Chapter 23: Marinette Needs To Find Out

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"Your Majesties, there is a man outside who requests to speak to you." A guard says. "Send him in." I say. The guards nods and walks out.

"Where's my son?" He asks as soon as he walks in. "The baker. What a pleasure." I say sarcastically. "I asked you a question. Where is my son?" "What makes you think we know where he is?" "He went to your ball and never came back home."

"I don't recall seeing him there. Do you Tom?" "No, I don't." "What did you do to my son?!" He shouts. "We didn't do anything to him. I haven't seen him since I went to your bakery."

"I know you did something." "What would I get out of taking your son?" "You want Marinette to marry the Prince and you think my son is getting in the way of that." I feel my palms start to get sweaty as my heart rate for increases. Keep calm Sabine. He has no proof.

"I don't like how you're accusing us of such a thing." "And I don't like how you're keeping my son from me." "Guards! Escort him out!" Tom shouts and guards rush into the room.

"I just want my son back! Please! He's the only family I have left!" "We don't have him." "You're lying! I hope all of you go to hell!" He shouts as the guards drag him out.

"Should we lock him up? He knows too much." "He doesn't know anything. He's just assuming." "What if he tells the authorities?" "Did you forget you're the King? You're in charge of all the authorities, Tom." "Sabine-" "Just trust me with this."


"Where are you going Marinette?" My parents ask as I walk towards the door. "I'm just going for a walk." "Where?" "It may or may not be in town square." "No!" My mom quickly shouts. "I know you don't like me leaving the castle, but if you're going to make me become Queen then I need to have more freedom."

"You can't go to the town square." "Why not?" "Because we forbid you to." "Father-" "Go to your room. You are not allowed to leave the castle until you become Queen."

"That's not fair!" "I don't care if it's not fair. You will listen to me whether you like it or not. Now go up to your room." I sigh and walk back upstairs. "And Luka will be here soon so get out of your mood!" My mom shouts.


"Hey Marinette." "What do you want Luka?" I ask annoyed. "I came by to see if you wanted to take a walk around the castle with me?" "No." "We can go by the pond. I know how much you love it there."

"Used to." "Hm?" "I used to love it there." "You don't anymore? I thought that was your favorite spot." "Luka that was years ago. I haven't liked the pond since the scent of the fish got worse."

"Oh. Well we can go eat at those fancy restaurants you adore." "I'm not hungry and I don't like fancy things." "But you've always loved fancy stuff." "That was when I first found out I was royal."

"Well what if we-" "I do not wish to do anything that involves you." "But-" "You may see yourself out now." "Marinette I just want to spend time with you." "And like I said. I don't want to spend time with you. So please leave me alone." "Our wedding is in less than 2 weeks. We should at least spend a little time with each other."

"Luka enough with the wedding talk. I'm not marrying you." "What do you see in him?" "What are you talking about?" "What do you see in Adrien?"

It's been 1 week and 3 days without Adrien. This is the first time someone brought him up to me since dance practice. I tried my hardest to get him out of my mind, but I just can't. I am completely and utterly in love with Adrien Agreste. I always will be.

I don't know why I'm still thinking of him when I haven't even gotten at least an apology text. I can't believe him. I told Nino to tell him that I wasn't mad, but I am. I can't believe he'd come up with the idea and then leave me there all alone. I can't believe he'd make me wait hours for him without so much as a text letting me know he's not coming.

"Marinette?" "I'm sorry. What did you say?" "I asked what you saw in him?" "Well for starters, he'd help if someone's mother went missing." "You're never gonna let that go are you?" I shake my head.

"Is there anything I can do to make you forgive me?" "N- Actually yes." "What is it? I'll do anything Marinette." "Convince my parents to let me out of the castle." "Come on. You know I can't do that."

"Then you must not care." "I do Marinette. I'm in love with you for crying out loud! Of course I care." He says as he cups my face with his hand. "Then tell them to let me go to the town square Luka." I say as I move his hand back to his side. He sighs. "I'll see what I can do." He says and walks out of my room.

"Your Majesties." I say as I bow to them. "We'll be family soon. There's no need to bow to us anymore." Tom says. "Sorry." "What is it you need?" Sabine asks. "Marinette wants to walk through town square."

Tom and Sabine look at each other and back at me and quickly shake their heads. "That's not possible." "Why not?" "As you know, we have Adrien in the dungeon." "Yes, but I don't see what that has to do with this."

"Well his father came by earlier and he accused us of taking him." "But you did take him." "He has no proof of that!" Sabine says. "What she means is that if Marinette goes to town square then she will for sure go to their bakery looking for Adrien. We don't want his father to tell her anything."

"Why do you want her to go there?" "She told me she'll only forgive me if I convince you to let her leave." "This could be a good opportunity to get Luka closer to our daughter, Sabine." "Maybe we can start the next phase." "What's the next phase?" I ask. "Marinette needs to find out."

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