Chapter 19: Nothing Will Stop Him From Seeing Her

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"Do you have everything prepared for tomorrow evening?" Tikki asks. "I think so." "Let's check. Ball gown?" "Check." "Mask?" "Check." "Tiara?" "Why do I even need it? I rarely wear my tiara." "Her Majesty ordered that you wear it." "Check." I say with a sigh.

"Shoes?" "Check." "That's everything." "Thanks Tikki." "Of course Marinette. If you need me I'll be downstairs to start setting everything up." She says and walks off.

~Evening Of The Ball~
"Guess who's baaack!" I hear singing and turn around to see Alya and Chloe. "Oh my gosh! I thought I wasn't going to see you guys until next month!" I say excitedly as I pull them into a hug.

"Our parents said we couldn't miss your father's birthday ball." Chloe says. "And let me just say you look amazing!" Alya says. "Look at you guys! You're literally stunning." "Obviously we know that." Chloe says and we all giggle.

"We should go downstairs before my mother yells at me." They nod and we walk down the stairs. "Nino told me your parents invited the whole town square." "Yeah. I don't get why. Don't get me wrong I'm glad they're being included and everything, but something feels off."

"Shake the feeling off and just enjoy the evening." Alya says. "Is Adrien coming?" "I'm not sure. My father banned him from the castle." "Don't worry he'll show up."

"You think so?" "That boy is crazy about you Dupain-Cheng. I'm pretty sure him being banned won't stop him from another opportunity of seeing you." "I hope you're right."

"There's Juleka and Rose! I'm gonna go talk to them." "How can you even tell who they are? Everyone's wearing masks." "Well obviously that's Rose because she's wearing a pink dress and only Juleka would wear a purple and black dress to a ball."

"I thought you were uninvited?" "You really think that'll stop me from seeing Mari?" "You're right." "Can you hurry? We're gonna be late." "Someone's a little eager to see their girlfriend." "Just hurry up or I'm leaving you." "Wait dude! I can't find my mask!"

"Nino we're gonna miss the whole thing!" I say as I help him search. "You don't even like royalty!" "You're right about that, but I want to see Marinette."

"I think I left my mask at my house." "Ninooooo." "I'll make a quick trip there and back. Wait for me." "Don't take too long." "I won't! I promise!" Nino says as he runs out.

"It's been 2 hours Chlo. I don't think he's coming." "The guy you told me about?" Juleka asks and I nod. "Don't worry Marinette. He'll be here any second. I can feel it. Right here." Rose says as she places a hand over her chest.

"I expected Nino to be here by now too." "He's not here either?" I ask and Alya shakes her head. "He loves these types of things. He wouldn't miss it." Chloe says trying to reassure Alya.

"I found it!" Nino says as he runs into my room out of breath. "Good. Can we go now?" "Yeah. Let me just catch my breath." He says and throws himself on my bed.

"Nino! I want to see Marinette!" "You see her almost everyday. Just give me 5 minutes." "But I don't get to see her in a gorgeous ball gown everyday!" "What if the dress isn't gorgeous?" "If she's wearing it, trust me it'll be gorgeous."

"Now get your ass up and let's go!" I say as I pull him out of the bed.

"Do you see him anywhere?" I ask Sabine. "You uninvited him and banned him from the castle. How can you be so sure he's even going to show up?"

"Because Marinette's here. Nothing will stop him from seeing her." "How will we be able to know who he is?" "Just be sure to keep your eye on our daughter. Where ever she is, he'll be."

"People are already leaving. They're not coming." I say. "I'm gonna kill them." "Violence is never the answer Alya." Rose says. "You're right. I was just so excited to see Nino."

"It's okay though. We have each other. We can still have a good time." I say. "You're right M. So shall we dance?" Alya asks. We all nod and walk over to the dance floor.

"I was just about to see if you wanted to dance with me." Luka says as he holds out a hand to me. "I'm actually going to dance with the girls." "We should practice. Our wedding is in 3 weeks."

"Wait? 3 weeks already?" "Yeah. Time flew by. I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle." "Well sorry to break it to you, but you won't see it." Chloe says as she throws an arm over my shoulder. "We're gonna find a way to get her out of this."

3 weeks? I only have 3 more weeks to come up with a plan? "Excuse me, I- I um- I need to use the restroom." I say and quickly rush out of the ballroom.

"We made it. Now, do you see her anywhere?" "No, but I see my girl!" Nino says and walks to Alya. I roll my eyes and follow him.

"Where's Mari?" I ask. "She said she was going to the restroom, She's been in there a while. The girls went to go check on her." Alya says. "You didn't go?" "I said I'd wait here in case she came back."

"She's not in the restroom. We looked everywhere." Chloe says as she walks over to us with Juleka and Rose following her. "Well someone better find my fiancé. I want to dance with her."

"That's the only reason you want to find her?" I ask annoyed. "Well yeah. We need as much practice as we can get. The weddings almost here." "You don't even care if she's okay?" "I know her. She's okay."

"You don't know her at all." "I know her better than you. We grew up together. I know everything about her."

"Whatever. While you're here going on about how well you think you know your fiancé who doesn't even want to marry you, I'm gonna go find my girlfriend." I say and walk away.

"He's here." "How do you know it's him?" "Who else will tell Prince Luka off?" "Where did he go?" Tom asks. "He just left the ballroom. He's probably going after Marinette."

"Where is she?" "I thought you were watching her!" "I told you to keep an eye on her Sabine!" "Just get the guards while I follow him! We can't loose him."

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