, I'll figure out a way to get out of the marriage. There's no way that I'll ever marry him."

"If there's any way I can help then count me in." I smile and nod. "Thanks Agreste. I'll see you later. And don't stop texting her Nino!" "I wouldn't dare."

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